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Dark Axis
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Grunt Whaking, Zako!
Real Name
Sergeant Sora
finished halo 2 on legendary, all levels. Written 127 A4 page halo fan fic
Anime Fan Since
1998 (year 5 for me)
Favorite Anime
Gundam Force, DBZ
join the air force, draw my own stuff to put on my own walls
warhammer 40000, drawing, writing
apart from drawing and writing, i kick arse in chess; and I'm a pretty good engineer student. Oh, and I really am a Sergeant in Air Cadets. But i suck at maths.
| SGT Sora Sokudo
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
SD Gundam Force Ranting
Sora: Oh lookie, I did another quiz at another site (SDGF fan site) and I got this result: *prays picture will show*
 You're the Goof Ball! Lookie, you're Bakunetsumaru the Blazing Samurai (Boy, that's a mouthful)
You're pretty adorable with your clulessness to things that other ppl know of. But that's why everyone loves you! But they better look out, because you have a temper that's as hot as the sun!!
Which SD Gundam Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Whoo-hoo! It worked =^.^=
Now onto other stuff :P Hmm, let's see... random topic... eni meni miny mo... poke a zako in the eye, if he sqweals let him die... The random topic is... ten ways to cause a car crash with peanut butter!!
These are in no particular order:
1. Knock out a bus driver with peanut butter jar while crossing the intersection with heavy traffic
2. cover a driver's eyes with peanut butter
3. While someone is driving, shove peanut butter down thier pants (mwuhahahahaha... but that is kinda gross), they won't be able to stand this, they'll be destracted and a Mack truck will run over thier car.
4. Spread 100 jars of peanut butter over all the windows and mirros while on a freeway
5. stack a million jars of peanut butter across an 8 lane highway like a barricade
6. clog the motor of a zillion cars with peanut butter
7. put peanut butter into the fuel tank of a zillion cars
8. put a jar of peanut butter UNDER the brake and a box of peanut butter jars ON the accelerator of a truck
9. Fire peanut butter heat seeking missiles into the rush hour traffic
10. Start a peanut butter Ninja war in the middle of the road
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Sora's Favourite Quotes
Sora: Here are a few of my favourite quotes I've heard or randomly made up. Some are wierd, others are plain as day and some are just... stupid.
1. "If people can be crazy lunatics, than so can Gundams." --> Some genius said this to me once when I went in for a check-up.
2. "If it doesn't fit in your mouth, it's certainly not going to fit out of your arse." --> My mother told this to me when I was younger and liked to eat everything and anything.
3. "You're an idiot. Why? Because only idiots get lost three metres from the front door." --> My mean brother
4. "Squirel that run up woman's leg find no nuts." --> Chinese dude
5. "If you see a timer with 15 seconds or more on it, try and de-arm it. If you see a timer with less than 15 seconds on it, run like hell and pray it's a dud." --> Red Zako told this to me when I was new around D.A.
6. "I'll rip your eyes out." --> moi =^.^=
7. "I'll rip your eyes out and shove them down your pants so you can watch me kick your arse." --> I pinched this off a friend some time ago. I heard it after quote 7.
8. "If you see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, then tell your friend to stop shinning the torch in your eyes."
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Psycho Day
SGT Sora's Dairy Entry 12MAY05
Not To Self: Do NOT Allow Chute to print this entry off like last time... and end up being called wierdo by Bakunetsumaru... Such things are not good...
Today was a psycho day. First, my cat shat on the floor for the 822nd day in a row. I have no plausible reason why it just won't use the kitty litter to crap in; it piddles fine, but noooooooo when it comes to doing a giant poop, it prefers the tiles instead.
After cleaning the poop up (I'm kipping at Ash's house in a wood not too far from Neotapia City) I went to the power station and sucked up some of the energy; my powercells got super charged! Woot! (To me, it's the equivalent of eating a kilo or so of sugar! Crazy stuff.) I ran all the ay to Chute's house, and found out that there had been a large power failure across neotopia... I didn't mention what I got spyched up on earlier... but I had fun chasing Captain Gundam (I didn't have any particular reason for chasing him; it was just one of those random things I do now and then) and I beat Zero at poker (only coz i cheated and used another deck...), then, after being told by chute not to walk on the walls because it freaked out the other people, I decided to sit an Baku's head for about half an hour, until I accidently pulled his helmet off.
