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Alchemist Senka
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| Shadow-Alchemist
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Tales of Senka and Elwood! (tales 7-10 + Special II)
And so it goes on!! Mwahahahaha!! ^^ can't...stop...writing...ah!
TALE VII. Welcome to the Time Zone
SENKA: Ha! You thought you could get away-but you can't! Mwahhahahaha!
CYRUS: How'd she get us?
ELWOOD: It was like magic...
SENKA: hm...You mean, like you entered the...
CYRUS + ELWOOD: ...the twilight zone!
SENKA: (at the same time)...the time zone!
CYRUS: the time zone?
ELWOOD: did we enter a new time zone?
SENKA: Yes! We now add an hour, so please synchronize watches in 3, 2...1.
*all synchronize watches*
SENKA: Very good.
CYRUS: So, how'd you catch us? Alchemy?
ELWOOD: You always do say you can transmute anything...
SENKA: Actually, I didn't do anything. It was your own fault.
SENKA: Because you two ran into this new time zone!
SENKA: So then we added an hour, and since fate said in less than an hour I'd catch the switch you became caught!
CYRUS: So you're saying...
ELWOOD: ...time zones work like a time machine?
SENKA: Yes. But you can only go back so many hours and forward so many. Isn't that nifty? ^^
CYRUS: Hey, that means I can get out of here!
ELWOOD: No fair!
SENKA: You can't leave me! Nooooo! I won't let you!
*transmutes Cyrus into a plushie*
ELWOOD: Ah-! o.o O.O;;
*Senka cuddles plushie*
SENKA: Ah, poor little Cyrus needs a hug!
AUTHOR: And this has been another episode...of the Time Zone!
TALE VIII. How to Take Over the World - Part One
SENKA: I have a secret...
ELWOOD: I have a feeling you have they involve puppies or plushies?
SENKA: Actually, no...
ELWOOD: Oh. Then what is this "secret"?
SENKA: I want..
ELWOOD: ...?
SENKA: I take over the world!! Mwahahahaha!!!
ELWOOD: -_- *sigh*
SENKA: I know just how to do it too.
ELWOOD: Really? How's that?
SENKA: Take notes. Step one-throw a party, gain everyone's trust.
*Elwood begins to write!*
SENKA: Step two-make them work for me, then set them in denial about the situation!
ELWOOD: work...denial...
SENKA: Step three-have them invite friends!
ELWOOD: "friends", invite...
SENKA: Step four-turn them all into my personal evil squirrel army!
ELWOOD: something about evil squirrels...
SENKA: Step five-conquer the country, then the world! Mwahahahahaha!
ELWOOD:, world...evil laugh...
SENKA: ..haha...*cough* so, what've we got?
ELWOOD: How to take over the world...Step one, throw a party of trusted people. Step two, begin to work but be in denial about it. Step three, invite your "friends" to make new friends. Step four, kidnap squirrels for pets and call them evil. Step five, conquer everyone at a game called Country, World...
SENKA: Sounds good to me! Come on, let's get to work! Mwahhahahahahaha!
TALE IX. How to Take Over the World - Part Two
SENKA: Elf Wood, seeing as you're the only one I trust, I invite you to my party. Cyrus will be there too, but I'm not sure how active he'll be...
ELWOOD: I don't really have a choice, do I?
SENKA: No, not really. So, you coming?
ELWOOD: I suppose.
SENKA: Good. Now, I went at got a job at some place claiming to be the King of Burgers...I have completely destroyed that title though. mwahahahaha! And since I denied it being my fault, step one and two are complete!
ELWOOD: Uh...very good?
SENKA: Hm...Now, Elf Wood, I am telling you an official invitation to make new friends!
ELWOOD: Taken gladly if it means we're no longer friends.
SENKA: What the hey. *shrugs* But please wait 'til my speech is done.
ELWOOD: Alright...
SENKA: Now, I have set traps all around so I can catch my pet squirrels...yes, soon I will have the largest pet squirrel collection there ever was! mwahahahahaha!
ELWOOD: Good for you. *thumbs up*
SENKA: Now...I challenge you to a game call Country, World!
