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Sunday, October 9, 2005

Inuyasha's on. I'm recording it. Did I tell you I missed last week's? I missed Jakotsu dying? That sucks.


Yaoi fans run away! I'm about to talk about something yaoi!

I want to draw SesshoumaruxYouko. Purely because I think of those two as a couple of the sexiest guys in the world of anime, and it's just so... mmm... *drools at the mental images* For some reason, I picture Youko as seme. *shrugs* I guess it's harder for me to see Youko submitting, what with his reputation... Oh well. So, I have this real nice mental image that I won't have time to draw any time in the near future because my friend is coming over tomorrow, and after she leaves I'll have to read 25 pages of Fahrenheit 451 (THAT BOOK SUCKS! It's well written, but the plot and characters are just so boring... It's pretty much just about this guy who's confused. He's been running from the cops for about twenty pages now... It's like, "uh... yeah... plot moving slow... plot has no point... is there a plot...?")... Then I have skool Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... Maybe I'll have time Thursday - Sunday, but I doubt it. I'll be too busy doing other things. Like writing. Downloading music. Watching Sesshoumaru. Shaving my eyebrows completely off.
I just threw that in there to see if you were paying attention. I would never shave my eyebrows off completely unless I was paid a large sum of money (it's amazing what I'll do for money).

Inuyasha's over. I'm gonna go stop the VCR now and then I'm gonna get off the internet, since I finished downloading all my stuff. *has another paatii (party, for those of you who don't know that I'm japanizing the word).


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Friday, October 7, 2005

School sucks

But I have a three day week next week. YES! And over the weekend I'm gonna... HAVE A PARTY! Lol, yeah right. I'll have Eclipse over and we'll sit on our lazy asses and watch TV and work on my fanfics and stuff.

You know something? As much as I hate exercising, I like it. I just don't like it in gym class cuz 1: I usually have no one to talk to and we're typically forced to pair up or something and we play dumb games, and 2: gym class = sweating = heat. My skool is not air conditioned. So, I'm typically hot for a while afterwards and it sucks. I have to change from a baggy shirt and shorts to jeans and a t-shirt that is slightly smaller, ergo less airy than my gym clothes... really, I don't sweat that much IN gym class. It's afterwards, when I stop exercising. I go into the locker room, and start sweating.
Anyways, I was saying something of minor consequence before I went off on my gym class hatred tangent.
See, I actually like physical activity. I like gym class cuz I don't have to sit in a chair and go "NNNNNNNNEEEEEEE..." all retard-like. See, I like doing fun things that involve physical activity. And there has to be music, or it drives me nuts. MUSIC IS GEWD. UNMUSIC IS BAAD.
I like techno. Techno is good exercise music. I need some serious techno music... Anyone know of techno I could buy anywhere? Bands or something? What about dance mixes? Yay dance mixes? Anyone know of any bands/songs that have real good dance beats?

My sister has to take the SAT tomorrow and she's ranting. I don't see what the big deal is. She doesn't want to take it. Big deal. Take it anyways. Does anyone WANT to take tests? I think there's vocab on the SAT... I like learning new vocab... I want to expand my vocabulary, since i'm awful with words and I'm sure that there's a word somewhere in the English language half the time that expresses what I'm trying to say, but if there is, I never know it. I need some serious vocab expansion. I've thought of reading the dictionary, but you know, every time I open a dictionary I end up finding (unintentionally) words like "bisexual" and "orgasm"... *sigh* That happened to me today... Then it was like... every time I looked for a new word, I found several sexual ones first... *sigh* It's not my fault! The dictionary is the one who did it! I swear! The dictionary did it! *cries*

Anyways... Techno? Dance beats? Vocabulary words? Anyone? Paatii? Kukkii? Sandoichi?


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Thursday, October 6, 2005

I NEED LYRICS, PEOPLE! By the way, I hate skool and it sucks.

Lyrics for: "Nobody Reason" by Move from Initial D.
Lyrics for: a band called Orange Range. Any of their songs excluding "Asterisk" and "Viva Rock."

Please and thank you.

