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Just call me Shade, I prefur it over my real name
uh nuthin i can think of...sad isn't it
Anime Fan Since
7th grade
Favorite Anime
oh too many to name
hm.....finish school for now
drawing, video games, Playing guitar, smashing heartless
drawing, playing video games, being annoyingly happy most of the time
| Shade Griffin
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
I have added a name to my "companies that are evil to me on purpose" list so far there are Tokyopop, Vis, Square-Enix, and now Fox (tv channel company) because they have ended season one of Shamen King and Sonic X, both in big cliff hangers. Espesaly Shamen King, they gave this HUGE teaser/preview of the next season, the new villan looks.....awful, to put it mildly, he is aparently Yoh's BROTHER!!!!! Also aparently Amidamaru leaves (i don't know really anything about this) and from the last clip of the preview, the new villan eats Yoh's soul!!!! (that's what it looked like anyway) *twitch* *twitch* and of corse Barns and Noble hasn't called to tell me any manga i've ordered has come in. well any way Darkblade and i have been working on a web comic thing, for a year or more it's getting hard to think of gags. um i can't think of anythig else right now.
See ya
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Monday, April 19, 2004
I DID IT I GOT MY ULTIMA!!!! Yup it's mine all mine (insert maniacle laughter here) while i was at it i got Save the Queen (Donald's Ultima wepon) and Save the King (Goofy's Ultima wepon)i beat both hidden bosses, got Donald's Dream Rod (so now i have all the wepons in the game) got myself to level 93 and kicked Ansem's butt!!! i also got the hidden video after the credits. But now all there is to do is....wait T_T.
I now NEED Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2, (I've said to Darkblade that if anyone i know (glares in Dark's direction) gets those games before me they will die and i will pry them from their cold dead fingers) (everyone backs away from the pleasently smiling Shade) Well i've been told that info about the games is being released next month.......(Shade thinking) "Kingdom Hearts" *drools*....ok starting to freak myself out a little bit. Right now my mom is in a hotel room over looking the Magic Kingdom at DisneyWorld in Orlando.....(turns green with envy) she wouldn't take me...even though i promised i wouldn't eat much and i even offered to ride in the cargo hold of the plain so she wouldn't have to deal with me on the way there.....T_T. Any how i think that's it for now.
See ya
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Sorry again for the lack of updates....i blame it on my PS2 and my compleat obsetion with Kingdom Hearts. I ALMOST HAVE MY ULTIMA!!!!! I just need one more mystery goo and i can synthisize it!!! ^__^ but of corse all the white mushrooms and rare truffles (heartless that drop mystery goo) have compleatly stoped apearing...T_T. (stops to listen to Simple and Clean (remix version that you hear at the opening of the game) on his Kingdom Hearts CD) yeah any way i cant wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories come out (even thought no release date has been set T_T) right now i'm in a building on the campus of my states college, my brother is taking a test to see if he qualifies for this advanced class they offer. In 5 years he will take all of middle school, high school and 2 years of college math @.@. Later today i'm going to a friends b-day party, ^_^ i'm so happy i got him the most perfect gift...his favorite anime is Neo Genisis: Evangelion (i probably spelt that wrong) I got him a DVD of the directors cut version of the last 3 epasodes ^_^. Well it looks like the test is over so i gotta go.
