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myOtaku.com: Shadow Jaganshi

Thursday, December 29, 2005

School sucks. I have this packet due in world cultures on January 13th... Now, I'm doing it today, because if I don't do it today, I won't do it at all. It's actually pretty easy... I have like, five maps that I have to do a million google image searches to find all the places on... And that's not 100% easy either, since it's like, 219 BC Roman Empire... I have to find Numidia and Illyricum... I'm supposed to read these pages, too, but I'm not going to... Once I finish this map, I have like, 10 questions to answer... about Rome and Romans and Hannibal and Glutius Maximus... Biggus Dickus... the whole gang, y'know?

Anyways, so I went to the mall yesterday, got Gravitation 10, 11, and 12, the next Anita Blake book, a book for my sister and a book for my mother... And I bought a Fullmetal Alchemist calendar (the creepy guy was working at the calendar stand again... When I bought it, he's like, "So who's your favorite character?" O.o I bet he still lives in his mother's basement)... I got the Narnia soundtrack and System of a Down's first CD... it's not as good as their other CDs, but it's not bad... The Narnia soundtrack is really good. (It was one of the two reasons I liked that movie. The other one was special effects).
And Gravitation... I was very pleased with the ending. ^_^ It was sweet. I read all three books in a row, which was wonderful... I was reading Gravitation from 8 until midnight, then suddenly decided I wanted to rearrange my bookshelf and my CDs... Did that until sometime after 1 (I had energy to burn)... went to bed around 2 (I don't remember what I did after I rearranged my bookshelf and CDs), and slept until 12:06 PM. ^_^ YAY for 10 hours of sleep! And now I'm really tired. Ugh. Too much sleep makes you just as tired as not enough, I think. But, it's fun to tell people you went to bed at some weird time in the morning and slept until the afternoon. ^_^ Especially my best friend's dad. He flips on her if she stays up until 1 and sleeps until 10. He just "doesn't understand" how I can sleep from 2 AM until noon... I understand how. It's called, I'm catching up on sleep I've missed over the past three and a half months of school.
Speaking of school, I have to go back on Monday. Monday! How retarded is that. We should get off Monday, too. Everyone stays up until midnight on New Year's Eve, and that doesn't even give us one night to catch up on it unless we sleep late on New Year's and go to bed early as well. Not that I need much sleep, but little kids might. So, for the small children's sake, they should let us have Monday off too. But NOOOOOO... It's not like we're gonna DO anything on Monday. All the teachers are gonna be like, "Nyeh... I got drunk at a party, so you guys can just screw around while I pop pills at my desk..." Well, maybe not ALL... The only class I ever do anything in anyways is math...

So, moving along from a less bitter subject onto a more bitter subject, WHY DOES ALL MY ART ONLY GET TWO OR THREE VOTES UNLESS IT'S GUYS IN LEATHER PANTS?! Oh wait. I just answered myself. GO VOTE ANYWAYS!
On the topic of my art, while we're at it, I used to be sustaining a 75% rating. My rating went up to 80% a little while ago, but, oddly, I believe it coincided with the posting of the guys in leather pants... Hm. I guess we see where YOUR loyalties lie... "You drew guys in leather pants? I LOVE you! Draw me more and I'll be your loyal slave!"
You whores! (I'm kidding)

I don't know what my fascination with K is. I like him, probably because he's a trigger-happy nutjob. But I've realized something. I... remind myself of Shuichi. I mean, if life were a cartoon, I would be so close to being Shuichi that all you'd have to do was cut my hair, dye it pink, and make me a guy. This, my friends, is what we call "BAD". If I am THAT hyperactive and insane... I should be shot. But if I were like Shuichi, it wouldn't kill me. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY TIMES K HAS BLOWN SHUICHI'S BRAINS OUT?! A lot. YAY DEATH! No wonder Shuichi's so stupid. XD

Anyways, so, I'm thinking, I need to draw some more pictures of guys in leather. *shifty eyes* I'm not attempting to turn you all into voting whores... "I'll give you these hot pictures if you give me good ratings..." Overall, I win. My rep goes up, and my rating, and my fan base, AND I get to have guys in leather dance around in my head. Constantly. Until I sedate them and put them on paper.
I also want to draw more pictures of my--err, Shadow's dog. Kokuei. Purely because...
Yesterday, I went to the local animal shelter after I went to the mall, because it was my best friend's little brother's birthday, and he wanted a dog, and they've been looking for one for weeks for him. It had to be a small dog. So, we were looking around, and there was a dog there that looked like a miniature version of my dog that died in September... I walk to the end of the cages, and I almost died. There was a husky there with a white left eye and a brown right eye. If I didn't already have two dogs that I love with all my heart, I would have got the husky and the smaller black and brown dog right then and there. There were other dogs there that I liked, there was a coonhound and and Akita (I've never seen one of those anywhere but pictures. They're pretty big, kinda bulky dogs, but it was cute. It was black with white legs and belly, but its legs were spotted black. It was interesting), and there were two black lab puppies that were kind of hyper... My friend's brother (not the youngest one that was there to get the dog, but the other one) came up to me when I was having a conversation with the husky, and he's like, "Jeez... Stop talking to the dogs..." I hadn't realized I was until he said it... I talk to dogs just like they're people. *shrug* To me, they are. I like them better than I like most people, too.
But anyways, they got a new doggy... A cocker spaniel/something else mix... She's cute.

Anywho, I think I'll go proof and post another chapter finally... I'm tired of talking to you. JEEZ. (I'm kidding again.) I also don't want to research the Roman army (why was it effective? How was it organized?)... So, what better way to escape the Roman army than to crawl into the recesses of one's own mind and visit with its occupants?


Then, while you're talking to yourself and not paying attention to the Romans, they skewer you on their spears and swords. Blood goes everywhere. And they don't bother cleaning it up... So sad.

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