Also, for those of you reading my BA2 story, or just interested in reading some odd bios of all the characters in it, www.freewebs.com/overlordofdoom
Please don't save any of the images. I made them myself, but I got them from various places around the internet, and the original images are copyright whatever studio/artist/etc created them... In a few cases, that's me. Shadow. Is. Mine. Save pictures of her from this site or that site or anywhere else they happen to be found, and I will be displeased. And Eclipse, too.

I'm tired and I don't know what to write for CW class.

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Sunday, October 2, 2005

Skool sucks! I have to go back tomorrow!


I thought Inuyasha was a rerun yesterday, but it apparently wasn't. Damn. I would have missed it anyways, since they changed the schedule... Know why I would have missed it? Know why, know why?
He looks like his father. Kind of. I like Fluffy better. I mean, Sesshoumaru. I like Sesshoumaru better because he, Sesshoumaru, has "NO ONE TO PROTECT!" Whereas his father died protecting Izayoi, Inuyasha's mother.
INUYASHA IS TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD!!! God! What does that make Sesshoumaru?! And how old was their FATHER? Holy cow! They all still look like they're twenty! Jeez!
You should have seen me and my best friend analyzing the hell out of the feelings between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and their father. (I mean FATHERLY AND BROTHERLY FEELINGS, you incest perverts... I can't believe people pare Fluffy and Inuyasha... Poor Fluffy...). We were totally analyzing the shit out of them... We decided that Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both love each other and Sesshoumaru loves his father no matter how much he says he doesn't... Actions speak louder than words, all that bit... It makes me want to embrace him and stroke his long, silky-soft hair lovingly.
Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky...
Oh, and Hiei has been replaced by Sesshoumaru as top-ranking number of pictures in my computer... There's like, 225 of Hiei and 235+ of Sesshoumaru... Gods I got lotsa pictures...
Anyways, the reason I watched it was cuz my best friend bought it... I didn't have enough money or it so totally would have been mine. It was $17 and I had $15. Omigod. That made me mad. But I was too hyper to be mad. I love Sesshoumaru. I'll get the movie next time I see it and have money. God I'm so hyper. HYPER = BAD.
Why I'm hyper I'm really psychotic.
I guess that's not as bad as when I'm happy, I'm a malevolent bitch...
I'm multitasking and it's very strenuous on me.
ja mata.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Skool sux.

Hey, does anyone know where I can find Luna Sea lyrics? For songs other than "I For You" and "With" and "Rosier"? Cuz I'm sittin' here listening to this song called "In Mind" and I'm understanding bits and pieces (OMIGOD! SO I ACTUALLY HAVE LEARNED SOMETHING IN SCHOOL!!! ...But not from any of hte teachers working there...)... I'm sure if I listened to the other songs I'd be able to understand more bits and pieces... But that's not helping me here... Cuz I understand some of it, then not the rest, so I can't really fit together what they're saying... something about a "in a bible" (baiburu no naka ni)... They say "Ore no baiburu no naka ni 'I miss you' o sagashitai"... "Sagashi" means "to locate/to discover" SO! That leads me to say that the above sentence says "I want to find 'I Miss You' in my Bible." Which ultimately makes no sense, and leads me to believe that either Lunasea has no idea what they're talking about, that I only understood part of the sentence, or that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I vouch for the last one.

Speaking of japanese, I have to get on the site and do some assignment thing... damn... I don't even know the site and I don't feel like going to find my notebook... so I'll just type in random things and... that's a bad idea. I'll get a virus or something. XD And my mother will murder me.


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Sunday, September 25, 2005

School sucks.

I have to go back to school tomorrow. In twelve hours, I'll be back in school. I'll be in Japanese class in twelve hours, writing sloppy hiragana that will take me ten minutes to make sense out of later. About six hours after twelve hours from now, I'll be at the dentist, having them stick their hands in my mouth and give me the taste of rubber gloves for the hours following after that. Yum. Then, following about six hours the moment that is six hours from twelve hours from now, it will be twenty four hours from now and I'll be in bed, listening to music, one day of the fifth week of school down.

I downloaded some Karaoke tracks from YYH... I'm gonna download a few more and put them on a CD and do YU YU HAKUSHO KARAOKE! I've listened to these songs enough times that I don't need a little bouncing ball... all I need is the lyrics. Cuz I only have the lyrics to Koori no Naifu o Daite and Tasogare Ni Se O Mukete memorized...

