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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

   if everyday was like today, i would shoot myself
today was supposed to be fantastic. It was the day i was going to the young author's day thing, that i won.
the two kids that won too were like the steryotypical vision of junior overachievers, to say the least. And they didnt even wanna talk to me. they were simply more interested in talking to each other, so i was alone all day.
plus y.a.d was BORING. the poetry thing was lame. the guy who wrote picture books was lame. and the author talking about nothing for an hour was lame.
and when we FINALLY got back, it was time to leave. so, i missed every one of my classes today. i can kiss tommoroww night goodbye, seeing as i will have double the normal homework.
and then, i was at my neighbors house, who is gonna be a reading teacher. as a project she had me write her a kids book, which i handed in today. well, on the way back, i tried stumbling through the dark, to find nothing but pine trees.lots of them. and the needles from a huge one stabbed me, right in the eye. its throbbing and it feels like theres a safety pin going through it, its tearing and its red and puffy.
sometimes i just hate my life.

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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Hauntings
Just walked in from Halloweening! Awesome stuff, dude, awesome. I have some halloween themed ideas and whatnot...a bit late but hey, its all hallows eve all year round for someone like me ^^
i had the awesomest costume evah! *is still wearing it* *huggles humungoid hat* ^^ happeh happeh
my parents had a huge halloween party at mah house last night, dj and all...my cuzins all came, people were singing kareooke, dancin..very fun!
but i did get kicked out of a halloween party last saturday..the *insert beeping sound effect here*****
thought i punched someone and stole their mask. idiots. im honestly one of the most nonviolent people ever! morons.
*laughs* this was the best halloween ever!

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Thursday, October 28, 2004

i uploaded a piccey of my char ciara with a halloween backround for my site..hope ya like it!!!
i drew this all on ms paint.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

school stuff that rawks mah sawks
young author's day
I am entering a piece of my best writing into this contest for writing. If you win you get to go to this young author's day thing and meet a world famous author and stuff. everyone who reads my writing ask if i really wrote it, lol. really hope i win

just a drawing thing in my school. if you win you move up to national judging level! i hafta get crackin on my projects for this, too.

trip to the rainforest
yes, in 8th grade all students are able to go on a trip with my science teacher to the panama rainforest! it costs alot of money, of course, but my parents are actually ENCOURAGING me to go! im just like "sweeet" when they say i can go. i'm only in 7th grade now, but when i'm in 8th, i'm so at the rainforest!

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Sunday, October 3, 2004

back to school rules!!!!
yeppers, you heard me right, or wait..would it be read it right? *coughs hysterically*
i FINALLY went back to school last tuesday! and guess what? THE TEACHERS CAN'T STRIKE AGAIN FOR 6 WEEKS! HAHA! the state ordered a binding that keeps them teaching for six weeeks.PA state government rules.. RULES THE WORLD!!! HAHAHA!!! *dies*
anyways...lol. school is awesome. i've already hitched a ton of new friends, and they're all so nice to me all the time. *is releived* i was so worried i wouldnt make alot of friends the first week. HOW WRONG i turned out to be! lol. and they tell me i draw better than the art teacher. That one was funny. go me, freedom to field hockey, haha. don't ask. Oh yes. and i am officially aborting all school sports in PA until the cirriculum incluedes lacrosse. I'm making a petition and everything, lol. *holds up witch broom with emerald at the base as a staff* WHO'S WITH MEH??!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! *falls over*

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

   School Strikes SUCK. (BIG time!)
ya my school is on a retarded strike. The teachers are idiotic in asking for dumb things, for dumd reasons. and students are suffering for it, as they have been striking for the last 3 weeks, and every day they strike gets hacked off our summer, christmas, spring, easter and thanksgiving vacations.What's more, when the goverment demands they go back to school, it is required they teach for 2 days, then they can strike again at whatever point they feel like. They plan to strike after those 2 days ae up. Nice. The teachers are picketing outside one of the high schools with signs that say "Teachers ON STRIKE!" If i drive past there today with my mom i wanna throw somethin at them. hahaha. And every day now theres been this dude who has been picketing alone beside the teachers with a signs that reads "teachers are greedy, NOT NEEDY." haha. you go dude. lol.
Ok i'm ranting so i'm gonna end it here. haha.

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