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Anime Fan Since
a long time (7 years)
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Naruto trigun inuyasha Ninku wolfrain firestorm gundam seed and gundam seed astray hunter x hunter hellsing! fist of the north star and im trying to see berserk how could i forget evamgelion
watching anime and G4
| shadow ninja

Naruto hand seals

Monday, February 21, 2005
well i havent been on my computer lately untill now but i do wanna say that i have responded to every guest book signiture and i will continue to do so.
blah blah blah it goes on and on
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
inuyasha uses a shikon jewl
InuYasha Does use the shikon shard!
In the newest chapter of Manga "Using the Fragment" kagome gives InuYasha the shard and he puts it in his sword, but as he does he starts to turn into his demon form. Kagome rushes over and puts her arms around him and she purifies the shard. InuYasha asks her to hold on to him alittle longer as he tries to get out of the belly of the beast.
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miroku proposes FINALLY
Miroku Proposes to Sango
It hasn't come out in the anime yet but is relased in Japan's version of the manga, Volume 30.
Miroku tells Sango his feelings. That to him, she is a special girl, and he has never respected a female like he has ever respected her. But he sees her as a companion, a friend to fight alongside. She blushes alot and says something, then he says that after the battle with Naraku, if they are both still alive, if she would bear his child. SANGO SAYS YES. Miroku is estatic, saying things like, "You'll bear them? 10, or even 20?" Kagome and Inuyasha are in the bushes spying. Kagome says, "Kyaa! He proposed!" Sango is happy, and asks him if he'll never cheat on her again, but recieves no answer...
website where it can be found (translated):
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Friday, September 10, 2004
xbox parentail block reset
my mom blocked my xbox a year ago
with parental block i couldnt watch anime or play M game so heres how you can prevent that from happening along with cool other stuff
Hold start + back for several seconds
Contributed By: eli0918
Reset Parental Control Password
Code Effect
X, Y, Left Trigger, X Reset Parental Control Password
Easter Eggs
Name Your Xbox
Use one of the following games and the method described to ''name'' your Xbox:
Dead or Alive 3 - Play Survival or Time Attack mode until you rank in the top ten. Name entered for the scoreboard will be your new Xbox name.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Create a Live nickname (Live not required). Nickname entered will be your new Xbox name.
Cel Damage - Create and save a profile. Profile name will be your new Xbox name.
MotoGP - Same as Cel Damage.
NOTE: The only way to view the name given is through Halo. Begin a multiplayer match, and at the screen where each player is represented by a controller (also the team select screen), the name will be above the Xbox icon there.
Contributed By: Pierced Sol
Secret Thank-You
First insert a music CD into the XBOX. Select copy, then press select all. When it asks you to name your soundtrack name it <> and press done. Make sure you enter in the < and > symbols and be sure to use the ß character under Accents. After you press done, you'll see a special thank you and a long list of the people responsible for helping create the XBOX.
Contributed By: EMSOX
Psychedelic Effects
This can only be activated while a CD or a Soundtrack is playing. Nothing will happen if it is stoped or paused. While the song is playing, hold the Y button, then press X. A psychedelic image will fill the screen, leaving you mesmerized. To exit this mode, hit any button.
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tales of sympthonia
Namco's Tales series of role-playing games have always carried something of a cult status outside of their native Japan. In a console genre that many people define in Final Fantasy parameters, the Tales games have been quiet understudies that haven't garnered much attention. Enter Tales of Symphonia, the latest game in the series and the first to appear on the RPG-starved GameCube. Happily, the game is more than just a pretty face--it is a welcome entry into a console's needy genre; it's an entertaining game with a pretty standard story line, but it also has terrific gameplay and a lot of appeal.
The world teeters on the brink of destruction. Time to send out the teenagers!
The game is set in the world of Sylvarant, a land that is on the wane due to a steady loss of mana, the energy source that is needed both for magic and to support life itself. As the crops begin to wither and hardship sets in, the people turn their hopes to the Chosen One, a servant of the Goddess Martel, who can reverse the ills of the world by completing a journey of world regeneration. You play as Lloyd Irving, a teenage boy, who sets out with Colette Brunel (the young girl who happens to be the Chosen) and a group of compatriots to restore the world's mana and to set things right. The story is standard fare and has a few obvious twists, though it's shored up a good deal by the wide range of characters you come in contact with. The journey may be long, but it's well-populated with characters and a few subplots, which you can keep track of in a synopsis journal accessible from your main menu.