Yeah, it's like, eleven o'clock... I'm wanting to get a bottle of orange soda and just... chug it... but I don't have any 2 liter bottles... just little ones, and I want to save those to take to school so I don't have to waste my money in the pop machines on Pepsi products when I have free Coca Cola products here... I love the benefits of my dad working for Coca Cola... ^_^

Let's see... considering as how it's 11:00... I should probably be off to bed... I hope idiot boy harasses me tomorrow so I can kick him in the nuts. YAY FOR KICKING GIRLY LITTLE KIDS IN THE NUTS!

Oh, while I'm still here: I had to hold and entertain my four-month-old neice for like, fifteen or more minutes today. It was... odd. Then I had to feed her. I mean... she was being good. She wasn't crankin' up and bawling her eyes out... She was being a good kid... Maybe she likes me. *shiver* I TOLD you little kids like me. It's scary.

Okay, NOW I'm going to bed.

Incidentally (so I lied), when should I start posting my next story? I haven't even written a whole chapter in over a month... Yes... I'm a little slow... I HATE SCHOOL... Brain = poop.

NOW I'm going.


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Friday, September 23, 2005

Obscenety warnings.


I have this fat, ugly little like, 12 year old neighbor... He has this nasty-ass bleached-blonde hair, he sounds like a girl, he's too stupid for his own good, he needs to be SHOT! I settled for kicking him in the side today, but I should have just kicked him straight on in the side of the head and watched him spiral to the ground and land on the road face-first with blood spewing out his mouth and nose and ear, and smirked as I noticed a few of his teeth laying on the road... But nooo, I couldn't kick him in the side of the head and watch him land on the road face first with blood spewing out his mouth and nose and ear and I couldn't smirk as I noticed a few of his teeth laying on the road because if I'd really broke half his face, then I REALLY would have been in trouble... I know I'm not that strong, but I could pack enough power into a kick that I could do some serious fuckin' bloody damage to a fat ugly 12-year-old boy/girl's face...
Now... See, here's how it happened. Strike one: He always waits on the church steps where our bus stops, cuz he's still in middle school but his friend is in high school, and rides my bus. So idiot boy as he's so appropriately been named, waits on the church steps and walks home with this friend of his. Now, me and my sister are his neighbors, right? So we walk home like, right behind him. And on the way home, there's this house with this little bitty dog that always stands in the window and goes "YAP YAP YAP!" So, when idiot boy walks by, he reaches up and hits the screen where the dog is (hitting the dog through the screen, of course). That pissed me off. I was like, "HEY!" and my sister goes, "DON'T ABUSE ANIMALS!" He didn't even glance at us (GRR) but his friend did. We keep walking, and I catch up to him after the last turn, where my house is at the end of the street. I didn't *want* to catch up to him, 'cause he's gross and ugly and fat, but anyways, he looks at me and in his girl voice goes, "Hi! Want to be friends?" He knows I hate him. So I very bluntly say, "Fuck you." and he's like, "RIGHT BACK AT YOU! RIGHT THERE!" and he's flipping me off... I should have just grabbed his finger and SNAPPED IT OFF! Little fucker... fucking fuckhead little fuckin' son of a bitch fat little whore bitch girly boy ugly fat... HATEHATEHATE... Anyways, so then my sister added something like, "Stupid people like you aren't worth anyone's time." but after a few more events that aren't perfectly clear in my memory, my sister jumped at him and almost punched him in the head, after I'd come SOOOO close to taking my nails to his fat face and ripping chunks of his flesh off. So when she almost punched him, I took that as "If she's gonna almost hit him, I'm gonna HIT HIM." And I kicked him in the side and he's like, "Now I'm gonna take you to court!" RAGE RAGE RAGE!!! I hate him! He's such a retarded little girl! One of these days I'm gonna just go psycho whoop-ass on him, beat the living SHIT out of him, and leave him in the road to get hit by a steamroller or a bus or a SEWAGE TRUCK! I HATE HIM! I need to take out my rage on something... I need to take out my rage on something... Like a fat little ugly bleached-blonde middle school pre-puberty girly boy. Fat ugly little hoe dirty stinkin' ass fuck shit head poo monkey dick weed I hate him I hate him I hate him...

...I feel slightly better now... Thank you...


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Thursday, September 22, 2005


School sucks.

I have to write a poem for Creative writing, did I tell you that? Yeah, well if I did, it's due tomorrow, and the only thought I have to write anything about is from Karasu and has something to do with crimson blood trickling over pale skin... Damn bird... He should be hit with a stick. *hits Karasu, but still has the image of blood on pale skin in her mind* See, I'm gonna end up writing a poem about red on white, maybe I can make blood and death sound innocent by talking about a red rose on snow or something like that, but if I come out right and talk about BLOOD AND DEATH and somebody hurting somebody else and the howls of pain (damn Karasu! Damn you! Son of a bitch!), I'll get sent to guidance. And when I go to guidance and start blaming it all on a blackbird, the counselor (whom I know from middle school, she's nice... I got sent to her office for "suicide threats" in 7th grade)... she'll think I'm nuts and recommend I seek further help... Yeah... I'll be like, "Well, I wrote about blood like that because this crow wouldn't stop drifting around in the back of my head smirking at me and caressing my mind... with loving strokes of long, pale fingers..." And she'll be like, "Crows don't have fingers." and then I'll launch into this lecture about demons and a psycho named Karasu which means crow in Japanese, and... she'll think I'm really strange. And then I'll leave and HAVE A PARTY! Just for the hell of it. I'll walk out of the guidance office and just start dancing like those skanks in hiphop videos... XD

'Kay, I gotta go eat dinner... The only image my mind is playing host to right now is blood on the pale skin of a man, so I guess that's what I'm writing my poem about... I'll tell you how it goes... maybe I can make it innocent. Maybe not. I'll try... The last thing I need is to be sent to an asylum before I can complete my world domination schemes...


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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

That's gonna be my opening statement for the next 160 days... SCHOOL SUCKS!
The best point of my day is lunch, when I get to hang out with a couple cool older guys (not boyfriend material, don't even go there) who are really funny people and like anime. WOOHOO! And also, most of the rest of my day is cool except for PE, math, and English... which are the classes I don't share with my best friend and are incidentally some of my least favorite classes... I have homework in almost every class due sometime in the near future... Well actually, I'm done with my math that's due tomorrow AND the day after, and I'm doing bonus work and working ahead even more than that so I don't have to have homework on the day of my test... I could work ahead and do the whole chapter, for all I care...

I'm losing my train of thought... Talking on MSN...

Oh, who has ever read Fareinheit 451? I don't even know how to spell it... Anyways, it's this dumb book and it makes no sense and I was on page 32 and fell asleep for an hour in the middle of it... That's how bad it sucks. I never fall asleep reading... I fall asleep WRITING, and I fall asleep in class, and I fall asleep watching TV and listening to music... but I never read anything so boring that I can fall asleep during it. That just goes to show how out of my normal range this book is. It sucks. I hate it.

New NCIS on tonight... YAY. Last episode, Kate got shot in the head. It was gross and traumatizing. Now they got some new girl lady... Right. I'm off.


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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Guess what?! I went to my best friend's house after school yesterday and I was there for about 24 hours, and in that time all we did was insult each other, play video games (Super Smash Brothers Melee for Gamecube, and really it was only me playing, but we both did commentary on how we think certain characters are cute), kick a soccer ball, and insult each other some more. She keeps calling me gay... *sniffle* and a whore... *sob* It's so hard on my self-esteem... *bursts into tears* Actually, you know, I noticed something interesting. My and her met by arguing about something in first grade, and she pointed out not long ago that we never seem to do anything else but argue... What kind of friendship is it when two girls insult each other constantly, argue, hit each other, hang up on each other on the phone, call the other gay, accuse the other of having STDs, constantly insist they hate each other, never seem to have a serious conversation, and never care about the others' complaints? That's the kind of friendship I have with my best friend. People stare at us when we're being friends, hitting and insulting each other, and we have to tell everyone, "We do this all the time. We're such great friends, aren't we?" Aren't we.
Just thought I'd share that with you all. I'm in the middle of something or I'd go on a rant or something interesting...




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