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InuGirl 22 (03/22/05)

hay cool site, if you need any ehlp with anything just ask me, ok. If yo can you could go to my site. Well i hope we can be friends and if you have questions i have answers ^^ well ttyl and PEACE OUT!!

Ruriruri (03/22/05)

Hi!Thanks for signing my gb.Like your avi and walls cool to.Addin ya!Ill stop by every now and then kay?

im2kawaii4u21 (03/22/05)

trunks is hot so yer sites hot ladies man

GTHaloPLayer (03/22/05)

thanx 4 signin da GB and shit like ur site to and all dat anyway good dat you like dat westside story game raps dat shit i would've put another game song on dere jus can't find any good ones,anyway see ya later

roaring silence (03/22/05)

Thank You for signing my guestbook I really appreciate it! I hope you don't mind that I added you as a friend also. By the way your Trunks background rocks! Thanks again, bye.

otacon13 (03/22/05)

I know my site sucks but thanx for signing my guestbook,I'll add you as a friend.

Zero Omega (03/22/05)

Lol, sure kid. Your site is soo much better :p Anyways, decent work. At least you can spell correctly.

kagome$$$$ (03/22/05)

kool site thanks for signing my gb ^_^

DragonStorm (03/22/05)

*drools* HELLO TRUNKS!!! ^-^ oh yeah, me likey this place. hope to see u around!

che lee (03/22/05)

thanks 4 signing my gb adding u

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