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Sunday, January 1, 2006

I have to go back to school tomorrow. I don't want to. *cries*

I had the weirdest dream ever last night. It combined Wolf's Rain, Gravitation, Devil May Cry, the Anita Blake series, and Star Wars/Star Trek... along with a few sadistic twists. All of this in about what would amount to ten minutes in the real world. Oh well. So my mind was super active. I was up until 4:30 and wasn't tired until about 4:20, so, my mind must still have been swirling about all happy-like...

I just got an email from my friend saying she had a dream my best friend died. How pleasant is that. Dammit.


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   party o shimasu

So, who got trashed on New Years? I didn't. Because I totally forgot it was, basically... It was 11:56 and my mother's like, "The year's almost over!" and I look at the clock and I'm like, "Huh. Yeah it is. Wasn't even paying attention." Nope. New Year's is not a special day for me. No parties, nothing like that.

Anyways, so, I was drawing and coloring the last few hours of last year, yuk yuk yuk, sounds so special to say it like that... Anyways, so, I just finished a picture and am about to go post it. It's K. In leather. It doesn't really go in the 'sexy' category, but he's wearing leather. I shall go post. Unless the ceiling drops on me in the next five minutes, the picture should be up when you read this.


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Saturday, December 31, 2005


I just posted a picture... I drew it, colored it, posted that, then fiddled around with it on the computer a bunch... Posted two 'computer tampered' versions... It's Kokuei, Shadow's dog, but anyways, there's three versions altogether, please vote on all of them. Comment if you want. I read comments, you know. Just like I read all my reviews, as well.

Incidentally, I decided that I suck at drawing K's face. I haven't even tried Yuki... Lord almighty. I don't want to insult his beauty with my terrible artistic 'skills'... I'm so much better at writing than I am at drawing? So why do I bother? Probably because drawing is just as fun as writing. I'm violently addicted to the arts. I write, draw, read, listen to music, play an instrument, would learn MORE instruments if anyone would TEACH me... I wanna learn piano and guitar, since what use would I ever possibly have for flute unless some symphony decided to abduct me. But I'm not THAT good, so that would be highly unlikely. I haven't played anything on my flute in months. ^_^; I'm a terrible person, no?

Last night, I went up to my room and was looking at my bookshelf, and randomly decided to take a book off, open it up in the middle, and read some. I did, then I moved down and grabbed my manga and opened Gravitation 10 and started reading, stopped randomly, grabbed 11, started reading, tried to draw something, it turned out bad, I looked at the clock, it was 4:30. I was like, "Shit. Why the heck am I not asleep?!" So then I went to bed. At 4:30 in the morning. That's the latest/earliest I've gone to bed yet this whole vacation. And I slept until noon. YAY NOON! Actually, some hicks with a chainsaw woke me up around 8:30, I had enough time to think, "I am NOT going to stand for this." then I fell back asleep. Until noon. Laid in bed until 1. Didn't leave my bedroom until 2. YAY FUN. Then I ate a bunch of cookies and chex mix and orange soda for breakfast. YAY FOR HEALTH FOOD!

Anyways, I think I'ma gonna go and gather reference materials for my artistic shit, so, ja mata ne.


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Friday, December 30, 2005

   Boredom is upon me

I'm bored, boys and girls. So, I think I'll rant.

People annoy me. Just, humans in general. There's a few that aren't so bad, but even they have their annoying moments. I think I'm gonna go to Canada and move in with a pack of wolves. They're so much cuter than humans. And more... sociable. Y'know? Sure, they don't speak English, but with jaws like that, how would they be expected to? Or maybe-- Nevermind, I don't like water. I was gonna say, a pod of dolphins, but, I don't like water. Too easy to die in it. Even if you're an Olympic gold-medal swimmer, you can drown. It's just a matter of... physics. Yeah, you heard me, physics. Don't question it.
Anyways, so, point is... There is no point. I'm bored, people suck, and all I feel like doing is blasting music. This is what we call a writing slump. I want to sleep. I don't even feel like OPENING my story. Then again, maybe if I just opened the damn thing, I'd have a splurt of genius and it will help me to write an entire chapter in one night. Then again, my sister will be home in an hour and kick my ass off the computer, so where's the point. *looks around* I sure don't see it.

