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Anime/Manga obsetionist
Real Name
I own Rurouni Kenshin mangas 1-7, DNAngel 1-3, Tokyo Mew Mew 3-5, InuYasha 1,2,8, Yu Yu Hakusho 1-5 *huggles manga* and lots more other ones last time I checked I had 29 manga total!
Anime Fan Since
..... let's see..... I'm 15 ..... I've liked it for.... 3.....5......8.....10....11 or 12 years ^.^
Favorite Anime
YuYuHakusho... and Rurouni Kenshin... and Yu-Gi-Oh... and InuYasha... and....
1.OWN ALL THE MANGA OF THE WORLD!!!!! 2.Meet Hiei (or a cos player who looks & acts alot like him) 3. get borders to build a hotel into their store so I can live there.
Collecting manga, reading, writing, drawing, day dreaming, hanging with friends, hateing school, RPGs, AIMing, Obsesing over anime/manga.
Drawing and writing fan ficts
| Shadow Vixen

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Monday, February 28, 2005
The idea for this came curtousy of the awsome Neko-san
The shoes you wore today: blue
Your eyes: hazle green and blue
Your fears: bee's,needles, BEES!!!!
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase on aim: meow
Your thoughts first waking up: do I really have to get up today?
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: their eyes or hair
Your best physical feature: eyes for sure!
Your bedtime: 8:00- 10 or 11:00 sometimes later depending.
Your most missed memory: that's a good question, too bad I dunno.
-----------------YOU PREFER----------------
Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI!!!!
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's all the way
Single or group dates: I wouldn't know.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vinilla is wonderful
Cappuccino or coffee: depends how much sugar and milk is in the coffee, I'd take eather though
-----------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: Nope
Curse: In Japanese some, but not really
Take a shower everyday: most of the time
Have any crushes: maybe ... *cough*yes*cough*
Who are they: you don't need to know
Do you think you've been in love?: not sure
Want to go to college: would like to kinda
Like high school: ehh I'll tell ya next year
Want to get married: posibly, but not in the near future ^^'''
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: nope
Believe in yourself: somewhat
Get motion sickness: only once in a wile
Think you're a health freak: No way
Have parents/guardian: Yep
Like thunderstorms: Thunder yes, rain no
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
Gone to the mall: nope
Eaten sushi: never
Been on stage: yes actually... I think
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: no
Dyed your hair: YUP! It's redish brown now
Cut your hair: Yup, sholder langth
Stolen anything: nope
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: no, I'd crash
Missed school because it was raining: nope
Told a guy/girl that you liked him/her?: not till after he said it first.
Cried during a movie: yea
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yup, want me to make a list?
Had an imaginary friend: yea
Had sex: no
Had crush on a teacher: no
Been called a tease: no, I don't think I have
Gotten drunk: no
Gotten beaten up: no
Been in a fight: no
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: errm.... I dunno
Number of children: max 2
Descibe your dream wedding: long as it's outside, I don't care
How do you want to die: quickly and painlessly
What do you want to be when you grow up: voice actor, artist, writer, work at borders,or a kennal
What country would you most like to visit: Japan of course!
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
Best eye color: don't matter
Best hair color: doesn't matter
Short or long hair: prefer long, but don't care
Best height: short people are cool but don't really care
Best weight: .....I dunno
Best first date location: *shrugs*
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of real friends: 6 or 7... maybe more...
Number of drugs taken illegally: none
Number of people you could trust with your life: about 3
Number of CDs that I own: ummm, 3 that I haven't lost yet..
Number of piercings: 1 on each ear
Number of tattoos: none, but I want a dragon tattoo
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: 1 or 2 times when I sent in a picture.
Number of scars on your body: umm... none
Number of things in your past that you regret: I donno
Number of friends you've kissed: none
Number of people you've had sex with:
Shampoo: coconut, or rose cented ones!
Color(s): black, silver, blue, and green... but mostly blue
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: both
Lace or Satin: *shrugs*
Cartoon: YuYu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, among other anime!
Sport: none
Bands: I don't have a fave
Items you own: erm.... my manga and anime DVDs AND MY HIEI PLUSHIE!
Movie: .... there's a lot
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: blue jeens, socks, and a gray t-shirt with a kitty that says purrrfect
Thinking about: my dog sitting job tonight and my Hiei plushie
Drinking: nothin
Listening to: the radio
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
Cried: yup
Worn jeans: yes
Met someone new online: no
Done laundry: unfortunatly yea
Had sex: nope
-------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: somewhat
Your friends: always
Tooth Fairy: no
Destiny/Fate: sometimes
Ghosts: not entierly
-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name: YES!
Wish you had a boyfriend or girlfriend: sometimes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: ummm.... all of us are crazy for the most part
Are you close to any family member: yeah my little grandma
What's the best feeling in the world: to be loved
What time is it: 5:11 pm
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Somethin that makes sence

A good site you may like to visit, It has stuff you can put on your sites.
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Loss of sanity warning
The little people in my head, aka my muses, have gone on strike and left me. I am bored out of my mind and have thrown out all my sanity to get back at my muses. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! THAT'LL TEACH EM TA LEAVE ME!!!! *pouts* espetially when they leave wile I'm trying to write a story! That just plain mean, leaving me when I need em most!
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Hiei Pict
I found this really cool picture of Hiei, it's a fan art, and I wanted to share it with you peoples, but alas, I am HTML inept >.< meh! Well, if anyone would like to see it send me your e-mail or e-mail me and I'll send it to ya. Or if someone could tell me how to get it on here I would greatly appretiate it!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Have any of you ever read the manga 'Hands Off'? I just got the 1st & 2nd ones. Kotarou's a cutie! Well, all three of the main charicters are!
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I've been having an.... interesting week. Weather you know it or not, (and weather you care or not)I'm a Kenshin fan girl. There's this guy (I wont say names) but he's a Kenshin fan as well. We where talking on aim, argueing over Kenshin, and he sugested "shairing" Kenshin.... and not in the, 'He's your's from Sunday-Wensday and mine Thirsday-Saturday' kinda way, but in the dirty don't wanna think about it kinda way. This had me freaked out for a bit. >.<
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