ELWOOD: You do know there's no such game?
SENKA: There isn't? Very well, then I've already done it. You know what means...
ELWOOD: Yes, you took over the world and I'm free to go.
SENKA: What? No one said you could go. I said you didn't have to be my friend anymore, but you're still my slav-apprentice...
ELWOOD: Wahhhhh?!
SENKA: It's true...
ELWOOD: Arhhh...I hate you...
SENKA: That's the spirit! ^^ What were we doing again?
ELWOOD: You were talking about how evil you are.
SENKA: True that! Mwahahahahahaha!
ELWOOD: oi...v.v
TALE X. Senka VS. Kousuke
KOUSUKE: Are you the shadow alchemist I've been hearing so much about?
SENKA: Yes. And you, I suppose, are the wickedly awesome blade child Kousuke I have been hearing about?
KOUSUKE: Correct.
ELWOOD: Oh dear. This won't end well.
KOUSUKE + SENKA (pointing at eachother): I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE!
KOUSUKE: of wits!
SENKA: of skills!
ELWOOD: Why battle?
KOUSUKE: Because she tried to imprison me a long time ago...!
SENKA: You're own fault for being so hawt! Kousuke-you left me even though I loved you! For that you shan't be forgiven!!
KOUSUKE: Oh, you really think I'm hawt?
SENKA: Always did.
KOUSUKE: Thanks. You know, you were always kind of cool...
SENKA: Kind of? *twitch* Anyway, I'm evil now. Mwahahahahaha!
KOUSUKE: Cool. I used to be evil. Can I convert back?
SENKA: I suppose if you really want to.
ELWOOD: Hey what about the battle?!
KOUSUKE: Oh, yeah. I'll ask you a riddle. Get it right, you win. Get it wrong, you both die-I planted a bomb underneath your feet. *evil grin* Do you accept?
SENKA: Sure do!
ELWOOD: ((Wha-?! I'm doomed! Senka doesn't have the mental capacity for riddles!!))
KOUSUKE: Here we go...Underneath is an orange brown, above a pink purple. The air is quite cool and I am isolated. Where am I?
ELWOOD: What kind of riddle is that?! ((She'll never get it!))
SENKA: Well, I'd have to say you're in the middle of the desert at sunset.
ELWOOD: ((I'm doomed...T_T))
KOUSUKE: That's actually wrong. The correct answer would be mars-I never said other planets were off limits. But...since I like you so much, I'll let you live. ^^
SENKA: W00t! ^.^
ELWOOD: Eh?! o_o;;
*Kousuke and Senka go off on their merry way*
ELWOOD: but...but...@.@
KOUSUKE + SENKA: Come on Elf Wood, hurry up!
SPECIAL II. Let's Be Serious Now
SENKA: Many people have complained we're too...
KOUSUKE: easy-going.
ELWOOD: enjoyable.
CYRUS: ...
SENKA: scary. But that's because we're evil, so it needs to be that way. Mwahahahaha!
ELWOOD: Hey-I'm not evil!
KOUSUKE: You became evil the moment you joined us. ^^
ELWOOD: eh?! But I joined before you did!
SENKA: Actually no. Kousuke and I were together, but then we had split up. Now we're back! ^^
ELWOOD: Let's try this serious thing though...see how it goes.
SENKA + KOUSUKE: *sigh* Fine...
SENKA: *clears throat* They're coming...*serious look*
KOUSUKE: ...what should we do? They're too fast to outrun.
ELWOOD: ??? Who are you talking about? There isn't anyone coming...!
SENKA: Ugh, I can't do this!
KOUSUKE: Me too!
ELWOOD: You weren't even trying!
SENKA: You didn't give us anything to work with!
KOUSUKE: There's no plot to go on, and our characters are very limited!
ELWOOD: er...*twitch* Fine...then those people who don't like it can just go!
KOUSUKE: You do realize...that if that was true, they would have left by now?
ELWOOD: ...good point...
SENKA: Hey! That means we did this all for nothing! Darn it, I'm going to track 'em all down!!
KOUSUKE: Is this the plot?
ELWOOD: Dunno.
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