My mother pissed me off. She won't let me order those shirts I want cuz she doesn't like me ordering so much stuff off the internet. I don't remember ordering things off more than three sites. Hot Topic, Joys Japanimation, and... that's all I remember. There may have been another... Oh. Once a long time ago I ordered off of Shonen Jump... That was for a gift. Ordering off Hot Topic was also a gift. Dammit.

Well, I'm off to download music, eat chocolate, watch Sleepy Hollow while blasting music and eating chocolate... Maybe I'll try to write. Sounds like a plan. Maybe I should finish that packet I started yesterday... Hm. Ah, it's not due until the 13th... That gives me classes to waste doing hat instead of paying attention. party o shimasu.


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Thursday, December 29, 2005

   Dumb Fanfiction!

I can't post a new chapter because they're having a "scheduled upgrade". But it's 10:30 PM on 12-29 and it says it shouldn't start until 1 AM on 12-30. *shakes fist* Damn bastards!
I guess I'll just download music, burn a CD, then go draw.

I just used math in my everyday stuff! *screams* Not like it was an important use, but still. I saw the rating on something was 7.125, and thought, "That means that the number of votes has to be a multiple of 8..." I don't know how I knew that, but I did, and I was right. It had 32 votes. *cowers away from her own common sense* How DARE that damn common sense shit rear its head around ME! ME! I'm the stupidest person around, I have NO common sense, and yet, I knew that, purely because the decimal of 1/8 is .125... I think! I wasn't even sure! But... that's so gross. I can't believe I did that. Somebody find K and let him shoot me in the head. I need to lose some brain matter.


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School sucks. I have this packet due in world cultures on January 13th... Now, I'm doing it today, because if I don't do it today, I won't do it at all. It's actually pretty easy... I have like, five maps that I have to do a million google image searches to find all the places on... And that's not 100% easy either, since it's like, 219 BC Roman Empire... I have to find Numidia and Illyricum... I'm supposed to read these pages, too, but I'm not going to... Once I finish this map, I have like, 10 questions to answer... about Rome and Romans and Hannibal and Glutius Maximus... Biggus Dickus... the whole gang, y'know?

Anyways, so I went to the mall yesterday, got Gravitation 10, 11, and 12, the next Anita Blake book, a book for my sister and a book for my mother... And I bought a Fullmetal Alchemist calendar (the creepy guy was working at the calendar stand again... When I bought it, he's like, "So who's your favorite character?" O.o I bet he still lives in his mother's basement)... I got the Narnia soundtrack and System of a Down's first CD... it's not as good as their other CDs, but it's not bad... The Narnia soundtrack is really good. (It was one of the two reasons I liked that movie. The other one was special effects).
And Gravitation... I was very pleased with the ending. ^_^ It was sweet. I read all three books in a row, which was wonderful... I was reading Gravitation from 8 until midnight, then suddenly decided I wanted to rearrange my bookshelf and my CDs... Did that until sometime after 1 (I had energy to burn)... went to bed around 2 (I don't remember what I did after I rearranged my bookshelf and CDs), and slept until 12:06 PM. ^_^ YAY for 10 hours of sleep! And now I'm really tired. Ugh. Too much sleep makes you just as tired as not enough, I think. But, it's fun to tell people you went to bed at some weird time in the morning and slept until the afternoon. ^_^ Especially my best friend's dad. He flips on her if she stays up until 1 and sleeps until 10. He just "doesn't understand" how I can sleep from 2 AM until noon... I understand how. It's called, I'm catching up on sleep I've missed over the past three and a half months of school.
Speaking of school, I have to go back on Monday. Monday! How retarded is that. We should get off Monday, too. Everyone stays up until midnight on New Year's Eve, and that doesn't even give us one night to catch up on it unless we sleep late on New Year's and go to bed early as well. Not that I need much sleep, but little kids might. So, for the small children's sake, they should let us have Monday off too. But NOOOOOO... It's not like we're gonna DO anything on Monday. All the teachers are gonna be like, "Nyeh... I got drunk at a party, so you guys can just screw around while I pop pills at my desk..." Well, maybe not ALL... The only class I ever do anything in anyways is math...