See ya
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
quick, and small post to let you all know i'm alive. Sorry for the lack of updates, i wasn't really in a talking mood after i got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. T_T it hurt for a while but i'm better now. i got a new manga "th Canidit for Goddess" ^_^ i'm very happy about that. Also i'm not sure i'f i've mentioned this but Darkblade, his younger brother, and i have been playing Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicals, it's fun, I'm a male Selkie, bandana design, and my families trade is alchamy (thats probably not how to spell it) I'd also like to add that i'm the strongest member in our caravan (attack wise).....i am also the one that dies the most often....^_^;
It's a fun game but multi-player mode tends to cause alot of arguments....especialy when members tend to be greedy (i'm sorry to say i'm guilty of this) it's kinda weird because you dont gain exp. for killing monsters, you gather special items through the level and at the end you choose one of them to keep, they can make you stronger attack wise, defence wise, magic wise, give you more life, or let you carry more items. Any hoo....I'm so excited! NEW INUYASHA EPASODES START SATURDAY!!!!!! i'm not sure how Cartoon Network is going to change the saturday schedual but i hope they keep Kenshin, and .hack//sign on the air. speeking of .hack i'm still trying to level up more to beat the monster that data drains Aura in .hack//infection i'm lavel 33 and so is Blackrose and Mistral. i got to the point on the fight when it starts using data drain last time i fought it and i was level 30 then, so maybe when i'm 35 i'll try it again. I've gotten to the point where i cant find any twin blade wepons over level 14 and at this point even Grandpa (the big red water drop that asks if you droped a gold ax or a silver one) can't make them stronger unless i go to a stronger server....and i can't go to any other server aside from beta or delta, i'm asuming i'll get to go to a new one after i beat the monster. well i think thats it for now (man this was saposed to be a short post) sorry again for lack of updates.
See ya
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
SWEETNESS!!!!! 300 VISITS!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who visits my site, i obviously couldn't have done it with out you. Thanks to Tears02 and Kasamaru who turned me onto this site. Thanks again to everyone for being polite and nice....and stuff. Ok i sound like i'm getting and Oscar or something, thanks again
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I didn't really feel like posting but i feel like i have an obligation to post......stuff...yeah. Lets see, sunday i went to barns and noble and started to read Naratu (i dont know if thats right...(runs to check the spelling from a Shonen jump magazine) it's Naruto ^_^;; oops heh heh) i have a new manga to read ^__^ Shade is happy once again!!! Also for the past few days I've been trying to make sence of what i know about Dragon Knights....i really wish it was in chronilogical order cuz it hurts my head to think about all the diferent stuff that is going on (no spoilers....sorry) it's really really annoying not knowing whats going on in one of your favorite manga. I'm going to order the Canidit for Goddess from barns and noble cuz i liked the anime Pilot Canidit (even though it made no sence what so ever). Hm i think thats it for now.
See ya
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Friday, March 26, 2004
![My inner child is sixteen years old today](http://<img src=)
My inner child is sixteen years old!" border="0" />
i've been getting unexpected answers on the last few....i'll tolerate this one
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![Watch out! I'm movin' on up! (Otaku Level: 3)](http://<img src=) Otaku Level 3" border="0" />
Level 3 eh?
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hm i don't have much to say today, if you read the post below you'll find out stuff that i'm too lazy to re-type. Hm i added a new friend Haze Griffin......i bet you'r thinking "Hm Griffin eh, is it a coincadence?" well it isn't we are related, he's my little brother and he now has his own site...go say hi to him for me ok? ^_^
I'm going on a confermation retreat over the weekend, my friend Tears02 and my other friend Phil will be with me so it will be a bit more bearable. *blech* Shade is tired....
um that's it for now i guess.
See ya
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
quick stuff
Two things....well more then two....but less then one hundred things. 1: i changed my personal stuff a little no big deal.
2 you guys can e-mail me now.....i'm a bit nervous about it though, i already get enough spam, and i don't take flames well.
3: an old friend of mine that i haven't talked to in a while gave me a ride to the bus stop this morning, that was cool.
4: another old friend of mine who moved to Maine when we were in 5th grade is moving back this summer, ^_^ very excited. 5: i saw a promo for a new movie called "Van Helsing" (or somthing like that) a friend of mine told me about a "Hellsing" live action movie that's coming out....I'm not sure if they are related or not (my brother next to me is saying they arn't) but the main character reminds me a bit of Alucard (i don't know if i'm spelling it correctly) like his costume for example. I didn't like the manga Hellsing, a bit too gorry, and that Catholic priest guy is a total freak, (I think his name is father Anderson) it offendid me a bit because i'm catholic. any how i got
h-work to do and my brother is now willing to kill me to get on the cpu.
See ya
P.S: i just noticed that this post is normal sized and it was ment to be a short one ^_^; i talk too much
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