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myOtaku.com: Shadow Jaganshi

Sunday, October 30, 2005

   Nobody loves me
There have been no replies to my last two posts! What is up with that, yo?

My mattress attacked me last night and now I have a nice scratch across my knuckle. (There's a broken spring in the mattress that I keep forgetting about and hurting myself on)

I missed Inuyasha. I slept through it. Luckily, I'd been recording Scryed, so when I fell asleep almost directly afterwards, it had continued through Evangelion and Inuyasha (though the tape ran out of space about two minutes before the episode was over... I woke up just in time to see the same part I'd managed to see at 11 when Inuyasha was on... I mean, THE same, down to the seconds the same part. I just have no idea what happened before that and don't feel like watching it right now, despite Sesshoumaru being on it... I had a Hiei fix this morning, for the first time since I got the uncut DVD with Hiei vs. Bui finally and watched it, back around July... I HAVEN'T WATCHED ANY YYH SINCE JULY?! Holy shit. And to make it worse, my story has been focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shadow, Eclipse, Yusuke, Karasu, and Yuki, for the most part. Hiei and Kurama weren't even in chapter 8 at all... I'm working on chapter nine, and I'm about to switch back to them, whenever I get the afoozle to write... Which would be, when I read and post chapter five, which everyone's gonna hate and love at the same time because I'm really mean to Sesshoumaru in it. That's all I'll tell you, not like "you" is anyone, because NOBODY has bothered replying to my last two posts...


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