So, moving along from a less bitter subject onto a more bitter subject, WHY DOES ALL MY ART ONLY GET TWO OR THREE VOTES UNLESS IT'S GUYS IN LEATHER PANTS?! Oh wait. I just answered myself. GO VOTE ANYWAYS!
On the topic of my art, while we're at it, I used to be sustaining a 75% rating. My rating went up to 80% a little while ago, but, oddly, I believe it coincided with the posting of the guys in leather pants... Hm. I guess we see where YOUR loyalties lie... "You drew guys in leather pants? I LOVE you! Draw me more and I'll be your loyal slave!"
You whores! (I'm kidding)

I don't know what my fascination with K is. I like him, probably because he's a trigger-happy nutjob. But I've realized something. I... remind myself of Shuichi. I mean, if life were a cartoon, I would be so close to being Shuichi that all you'd have to do was cut my hair, dye it pink, and make me a guy. This, my friends, is what we call "BAD". If I am THAT hyperactive and insane... I should be shot. But if I were like Shuichi, it wouldn't kill me. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY TIMES K HAS BLOWN SHUICHI'S BRAINS OUT?! A lot. YAY DEATH! No wonder Shuichi's so stupid. XD

Anyways, so, I'm thinking, I need to draw some more pictures of guys in leather. *shifty eyes* I'm not attempting to turn you all into voting whores... "I'll give you these hot pictures if you give me good ratings..." Overall, I win. My rep goes up, and my rating, and my fan base, AND I get to have guys in leather dance around in my head. Constantly. Until I sedate them and put them on paper.
I also want to draw more pictures of my--err, Shadow's dog. Kokuei. Purely because...
Yesterday, I went to the local animal shelter after I went to the mall, because it was my best friend's little brother's birthday, and he wanted a dog, and they've been looking for one for weeks for him. It had to be a small dog. So, we were looking around, and there was a dog there that looked like a miniature version of my dog that died in September... I walk to the end of the cages, and I almost died. There was a husky there with a white left eye and a brown right eye. If I didn't already have two dogs that I love with all my heart, I would have got the husky and the smaller black and brown dog right then and there. There were other dogs there that I liked, there was a coonhound and and Akita (I've never seen one of those anywhere but pictures. They're pretty big, kinda bulky dogs, but it was cute. It was black with white legs and belly, but its legs were spotted black. It was interesting), and there were two black lab puppies that were kind of hyper... My friend's brother (not the youngest one that was there to get the dog, but the other one) came up to me when I was having a conversation with the husky, and he's like, "Jeez... Stop talking to the dogs..." I hadn't realized I was until he said it... I talk to dogs just like they're people. *shrug* To me, they are. I like them better than I like most people, too.
But anyways, they got a new doggy... A cocker spaniel/something else mix... She's cute.

Anywho, I think I'll go proof and post another chapter finally... I'm tired of talking to you. JEEZ. (I'm kidding again.) I also don't want to research the Roman army (why was it effective? How was it organized?)... So, what better way to escape the Roman army than to crawl into the recesses of one's own mind and visit with its occupants?


Then, while you're talking to yourself and not paying attention to the Romans, they skewer you on their spears and swords. Blood goes everywhere. And they don't bother cleaning it up... So sad.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

   ah... life sucks...

I am so tired. I got off the computer at 3 AM last night (oxymoron... 3 AM last NIGHT... This morning, should be)... Anyways, I fell asleep on my notebook, woke up and put it away at 5, proceeded to sleep until 11:43, laid in bed writing and listening to music until 2, and despite that, I'm tired as hell and my eyes don't work. And I'm bored. And I want Gravitation shirts, but I don't know where to get them... I'm going on the site of the thingy that publishes the DVDs or whatever... www.rightstuf.com

GOD I'M TIRED! I should just give up and go back to bed. And I'm hungry, even though I ate breakfast. I'm too lazy to eat, though, cuz I know if I put anything in my mouth right now, I'll be too tired to chew it. have you ever had that? Been too tired to eat? I have. Often. It's not healthy.
My mother got mad at me cuz I told her that on Christmas Eve, all I ate was some cheese and crackers and a ham sandwich. On Christmas, all I ate was some candy and two sandwiches (at one time. they were my Christmas dinner. ^_^). Yesterday, I went to my best friend's house, and all I ate all day was a bowl of ramen. Today, I had some cereal because it was in my bedroom, don't ask why... But that's probably all I'll eat, since I'm too tired to eat anything else. But, if I lay down, I won't be able to sleep, since I slept like, 9 hours already and have only been awake for about four hours... It's 4 o'clock.

