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myOtaku.com: Shadow Jaganshi

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Today, I am going to take you inside the mind of your every day average lunatic. ^_^ Here we go. You'd better wear protective gear...

They're looking for me. I have to be inconspicuous. Am I inconspicuous? Of course I am! I'm the one they're looking for. Why would they have to LOOK if I wasn't inconspicuous?
You're wondering who is looking for me, aren't you. Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to keep it a secret. And if you see them, don't let them know you saw me... It will be your doom...
It's the men in white coats. They think I'm insane. I'm not insane, am I? NO. But of course, they didn't believe me when I told them. You want to know why they think I'm insane?
I was in the flower garden, and the flowers were mocking me. So I talked back! But it just so happened the men in white coats were walking by... And... They tried to eat my soul... so... *sob*
HERE THEY COME!!! *runs away and hides behind a telephone pole, just as two white bunnies hop out from under a car*
They look innocent, but they're eeeevil... NO! THEY'RE COMING CLOSER!
*runs away "inconspicuously" through a crowded park, screaming about evil balls of fur from Hell*


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