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*blinks, looks around* Um, I'm not sure ^^'
Member Since
Real Name
Getting into the school I wanted and placing in all Phase 5's (Hehe, notice it's all based on school and grades and such...I have no other strong point XP)
Anime Fan Since
2nd grade, I guess
Favorite Anime
Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Escaflowne, Avatar, Loveless, Full Moon O Sagashite, Hellsing, and anything by Miyazaki (Haha, I'm pretty open-minded as far as anime goes ^^) I also love the Crossroad mangas...they're so awesome <3
To become a writer someday, learn bass (after getting one!) and to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently
Reading and writing, drawing, listening to music (Japanese and English), watching TV (usually animated), hanging out with my friends, going online, playing with computer software, tinkering with computer hardware
Writing, talking REALLY fast, finding new and stupid ways to say things...oh, and I CAN SEE IN THE DARK! O-O Spooky, ne? ^^
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Saturday Nite Riot
Hey, hey, this is everything today.
You've got nothing to complain about,
You've got nothing to say,
So this had better be good or you better be quiet, yeah.
Cause baby I'm not standing in your way.
We could paint this city red,
Or we could drown it out in grey.
If Friday night is a bust, Saturday is a riot, yeah.
Oh Emily, oh I love you for your apathy.
How you sell it in your diary.
It's no secret, you can't die if your life's a mystery.
Emily, now you're starving for some sympathy,
And you think you've got it worse than me,
But you'll see that you can't live if your life's a tragedy.
Hey, hey, girl you're driving me insane.
You're obnoxious when they're pretty.
You're ecstatic when they're plain.
But this is my design, this is my roller coaster, yeah.
And you said, "I won't be happy till I'm dead."
But I told you once before,
And girl I meant it when I said,
I don't wanna be close I just wanna be closer, yeah.
Oh Emily, oh I love you for your apathy.
How you sell it in your diary.
It's no secret, you can't die if your life's a mystery.
Emily, now you're starving for some sympathy,
And you think you've got it worse than me,
But you'll see that you can't live if your life's a tragedy.
All alone and very ordinary. (So very.)
When your duress is your sanctuary,
(You've got all wrong.)
You've got it wrong.
But I've never been the type to walk away so fast,
'Cause there's no way out until I shout...
Oh Emily, I only love you for your apathy.
How you sell it in your diary.
It's no secret, you can't die if your life's a mystery.
Emily, now you're starving for some sympathy,
And you think you've got it worse than me,
But you'll see that you can't live if your life's a tragedy.
"Saturday Nite Riot"
-The Pink Spiders
One of my absolute favorite bands, the Pink Spiders...some of you also may know their songs "Little Razorblade" and "Modern Swinger" - they blend a little bit of older rock styles with new stuff and awesome lyrics...and the guys in the band are crazy, so the shows are great, too (Not that I've been to one...T 3T)
Well, I haven't been getting many visits lately, I don't know if noone's on, or if I'm being avoided, but either way....>.>'
I am feeling much better today, if anyone other than Katie and my imooto-chan were worried...>.>'
For those of you that did comment on this weekend's posts, I send my utmost thanks, because your comments did help me out a little bit...
But again, the person who played the biggest role in my feeling better was my beloved imooto-chan - her PMs always make me feel better, and she sent me about a million of them yesterday and the day before *grin*
And I want to make a little dedication to Yamis Pharaohess, her computer wasn't letting her comment on my post, but instead of just letting it go, she took the initiative to send me a PM, and that really meant a lot to me, so I want to thank her very much ^-^ *hugs for imooto-chan and Pharaohess-sama*
Well, what does everyone think of the new theme? It's Loveless, but I'm going to change it again soon...and I don't think it'll be Hellsing this time O.O I know, heheh...
But then again, it might be...*grin* Never know...
But I am going to use an avatar that I made myself...I'm so proud, I'm learning how to make avatars now, too ^-^ They're not GREAT, but I'm pretty proud of them ^-^
Well, I discovered something that I think only JD-sama and I will find interesting, but WHO CARES, I have to post it if it has anything remotely somewhat, somehow, in a distant universe, to deal with Alucard-sama ^-^
I think you all know by now that Alucard-sama's VA is Crispin Freeman - JD-sama's and my favorite VA...Crispin Freeman also plays Holland in Eureka 7, and several other voices that I cannot remember at the time, but I know that most of them are big, serious characters...yeah...