When that happened, I screamed so loud the window in the work shop cracked. I thought i had ripped Baku's head off by accident or something... jebus that gave me the willies. I was running through the house screaming, until Zero investigated the 'headless Bakunetsumaru'. He explained to me that Baku had merely had his helmet removed, and that no damage was done.
Of course, the craziness didn't stop there. After setting fire to Chute's kitchen - I attempted to cook bread in the microwave; i didn't know bread was flammable... - they decided to remove one of my power cells to try and calm me down. Well, after they rang Ashlee and asked her to come and convice me not to lock myself in the attic (where I continued to make wierd nosies; I was freaking out Bakunetsumaru), they eventually pinned me to the gorund; they threatedned to make me drink water if i didn't stop chewing Zero's arm can you believe it!!
Well, they were successful in removing one of six powercells... until Bellwood explained to them that if it wasn't allowed to lose it's supercharge there was a chance it would become unstable and cause it to rupture the case causing a neuclear explosion. They quickly reurned the powercell and let me run free again.
Once my sixth powercell was replaced, I gave everyone (including Entengo) a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I have no idea why I did that. I need to stop supercharging my powercells... i get too hypo.
For the rest of the day, I decided to hang around Baku. He was eating rice balls, and when I took a bite from his he glared at me then poke his tougue out then swallowed the rest in one bite. I disapeared for about 15 minutes, and returned with a giantrice ball the size of a small car which was ballanced above my head on a huge sheet of metal. Baku sat there for 5 minutes, 33 seconds and 12 miliseconds looking at it with huge eyes. When I said I made it just for him, he blinked and stared at it for about another minute. And they call me wierd...
By the time Baku had finished the giant rice ball off, I was a little less hypo; I was able to sit for a period of time without twitching. Baku saw under a tree polishing his swords; I sat next to him X3 I lent him my Autosol; the best stuff made EVER to polish metal. It's ten times better than other polishes; I use it to polish my equipment and SD unifrom. I Like Baku's red armour... it's so... hansom *_*
Goddammit! I wish I didn't just record that... what happens if someone else reads it?? Oh well, i'll protect this entry with 3 passwords or something.
Bak to the topic now that I've resolved that issue...
Anyways. As I was saying. Baku liked Autosole once I showed him how super-duper shiny it made metal. We sat there for quite a while polishing out stuff; eventually I became kinda tired (down side of being supercharged; once you reach normal levels of energy and begin to deplete those, you feel tired) and I slowly drifted into a nap. Poor Baku; I accidently leant on him when I fell asleep; he must have felt a little akward with a sleepy Gundam leaning on him.
Next thing ya know, I woke up in Chute's work shop on a matress. A note was left next to the bed. It said:
'Er... you fell asleep and spilled Autosol all over yourself... I would have cleaned it off, but i know you'd probably break my neck if I used water to wash it off. You might want to have a look where it got spilt; you'll see why I left it there.'
Sure enough, I was embarrased before I even lifted the blakets of me to see where I had spilt autosol... it was all doqn my front and... well... where humans would consider peronal. Thankfully I'm a Gundam; but it was still quite embarrasing. I cleaned up and re-polished all my armour, then hid in the attic again, but I was quiet as a mouse. They all thought I had left, but I had actually fallen asleep again. I woke up at about 10pm at night; little did i realise Chute and the Gundams were watching some horror movie. I came out of the attic noce and quiet so as not to wake anyone sleeping, and went into the lounge room; I couldn't help myself... I snuck up them and scared the crap outta them just at one of those high-tension moments ^_^
Ah well, that's enough for one dairy entry thing.
Over and Out, SGT Sora!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Yep, that's my new name for rice balls! Mostly coz I had a tiff that those japanese rice ball things don't look like balls. I went all cryptomaniancal the other day, and made up uber long or uber wierd words (like crytomaniacal for example!!)
