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Dark Axis
Member Since
Grunt Whaking, Zako!
Real Name
Sergeant Sora
finished halo 2 on legendary, all levels. Written 127 A4 page halo fan fic
Anime Fan Since
1998 (year 5 for me)
Favorite Anime
Gundam Force, DBZ
join the air force, draw my own stuff to put on my own walls
warhammer 40000, drawing, writing
apart from drawing and writing, i kick arse in chess; and I'm a pretty good engineer student. Oh, and I really am a Sergeant in Air Cadets. But i suck at maths.
| SGT Sora Sokudo
Greetings, and welcome to my Gundam Force/DBZ/halo fan art/fic site. I am new, and hope to make a few friends; i may not have much up at the moment, but I am working on it; thanks for visiting!
As you may notice, I will often (more than 90% of the time) speak as SGT. Sora Sokudo, my SD Gundam Force fan character. If you read through my posts, you'll get a highly detailed bio of Sora and some of the things she does; I'll end up putting some fics up with Sora in them.
Please leave a note in my guest book; I get asll happy when people leave notes ^___^
have a nice day, Zako!!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Some kewl Poll Results I got
 The Wanderer...
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 you represent the dreams in life. you are laid back and also dream alot.
What part of life do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a werewolf!
You are strong and helpful.
You have a twisted personality.
What is your inner magical being??? lots of results and all that good stuff!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 You are water. You are laid back. You are friendly and very fun to be around because you listen. You do what others usually do and don't really mind but when you know it's something wrong you usually just don't. You aren't the most social person but you aren't a mean person either. All in all your a nice generous person and you are liked.
What's your Element? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tansformers Transfixiation
Heh, if you knew me, you'd never believe me if I said I'm now an offcial member of the whole "Transfandom" thing (someone on Deviantart dubbed me :P).
I used to absoloutley loathe Transformers; but I got into the whole mecha side of things in anime, and decided to give Transformers another chance. And now I love it!
I've bought DVDs 2,3 and 4 in the Armada series, and have the first half the Beast Wars season 1 on my computer. I've also got the movie on my computer of Transformers, and a few of the G1 eps too. I really want to buy them (G1) on DVD in a box set one day. Also, I've watched 1 ep of the Cybertron series; I wasn't too impressed with it, but maybe I jsut saw a crap episode in the show - it's only on once a week, and I have to drag my butt out of bed a 6 in the moring to watch it on Saturday; so I've missed alot of episodes... but yes, I'm still assessing the Cybertron series.
Also, I went spastic in K-Mart when I saw the Armada Starscream for $109; it looked really kewl (I collect things, and put them on my shelf... it's just a thing I do, to buy a model, or plushie or something related, of my current favourite animes and TV shows). It was a huge mode;/toy thing, and there were others there too, but heh, of course I'm a Starscream/Decepticon fan nonetheless. I might get it in Coffs Harbour if I see it in the Toy World up there... I couldn't buy it at the time, because if I did my mother would probably stab me with the friggin thing and make me return it all bloodied... in other words, I'd have my arse kicked in so far I'd probably crap out my mouth... like Cartman.
And it's so kewl, one of the new teachers at our school is absoloutley into Transformers (he has an Autobot T-shirt he wears now and then), and he does awesome ink drawings; he did one of Optimus Prime and coloured it on Photoshop. It was frikkin awesome.
Anyways, I'm still into SD Gundam Force and the like, I finally got my plushie of Gundam from the SD Gundam (original) series. It's so cute! Now I just have to stop my cats from using it as some sort of clawing toy thingy.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Very Angry Me
There are people who I'd say hate SDGf, but, I wish they wouldn't vote 'no' on art works of anyones because they're such bias mother truckers.
I think this voting system Otaku's got is crap, and I think people should have the choise to turn it on or off on thier account.
To all the people out there who despise and are bias to SDGF of any description: grow up, it's just a TV show designed to entertain young kids.
That alos goes for other mangas and anime and games; just coz you hate it, doesn't mean you should vote no on someone else's art work, which, they obviously took the effort to produce. Give the people credit for thier efforts, by at least NOT voting if you're going to be such an A-hole about it.
So let's hope you bias people all grow brains.
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Featured Quiz Result:
Considering there isn't a huge variety of main female characters in DB, DBZ or DBGT compared to te male selection, i think it's quite accurate ^_^