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myOtaku.com: setosgrl19

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Red Sky
I know what lies beneath, I've seen the flash of teeth.
Conspiring with the reef to sink our ship.
The wind's a cheating wife,
Her tongue, a thirsty knife.
And she could take your life with one good kiss.

Can you see the sky turn red?
As morning's light breaks over me.
Know tonight we'll make our bed,
At the bottom of the sea.

I know the ocean speaks,
(The stars retreat behind their veil)
I've heard her call to me
(The clouds are clinging to your sail)
And smiling in my dream
(The storm is coming can you see)
She whispers this.

Can you see the sky turn red?
As morning's light breaks over me.
Know tonight we'll make our bed,
At the bottom of the sea.

Look and see the sky turn red.
Like blood, it covers over me.
And soon the sea shall give up her dead.
We'll raise an empire from the bottom of the sea

"Red Sky"

Another great song d^-^b I also love "Image of the Invisible" by them =3 I hope this wasn't creepy, like the other one was to some of you....>.>'

Well, how does everyone like my new theme? Yeah, I wasn't referring to the other one as cute, that's the one I found un-romantic...XP This one's such a cute idea...I mean, the art isn't really all that bad, looking back on it, especially since it looks like most of it was done by hand, but...Ah, well, it's adorable X3
What do you guys think? ^.^

Hmmm...I need to get some working music on my site that I actually like...I don't remember if I took off "My Will" or not, but it wasn't playing anyway...-.-' Does anyone know where I can get music codes in that .midi form myO wants it in?

Hehe, anime night again tonight!
That means Pokemon (probably X3), both episodes of Naruto, Shin-chan (which isn't really anime, but I find it pretty funny most of the time XD), Trinity Blood, and Bleach...I don't remember if they have FMA on, but if they do, I'm still not going to watch it, because it's probably going to be on late, and I need to sleep again tonight...I got roughly 8-9 hours of sleep last night, so I'm content...Yeah, I didn't go to bed until a little past midnight, so...and I was up in the middle of the night because I couldn't breathe through my nose...Ugghhh...hate being sick...and the orange juice we have tastes funny, but it's being forced down my throat nonetheless...>.>'

Oh, yeah, the computer guy is coming today...so my computer SHOULD be fixed and I can go back to the 568 pictures I have saved on there...Ehehe...Can you guess what roughly 200 of them are...? X3
Then again, I think I told you all how badly the guy does his job...last time, he dropped a screw in the computer, so he had to take everything out to find it, and even then, it took him about half an hour...and he STILL didn't fix the computer, and he had no idea what was wrong with it...Well, I'm not going to get my hopes up, but...*crosses fingers* Hopefully, he'll do it right this time...

Okay, comments!
I've decided to bold AND increase the size of the names, since you could barely tell the difference before, I hope this helps everyone!

JHCEO-san(Riceball-san) - Haha, I love reading your comments XD Yeah, that's the un-yaoi-y one...-.-' Yeah, I know...my chem teacher is really sweet, but she's sorta...out of it...from what I heard from one of the seniors, it's not unusual for her to have a hangover or not be there because her hangover's so bad...XD Haha, you're just going to murder poor Soubi...I like how he is with Kyo, but...I think I have to do community service, too...we have to have a certain amount of hours of community service by the end of senior year, so I have 4 years to do it, but all the same...XD XDDD YAY! I HAVE A FAN...THING!! XDDDD I HAVE A FAN-RICEBALL!! XD

CloserCloser-san - Aww, thanks so much, I'm happy, because you like all my bgs X3 *hugs*

JD-sama - Haha, we'll be watching anime, while thinking of ways the characters could hook up in a yaoi-ful way...XD It's okay, you're already Bev's fanboy ^-^

J - See, I told you...it's going around all the frehsman...AHHH!! IT'S THE FRESHMAN VIRUS!! XD And yep, that's the lowest grade I've ever gotten, PERIOD...T-T

EvilGuys-san - *glomps* YAY! You're back! Hehe, if you can draw Hellsing yaoi, I trust you'd tell me, my friend...XD Computer's ALMOST fixed...>.>' And yes, hopefully we can chat more now I have access to Internet, even though it's through this ancient, lunky machine!

Lytjuh-sama - Haha! Congrats, you read my entire post! XD *throws confetti everywhere* Hehe, yes, I was having to wipe the drool off my keyboard every time I typed the word...XD

Okay, now it's questions time!

1 - This bg's much better, ne? X3

2 - What is the lowest grade you ever recieved on a test/quiz for school?

3 - Do any of you think the songs I post are too cryptic?
(And JD-san, don't include this in your comment, because it will take up too much space XD)
If people don't really know me that well, and they just know me as the person who's always laughing and making others laugh, and is kind of dorky, etc (Becuase I'm a nerd XD), they're always SHOCKED when they find out that I listen to music like that XD

4 - Were any of you surprised? (J already knew the kind of music I listened, to, so..)


1 - Oh, yes, MUCH better...*drool*

2 - 56....T-T

3 - I don't really think a lot of it's creepy, but the ones that I do, I enjoy the creepiness, so...

4 - I was AMAZED when I found out what kind of music I listened to!! XD

Take care, everyone, and if you read this all the way through, you deserve a cookie *gives reader a cookie*

Comments (7)

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