Some other words: Triphlongenic, Endiocrystatistics, Teriostentastic, Blouf, Heratetrateragontal prism & tetropluraldistic squibfiindlerer.
Whadoya think of those teratetfrantristic words?
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
SDGF Fan Fic , Part One 'The Zealous SGT. Sora, Zako!'
Just before you read the story: 1. yes I know in the real SDGF show there is no control tower, but i wrote this before i watched all the episodes, and I plan to change the part where Sora flies into the window to flying into the Gundanium cable thingy ^.^ Other than that... I think it's pretty acurate. Oh, and if for some random reason you see 'Gun wing' it's supposed to be Guneagle'; I'm pretty sure i corrected that wierd error (I got confused for some stupid reason), but if i missed one, don't be confused like me.
Bakunetsumaru, Zero and Captain Gundam were in the control tower at the highest peak of the flying base. Captain Gundam was standing in front of the large window viewing the cloud cover while thinking. He tried to ignore Zero and Bakunetsumaru arguing.
‘Well Maybe if you didn’t try to fix the water mains by yourself like that we wouldn’t have a GIANT SWIMMING POOL on the flying base!’ Zero argued having a tiff at Baku.
Bakunetsumaru fumed, ‘It’s not my fault we don’t have handy men on base! And besides, you’re to blame as well!’
Zero laughed, ‘Ha! Me? Yeah right! I wasn’t the one who used a bandsaw to cut the mains open the mains, then throw a stick of water proof dynamite down it to unclog the pipes!’
‘You could have prevented me from doing it! See, you are partially to blame for the mess! I didn’t know that dynamite would cause such damage!’
‘I went to turn off the mains so we could go down and unclog the pipes ourselves!’
‘You’re making that up!’
‘Am not! Unlike you I don’t take short cuts when it comes to chores, lazy!’
‘Watch who you’re calling lazy, little boy blue!’
Captain Gundam couldn’t ignore the pair’s bickering any longer. ‘Please take your argument outside, and while you’re out there, start mopping up the water. It’s all over the base.’
Zero and Baku looked over at Captain with dismay. ‘But, but-’ Zero tried to protest.
‘No buts; go outside and clean up, I can’t think with you two bickering in here.’ Captain Gundam said and glared at them. ‘Now go please.’
Zero and Baku headed for the elevator, defeated and grumbling. As the doors opened to the elevator, Captain Hiro walked through; he greeted the two Gundams.
The pair quickly hopped in the elevator; Captain Gundam could hear their bickering echoing up the shaft.
Captain Hiro walked over to Captain Gundam. ‘Greetings, Captain Gundam; Zero and Bakunetsumaru are arguing again I see?
Captain Gundam looked up at Hiro. ‘Unfortunately it seems so… but I sent them outside to clean up the spill Bakunetsumaru caused; perhaps they will learn a little team work..’
Without warning, something very hard appeared out of the cloud cover and impacted with the large reinforced glass window. The loud noise of metal on glass and the sudden appearance of a white, light blue and grey thing made the two Captains jump back in fright.
‘Aaaaaaah!’ they yelled in fright.
Captain Gundam was startled. ‘What the…! Was that a giant seagull!?’
The two approached the cracked window and looked down as best they could. They couldn’t see directly below the tower, but they looked around anyway.
Captain Gundam put his hand on the cracks. ‘What ever it was must have been very hard to cause this special glass to crack.’
‘It sort of looked like… a flying robot.’ Hiro replied bewildered.
Sora was flying along , minding her own business. She closed her eyes and sang ‘I’m blue da-ba-de-da-ba-di, da-ba-di; I-have-a-blue-house-with-a-blue-window, blue-is-the-colour-of-all-that-’
‘Wha!’ She managed to shout as she bounced off something hard before going into a daze.
She fell to the ground stunned. She was out of the world after hitting a supposedly solid cloud. ‘What the …uuuurgh… since when do clouds feel like a brick wall…’
Zero and Bakunetsumaru had grabbed two mops on their way out of the control tower from a janitor’s closet.