So...I was watching Naruto last night, and I heard Ebisu talking...and I was thinking "Hmm...where do I remember his voice from?" Of course, my first thought was Crispin Freeman, my first thought is ALWAYS Crispin Freeman when I'm trying to place a male VA...
But I dismissed it, I said "No, he wouldn't possibly play EBISU, the weird little pervert in Naruto..."
So....listening to it more, I said "This really souunds like him..." So I compared his voice to Holland's and Alucard-sama's voices (In my head, of course...yeah, I don't think you all realize just HOW OFTEN I watch Hellsing...heheh...) and I knew it...just to be sure, I checked the credits...and there he was...CRISPIN FREEMAN writeen in the little white letters under "Additional Voices"
.........WHY???? *sniffle* There goes some of my respect for him...
I mean...okay, Alucard-sama - very serious, dark, scary...(Translates in my mind to hot, sexy, adorable...X3) then Holland...a little less serious, dark, and scary, but still decently so...then...EBISU??? Perverted, weird, creepy...(Heheh, at least the "scary" factor's still there *grin*)
Well, there's my nerdy fangirlish ranting for the month...Hehe
All right, nothing much left to say, so I will finally do...
JD-sama - What's a Hitachi Magic Wand...? o-o And thank you so much for saying that I'm a good person, it means a lot ^-^ ...You already knew the thing about Ebisu, didn't you? Haha
J-chan - You lucky dog...Highspeed...*sniffle* I want hispeed, AOL sucks so bad...T 3T And I couldn't go to the game, it was cancelled...stupid rain...T 3T
Lytjuh-sama - I'm feeling better now, as you can probably tell, haha...But I just might PM you when I feel this way again...because I know I will, and I know that you went through it recently, so I know you could probably help me, and I appreciate the offer ^-^ And onii-chan is my ONII-CHAN, hahah, not just a friend *grin* Yeah, those dance tickets were about $10 a pop, there was NO WAY...hahah...I'll try to stay out of trouble...*smirk* Try...XD
Katie - Thanks, and I'm sorry you weren't feeling great, either...I'm here on IM, and I will be for another...*checks timer* hour and 54 minutes, so...yeah, like I said before, today's my 3-hour day *smile* And if you want to call me sometime today, it's weekend time, so you can if you want *hug*
Imooto-chan - Haha, I told you, I'm GIFTED!! That's how I can write so long XD Yeah, I don't understand anything about football at all, I'm just there to talk to people, hahah ^-^ And thanks again for everything, you know it means the world to me ^-^ ANSWER ALL 5 OF MY PMS!!! XD
Riceball-kun - Well, it's an improvement, 2 verses is better than nothing, hahah ^-^ Yep, I love winter...although...did you know that winter often signifies death in writing...? *grin* You know I had to make it dark somehow, hahaha...Yes, Riceball-kun, you know all the nerdy guys at my school do NAUGHTY THINGS...XDD Yeah, just kidding (Although I trust that most of you knew that...o-O') Haha...I normally don't go to dances, either, but still...*glomps Alucard-sama* Nothing scares him, he's the No-Life King X3 And here's your questions right....HERE *look down*
....Finally XD
1 - Do you ever miss your old school? (It could be your middle school if you’re in HS now, elementary if you’re in middle, or any of your previous schools if you’ve changed schools while in the same level of schooling) If you’re out of school, do you miss school at all?
2 - Do you tend to be more passive or more aggressive? (NO, you are not allowed to be just assertive, it’s one or the other, people!!! It’s supposed to be difficult!!)
1 - Ahhh, I miss MOT…I never thought I’d say it, but I miss most of the people there so much…*tear* And I miss actually knowing where I’m going and being able to find my way around the school without a second thought…I miss knowing all the teachers and students personally and vice versa, and I miss being the oldest grade there…*sniffle* Now I’m the confused little freshman T 3T And I get absolutely no respect from anyone…Not that I really ask for any, to be honest…>.>’
2 - I am DEFINITELY passive…Ahaha, I am the most pathetic little doormat you have ever seen, believe me! XD Haha, it’s because of the low self-esteem and the whole thing about being extremely shy ^.^'
Well, take care, everyone, I'm off to visit sites!
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