Wassup pplz?!hope ya like my site!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
i love trigun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trigun is 1 of the best animes ever!!!!!!!!!i think i mite start a trigun fan club!!! vash looks kool happy like in this pic! ^.^

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i hate this! i had 2 delete vash pic no!! wouldnt show up the file it came from doesnt exist anymore! dang!
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my friend past out the other day in class and i stole his watch! skeletons rule!!!any way....um...nothin to say...well..does any1 here play runescape? <--random question...if u do pm me and like tell me ur name and ill add u...my runescape name is pyroskater44 add me if u wish...(notice! lots of periods)lol! any1 like metal gear solid thats an awesome game (all of them) well im not that popular on otaku like 200 visits! whaaaahhh!!
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this is who i am on fruits basket! yay! ^.^
What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
FF7 RULES!!!!!
i love FF7 i just wanted all u people 2 no that lol ive been playin FF7 for years now and i just love that game its addictive adventurious long puzzle kinda game where u like every second ur playin it...its a well thought out game and the best of all the final fantasy series...heres a god pic to show u a lil bit of FF7

thats cloud strife (main character)in front of the mako reactor at the beggining of the game!
thats the awesome cloud!! the kingdom hearts version(gotta love the demon wing!)
FF7 rules!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Zelda any1?
i gots a pic of link!!!HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
What Color Link Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
anybody like FF7?
duz anybody like FF7?cuz me gots a tite pic of cloud

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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Im new here!
im new here! so stop BY at all costs!!!!! hehe...OR I SHALL ZAP YOU WITH MY LIGHTNING JUJITSU!!!!*zap* lol
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Featured Quiz Result:
hmph evilness!!
hmm Riku is cool
Sesso is cool hes my fav on Inuyasha
 Your Sesshoumaru! you are calm and collected and you don't show any emotion at all. But inside we all know you are a softy, it's just a matter of showing it to everyone else. Be open once in a while and maybe even date one of your many fans!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla