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myOtaku.com: Shadow Jaganshi

Sunday, February 29, 2004

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDestroyer of Human kind
Date when you fufill your destinyApril 21, 2024
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

^ My best friend's destiny.

So here's the deal. This summer, my friend lieiavalon2044 is going to make a super weapon and control earth for five years, until May 8, 2010, when I save humanity. Five years later on April 16, 2015, I will enslave humanity and have control for 9 years and five days until my best friend Eclipse destroys humanity on April 21, 2024. That's the future of the world, kids. (I'm not human, by the way, and I'm not really sure Eclipse is either...)

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