‘What’s the point of having a janitor’s closet if there isn’t a janitor in the first place?’ whinged Bakunetsumaru.
‘So people like you and me can use the janitor’s closet perhaps?’ Zero replied. ‘Besides; there are janitors. Just not ones that require one of these mops; they’re cleaning robots. I’ve seen them around you know; they have their own cleaning utensils.’
Bakunetsumaru was grumpy. ‘Well, why don’t they come and clean the mess?’
The pair walked out of the tower. Zero spotted something not far off. ‘Hey, what’s that?’
‘What’s what?’ Bakunetsumaru asked, scratching his head.
Zero put one hand on Baku’s head and turned it towards a large puddle of water where something white, light blue and grey lay in a heap.
Bakunetsumaru panicked when he saw the heap. ‘Oh no, don’t tell me…’
‘It’s a Gundam!’ Zero interrupted. ‘They must have slipped and knocked themselves out; I hope they’re okay!’
The pair hurried over to the robot; Zero poked it with the end of his mop. The robot moved a little and groaned.
‘Uuuunng… stupid… cloud…’ it moaned.
‘Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?’ Bakunetsumaru asked.
The robot sat up, holding it’s head still a bit dazed. ‘I… I… I flew into a solid cloud… how weird…’
Zero was partially relieved that the robot hadn’t hurt themselves from slipping over; but her was still worried about it apparently flying into something. ‘Oh so you didn’t slip in the puddle of water and hurt yourself then? That part is a relief!’
Suddenly the robot’s eyes snapped open; she was completely awake now. Slowly, she looked down at the ground around her.
‘What’s wrong?’ Baku asked, unsure at why the robot had a sudden change of behaviour.
All of a sudden, the robot jumped up screaming and flapping her arms. ‘Aaaagh! W-W-WATEEEEEER! Ee! Ee! Ee! Get it off! Get it off! Eiyiy!’
The apparently terrified robot jumped onto Bakunetsumaru’s head and stood their screaming. ‘Get me away from the water! Eeeeep!
Zero was rather surprised at the sudden change. ‘Whoa, calm down! It’s just a puddle of water.’
The robot looked at Zero with flames in her eyes. ‘Just a puddle…? JUST A PUDDLE!?’
Zero took a step back a little surprised. ‘Er…’ Oo!!
Bakunetsumaru held the sides of his head looking rather peeved. ‘Do you mind! That’s my head your stamping and bashing!’
Zero and Bakunetsumaru walked over to dry ground. ‘You can get off my head now you know.’ Baku pointed out to the robot.
The Robot held on tight to Bakunetsumaru’s yellow horns. ‘Are you sure the ground’s dry?
‘God; would like you me to do a freakin moisture content test? Off my head already! I don’t even know you.’ Bakunetsumaru complained.
Zero looked sideways at Baku and nudged him, ‘Hey Bakunetsumaru, I think she likes you…’
The girl robot on Bakunetsumaru’s head looked dangerously at Zero. ‘And what exactly are you implying by that?’
Baku was alarmed, ‘Don’t make her angry! I don’t want a squashed coke can for a head!’ he practically pleaded.
The robot reluctantly hopped of Bakunetsumaru’s head and shivered with dislike. ‘Uurgh… I hate water!’
Zero and Baku blinked. ‘…Right…’
From out of the bottom of the tower, Captain Gundam and Captain Hiro exited. They spotted Zero and Bakunetsumaru talking to an Air Force coloured Gundam with two wings on its head. They began to walk over to see who the stranger was.
‘Greetings Captains!’ Zero and Bakunetsumaru greeted together.
The strange robot tilted its head inquisitively. ‘Who’s frog-face and shortie?’ she asked.
Bakunetsumaru and Zero almost fell over at this question. The two Captains glared with a little annoyance.
Captain Hiro decided to answer the robot’s question. ‘Ahem… I am Captain Hiro, Commander of this flying base, and next to me is Captain Gundam, defender of Neotopia. By any chance, are you the one who impacted into the Control Tower’s window?’