Heh heh... I seriosly should buy some of these Gravi t-shirts... Well, they're girl's shirts, which is the only problem I have with them, but I would wear a girl's shirt if it had Yuki on it. And they do. ^_^ Look for yourself. It's under "stuf".

Anyways... I feel preety sheety today. Hope it'll be better for tomorrow, my illustrious shopping trip... Neh.


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Monday, December 26, 2005


So, my Christmas amounted to this:
eating nothing but two sandwiches, some candy, and some highly caffinated soda all day.
$200 cash
$75 Waldenbooks gift card
War of the Worlds DVD
Batman Begins DVD
System of a Down's new CD "Hypnotize"
t-shirt reading "I let my mind wander. It never came back."
a beautiful framed wolf drawing for my wall
a necklace
more candy
a pretty little clay pot thing
a pen from New Zealand
four Pirates of the Caribbean folders which I plan to frame and stick on my wall rather than use for their intended purpose of holding papers...
I also got that Gravitation DVD and a $25 Hot Topic gift card from two of my friends, but that was like, last week.
I'm going shopping on Wednesday with my best friend and her family... It's her lil' bro's b-day... I had to ask him permission to go. He said "Oh, that's gonna be a hard one. Um, yes." O.O Okay... After all my "SHUT UP!" "GO AWAY!" "BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID!", he doesn't even have to think about whether he wants me to come along shopping with them. :P 'Cause I never hang around him or anyone else. Me & Eclipse wander off to Waldenbooks, Hot Topic, FYE, and the food court. ^_^ Drool over manga, anime shirts, chains, mock-leather, CDs, and anime DVDs. ^_^ Then we eat pizza and ice cream, usually. All this takes several hours, incidentally. So, I'm gonna have to get my ass out of bed at like, 9 AM and take a shower... eat something... Uuugh... The horror. Oh well. I'll come home $75+ poorer, 3 Gravitation manga and 1 Anita Blake novel richer, + random other crap. ^_^ I can FINALLY get the rest of Gravitation. I've been reading it since... Easter. Oh. I thought it'd been longer. Huh. Whatever. Oh yeah. And I have to get my sister her late Christmas present. Devil May Cry 3 manga. Can you believe they made a manga from a video game? I think that's pretty freaking cool. Know what would be pretty awesome too? If they made an anime from it? Cuz then my sister couldn't call it stupid. She'd just be pissed if they had Dante's mouth moving all... anime-like. Which they would, of course. It's anime. Duh.

So anyways, hope you all got nice gifts and lots of love and shit.

Oh yeah, and I majorly pissed off my mother by not singing carols at my grandma's, as is family tradition... Everyone was singing, I was attempting to hide my face with the lyric sheet. As was my sister. ^_^ People noticed, too. Oh well.


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Sunday, December 25, 2005


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Saturday, December 24, 2005

   You can barely read this title thing here, can you? Haha.

I know the colors are atrocious. And I know the pink isn't really the same as Shuichi's hair. But I hate pink, and I described this as "a nice shade of pink" when I was choosing it, so I left it like that.

Anyways, so, I saw this weird-ass show on G4 last night... It was called "Cromartie High School" I think, and it was weird. I have no idea what was going on, but I recorded it anyways. I had no idea what it was, but I taped it. I'm kinda glad I did. From the looks of it, it was funny. And I liked the theme song. But I was only halfway watching it, with the volume on my TV at 5, my sister typing loudly in the next room, and the heater running. So, I couldn't really hear it. But there was a guy with a pulsating afro. That was weird. And there was a guy with a pink mohawk that looked kinda like it had a mind of its own. It moved. It pointed at stuff once. Hair doesn't move on its own.


Gotta go.

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