Your journey through Sylvarant is also made lighter by the fact that you're generally not subjected to random enemy encounters. Both in dungeons and on the world map, you'll see representations of monsters hanging about. In dungeons, there'll be various types of creatures roaming specific areas, and it's almost always possible for you to navigate right around them, even in close quarters. The world map handles things a bit differently; monsters show up as either blobs or wacky little bipedal critters, and you'll be able to see them when you get close enough. Some of them sit still, some of them wander randomly, and every so often you come across one that hops excitedly and dashes straight at you. They can start dashing when you're still not in range to see them, so you can still get caught unawares every so often, particularly on long treks. And even that's not necessarily such a bad thing, because once you get adept at dodging enemies, it's easy to go for long stretches without fighting; however, then you'll find yourself running into a brick wall in the form of a boss. You'll want lots of hit points and special techniques at your fingertips to handle those baddies, and to get there, you're going to have to spend some time leveling. However, that task is itself made less onerous by the versatility of the battle system itself, and the fact that you get to pretty much choose your own fights.
You can avoid most battles, but don't get too lazy, or you won't match up to some tough bosses.
Tales games have always used what Namco calls the "linear motion battle system," a real-time, 2D battle engine that lets you move around the field and attack foes at will. Tales of Symphonia uses an expanded version of this system that's fast, fun, and easy to master. By default, you'll directly control your main character in battle (who is almost always Lloyd) and your teammates will act according to their artificial intelligence. The battlefields are 3D, so you will have enemies fanned out a bit, but your movement is still two dimensional--only forward and back--so you are aligned with the current monster you have targeted. If the enemies are clustered together close enough, you can hit several with one type of attack. The A button controls your standard melee swipes, while the B button triggers your special tech attacks. You can have numerous tech attacks mapped at any given time that correspond with pressing B alone or in conjunction with moving your analog stick in a certain direction. You can block incoming attacks by hitting the X button. Mastering blocking becomes very important, especially with bosses with huge attacks that would otherwise hit for devastating damage.
Battles evolve quickly into full-speed melees where you'll be balancing your tech points (used for special moves) with melee hits (each hit gains you a tech point back) as you rack up combination hits by striking in concert with your teammates and avoiding danger by blocking and moving out of range. Your team's number of successful strikes will eventually go into a meter; when that meter fills, you'll be able to execute unison attacks, which consist of an offensive special attack from each ally who has such an ability, with no tech point cost. You'll have to execute a number of button presses within a time limit to pull those off, but it's based on the same simple control scheme as normal specials. When you couple the above with the possibility for combined special attacks and special unison attacks, which are dependent on certain move combinations, it gives you a robust, ever-changing stream of possibilities in battle that can be great fun to perfect. You can also call on the forces of summon spirits, elemental beings you'll have to seek out and form a pact with.
this game is like final fantasy you except its a multi player and you play in real time instead of taking turns in battle
Is Kratos?... *SPOILERS!!*
From: michael hipo | Posted: 9/18/2004 1:25:23 PM | Message Detail
lloyd father?
From: Moon Light Sun | Posted: 9/18/2004 1:26:54 PM | Message Detail
3.141592654 mmm... pie
From: MistyIRC | Posted: 9/18/2004 1:27:21 PM | Message Detail
He's Lloyd's uncle's sister's roommate's dog's mother's owner's father's sister's aunt's grandfather's niece's long-lost brother.
I swear, if God came down to Earth and said "XBox has outsold GCN worldwide", the next thing you'd hear is "LINK. NOW."
From: Setokaiba123456 | Posted: 9/18/2004 2:38:36 PM | Message Detail
in lamest terms his father lol
If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cares,why is there a song about him The intelligence level of this board is sinking
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Monday, September 6, 2004
game cubes metroid prime 2 echos
Metroid Prime 2's title tweaked, multiplayer confirmed
Nintendo officially reveals that the renamed Metroid Prime 2: Echoes will support up to four players.
Those awaiting Metroid Prime 2 got a double dose of news today. First was Nintendo's official confirmation that the sequel to the award-winning sci-fi adventure will indeed have multiplayer functionality.
"For the first time in the history of the celebrated Metroid franchise, up to four players can battle each other as they search for weapons, grapple across ceilings, and turn into morph balls to make their escapes," read a new product page on the Nintendo of America Web site. The site also included a multiplayer screenshot from MP2, which showed a quartet of Samuses battling it out on a split screen.
Nintendo also took the opportunity to unveil the sequel's final title, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. However, the publisher did not elaborate on the title's significance. I will have more information on Metroid Prime 2 as it becomes available
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