The robot fumed, and flayed her arms in annoyance. ‘Flying base! CONTROL TOWER!? You mean you parked a giant military base INSIDE a CLOUD!? How the heck are people who fly supposed to avoid a twenty mega tonne hunk of metal and polymer reinforced fibre glass if they can’t see it! Are you CRAZY!? … I mean, my name’s Sergeant Sora Sokudo, Sir!’
She saluted the green-faced robot respectfully.
‘Please refrain from flapping your arms like that, you could hurt some one.’ Captain Gundam requested.
Bakunetsumaru rubbed his freshly clobbered face. ‘…Too late.’
Sora looked at Bakunetsumaru a little embarrassed. ‘Oops, sorry, bad habit I have.’
Captain Gundam explained things to Sora. ‘And technically, the law says that aeroplanes shouldn’t fly through clouds because it’s dangerous; you could fly into another aeroplane or be struck by lightning.’
The girl robot put her hands on her hips and closed her eyes agitated. ‘Well I’m no aeroplane; and my power cells would merely be supercharged by a lightning strike. You should at least put some signs up like “cloud made out of titanium ahead” or “caution: this cloud will cause concussion to unwary flyers” Hmph. Dom would have been very worried if I had gone and hurt myself again.’
Captain Gundam wasn’t sure if what he heard was correct. ‘Did you say “Dom”?’
The robot’s eyes twitched with impatience. ‘Do you want a hearing aid, or would you prefer me to spell it out to you? I said “Dom”; I’m his adopted sister. He’s very nice to me; so are Zapper Zaku and Gouf. You should meet them sometime, they’re very kind.
The little robot (well, little in the fact that she was slightly less bulky than the other Gundams) smiled gleefully. Everyone else’s face was an image of panic.
‘I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to leave.’ Captain Gundam said bluntly but almost neutrally.
Sora went very quiet. Her eyes slowly went from glee, to worry, to upset, to bawling. ‘It’s because you don’t like me isn’t it? WAAAAH! You could have just said so, instead of hiding it!’
Sora’s eyes brimmed with tears and sparkled; she was quiet again, for about four seconds, before she burst out crying again.
Captain Gundam was rather confused. ‘Why is she so upset!? And why is a Gundam so emotional; I didn’t know we were programmed to cry. Strange robot indeed.
Zero didn’t know what to do; Sora was in hysterics. ‘Captain! You’ve gone and upset her!’
‘Yes I can see that.’
Zero tried to reason with the Captain. ‘She has no emblem of the Dark Axis upon her! Perhaps she is not evil; she certainly doesn’t act evil; no villain I know of cries like they’re at a funeral…’
Not sure what to do in this situation, Captain Gundam felt awkward. He decided to try and comfort Sora, and went to pat her on the back.
Sora, now very angry, snapped at the Captain. ‘Hands off meanie! I’m gonna tell Dom on you!’
Captain Hiro, Zero and Bakunetsu’s eyes popped.
‘No-no-no-no-no-no-no! Don’t do that Sora!’ Zero waved his hands objectively.
In one quick movement Sora grabbed a small tubular thing on her waist which popped into a small metal stave and whacked Captain Gundam on the head with it.
Captain Hiro, who had been quiet for some time rather not wanting to get too involved, stared astonishment at Sora. She was a wild card, that’s for sure. ‘Oh my, that must have hurt…’
Zero and Bakunetsumaru also stared in shock. ‘Wow… I’m glad we never made her that angry Bakunetsumaru…’
Baku nodded slowly, still gawping at Sora and Captain (who knelt on the ground stunned, with stars in his eyes). ‘Yeah… that could have been my head!’
Sora’s plasma thruster-rods popped out from her back and flared up, ready to fly off.
Sniff! ‘I’ll be leaving now since no one likes me…’ Sora rocketed into the sky upset, with tears dropping off her armour.
Bakunetsumaru ran after her. ‘Wait! Come back! It’s just Captain Gundam! He has issues!’ But it was too later; she was already high in the sky.
Bakunetsumaru turned around; Captain Gundam looked at him with an unimpressed face. ‘Don’t look at me like that; you’ve just gone and upset Dom’s apparently adopted sister!’
Captain Hiro acted quickly. ‘Bakunetsumaru, Go get Guneagle; he can fly after her; if she tells Destroyer Dom what happened, it sounds like he’s going to get very angry; along with the other two Zako Commandos. We defiantly don’t want them coming to our flying base.’
Zero levitated. ‘I’ll follow her now, otherwise there’s no way we’re gonna find her. She’s very fast. Tell Guneagle to follow Bellwood’s locator; I’ll activate the one he gave me. That way Guneagle can follow my signal.’
Captain Hiro nodded, and Zero shot off after Sora. Captain Gundam watched Zero fly off. ‘What a mess we’re in.’
Bakunetsumaru’s eye twitched. Well maybe if you didn’t set her off like that Captain… She must have GPS or something, I swear…
Captain Gundam looked at Bakunetsumaru. ‘That was a she?’
Everyone fell over, their legs stuck in midair.
‘Captain Gundam contemplated Bakunetsumaru’s revelation. ‘Oh. Well, I still don’t understand her. She confuses me; I find her very hard to understand, I’ve never met another robot so… expressive.’
Captain Hiro was back on his feet. ‘Bakunetsumaru, there is no time to waste.’
Bakunetsumaru jumped to attention. ‘Right! Yes Sir! On my way!’ he ran off to fetch Guneagle.
‘Zero had gained a little on Sora. ‘Hey Sora! Come back!’ he yelled after her.
Sora Looked over her shoulder, ‘Leave me alone!’ she said, still very weepy. She sped up to out fly Zero.
Zero was a little cheesed. ‘Some one has to give Captain Gundam a lesson in psychology…’ he sped up as much as he could, but he pushed to keep up.
Sora had managed to increase the gap between herself and Zero. She was flying over a beach when she noticed something on the ground. ‘Pink Doga? What’s she doing? Huh? Looks like there’s a human riding her back.’
*** not finished, but I’ll type more soon ^_^*******
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Bakanetsumaru Animated GIF
I made an animation Bakunetsumaru; you can view it here --->
Baku's doing a sword dance (it looks like his attack, but it's not; I just added the flames to make it look cool) when Zero pops some magical out of this air, all over Baku; even Baku's swords are replaced by roses ^_^ it's 2. something MB, so if you're like me and have crappy dial up, you might want to open it in a separate window to let it load. The quality of the frames I made were downgraded to 255 colours when i saved the animation (coz that was the max colours allowed) so it looks kinda crappified in some areas).
I used the same Baku as in my new picture; only he has legs and I made new upper arms and resized his hip dressing thingo. I'll post a completed picture of him soon.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Quick Update
OOC: I jsut saw the last 16-18 episodes of SDGF so if some of my older posts seem a little... crap or have wrong information, it's because back then i had actually only seen like 1-2 episodes. It's only thanx to my friend (who tapped all but about 1-2 episodes of SDGF) that I was able to watch what I had missed out on, and I will go through my old posts in the next few days and error correct them; so please bear with me if you read something and it sounds really reall really stupid or just plain incorrect.
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Monday, April 4, 2005
SGT. Sora's Psyche Report
This is probably a very unuasual report for a robot to document, but, I guess it was bound to happen one day...
In this report, my visit to the psychologist is recorded; I had to go see him about my fear of water... and boy do i mean FEAR. I hate and fear water... horrible stuff!!
Zako Shrink: So Zako, You're SGT. Sora Sokudo, zako?
Sora: Mmmhmmm! ^_^
Zako Shrink: So tell me, why do you fear water?
Sora: *thinks a little bit* Daaaah... coz I do? O.o
Zako Shrink: That didn't answer my question, zako. Maybe some incident that you can recall involving water affected you badly? Think hard; it'll be in your hard drive somewhere.
Sora: Well, there was one incident I recall...
Zako Shrink: Go on, zako.
Sora: Well, it was when I was at my home world, Ebonite; I wasn't even old enough to join the Sky Force. I was at the beach, and I went to swim in the waves; the only problem was, I hadn't been taught to swim; I sunk to the bottom of the sea, and no one realised I was missing until about lunchtime. Then they pent three days looking all over the beack and the rocks; they didn't look in the water for some time. Do you know how scary it is being by yourself in the bottom of a deep, dark, slimy, creature filled rock hole in the sea? VERY SCARY! I missed my favourite TV show too..
*Zako Shrink offers Sora a flass of water* 'Want a drink zako?'
Sora: O.O AAAAAAARGHHHHHHHH! ZAKO! *jumps out of the recliner seat and clings to the roof* 'Are you stupid! I'm here o try and concour my fear, and you go and offer me a glass of my worst nigthmares!!! AND ROBOTS DON'T DRINK ANYWAY, ZAKO!!!'
Zako Shrink: O.o;;;; 'Opps, I forgot, zako...'
*after the Shrink conviced Sora to remove herself from the bnuilding, they began to talk again*
Zako Shrink: So um... Do you remember anything else bad that's ascocaiated with water?
Sora: *sarcastic* Yeah, this new planet named Earth is over 2/3 water!!!
It kind of ends there Zako, coz after that I found out what his hourly rate was; let's just say that that Zako is now in hospital, and the people three stories down heard me go off my head...
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
SGT. Sora's Bio
This is a rundown of me as a mecha; I'll tell you all about what I'm like, small parts of my history and little quirks. A shorter version of the last two posts, Zako!
Name: Sora Sokudo
Ebonite Sky Force Rank: Sergeant (3 shevrons)
Armour Colour: Blue (light and dark), white, and gold, zako!
Favourite weapons: 'Han Ketsu Ana Sutekki' (anit arse hole stick), and fuel rod cannon
Likes: Zakos, weapons, funny stuff, goofing around, pestering the Zako commandos and chasing peoples with Han Ketsu Ana Sutekki and trying to whack them with it, flying.
Dislikes: WATER (i HATE water!!), Zako commandos pinching her weapons (but it gives me an excuse to chase them with Han Ketsu Ana Sutekki), people who can't take jokes, hates her brother (aim to detroy him one day), people making fun of her feelings, and banannas (not the taste, just bannanas because they're bannanas).
Personality: well, I'm hyper, I'm zany, wierd, I like to annoy people, I can get all moody, i don't take things very seriously; i like to mess around, I'm smart but dumb (as was described in another post, i can tell you the orbital velocity and density per cubic inch of a planet and it's atmospheric composition, but i get all confused about small things (like trying to spell bannanaa properly, or giving accurate directiosn)), I'm not really evil; I just like Zakos and like to hang with them; it's not my fault they live in Dark Axis!! I do stuff to help out around the place at Dark Axis, since I'm kipping there, but I like those other Gundam dudes that Dom and the others seem to have a grudge of. However, I do have my own goals too; sometimes it means taking no sides, except my own. Hmm, I still don't understand why they fight though. It's pretty funny though... crap, went off topic again! >.<
Any crushes...?: I'm not telling! Geez, don't ask that... oh wait, I'm the one who asked... (d'oh!)
Embarrassing Moment: Well... this was when I first met the Superior Defender Gundams... I was flying, and there was this funny cloud (which turned out to be thier base), and i went to fly through it- only problem was, this cloud was made of metal and carbon fibre! I splattered into the control tower thingy like a seagul; i scarred the crap outta Captain Gundam though lol, he was standing behind the glass!! I fell to the ground (quite a fare way down), and when Zero poked me, I went psycho coz i was still dazed, and he musta thought i was from from the mental asylum. ^.^;;
That's all for now!!
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SD Gundam Force; SGT. Sora's Home World Report:
Zako! SGT. Sora Sokudo here! Reporting back to Dark Axis, Zako zako!
More news on my Background if you're intersted; all about where I come from, and my old family, Zako! Yes, that's right, I said family! I'll explain why a mecha like me had family; and the technologies my world has.
Where should I start... Oh, I suppose from the beggining, Zako! I wrote this report zako:
SGT. Sora Sokudo's Home World
I come from a planet named Ebonite, zako! It WAS my home until my brother abandoned me. Ebonite's an alien world (well yo you it would be alien) inhabited by organic life and mechas, like me, zako.
Ebonite is a very milital based planet, but a very honourable one; we have wars, but only now and then. And they're never usually too crippling; my force has won all her wars.
Any new Kurikiteki Gundams (I know i call myself a mecha, but my race is actually Kurikitekish) to join the force starts of with the rank Cadet. I am currently sergeant in the Ebonite Sky Force; so i wear two wings on the top of my head zako. When I get promoted (it happens automatically until a you're a WOFF; after that, you must be selected to be promoted zako) I will become a Warrant Officer. Instead of having three stripes, I'll have an awesome emblem on my arm and my head dress will change; the wings will turn pointing over my back like funny ears zako, and the same emblem will be stuck on my forehead between the wings; kinda like how those thingies stick up off the bonets of cars. My armour changes a little; it looks more flashy. That brings me to technology zako:
Ebonite is highly advanced in technology; we use plasma technologies and new forms of energy. I can actually fly without needing flapping wings zako; I use plasma jets and anti-grav tech to fly and glide across land and water. Customized into me I have a plasma fuel rod connon (it my shoulder; my wing shoulder gaurds cover it). And see the big shiny orb thingy in my stomach? That's my Ultimate Weapon zako; all four power cells need to be chraged for me to do maximum damage. It fires out a red beam which kicks mega butt; it sounds kinda unexcitingy, but it looks pretty mad when you see it. Trust me, even at half strength, it practically destroyued me (my brother has the same Ultimate Weapon; and he used it on me, zako!). However, as was mentioned in another post, my favourite weapon is my Han Ketsu Ana Sutekki (anti arse hole stick). Simple, yet effective; it's made out of the same heat proof material as I am. I was specifically fitten to travel through the magmar flows in and under volcanoes and the surface zako. Before i disapeared, Ebonite was at war with some stupid race (only the third time in 60myears), however they had actually landed and formed bases under the techtonic plates of our planet (i suppose they weren't that dumb zako), and the bases were only accessable from volcanoes and the bottom of the ocean. I can swim alright, but I HATE water. Water freaks me out big time; I'm glad mechas don't need to bath, Zako!
Oops i went off track zako... where was I? Oh yeah, technologies zako. Kurikiteki Gundams have a more advanced AI; we even have simulated living organism emotions; and hence the family 'bonds'. However, even these highly advanced AI emotions have flaws I believe zako; otherwise why would my Brother hate me so much for no reason? I know living veings have mental problems sometimes, I have to wonder if maybe there are some kinds of mecha mental problems zako... But the AI we have also is very cool; I can genuinely be happy, zako! It's because of the emotive AI that family are created; it may seem wierd, but there are mecha marraiges! When my mum and dad got married, they wanted to have mecha kids; first my brother was created, then me. They go the the Kurikiteki Gundam Hub, and request for a new mecha; except they cross the characteristics of the the parent mechas, to immitate living being generations. It works I guess; but a i said i have my doubts.
Also, our AIs are more intricate and have more fail-safes. If i had a different mecha AI, like one from Dark Axis, it would have automatically terminated when i was crippled by my brothers' Ultimate Weapon. It was thanks to the Zakos that i have recovered though. Other Ais are jsut as good as Kurikiteki, but in different ways. I have locked away certain memories, ones that really do upset me, until... actually i don't know when until zako... Some of my older memories had a tendancy to depress me, so that's why i locked them away. I know they contained stuff about me and my brother, but that's all i know. I also locked away alot of the memories from when my brother attacked me; i logged what happened, but I locked the memory of the actual inccident zako.
That's my report for today Zako!
note to self: Ru Whack Dom for stealing my weapons again! Or is it Zapper or Gouf... i still get them three goons mixed up! Grr!
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