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Sunday, September 11, 2005
I bought 2 DVD's yesterday..about an Anime called Tenjho is way better than ikki tousen...Stupid bullshit!!! I missed Naruto yesterday...I don't have cable anymore so I can't watch Naruto....;-; ow sad....well today is september 11....not that I care about is just another day to me....well yesterday Alex came over and we downloaded lots of stuff..I downloaded soooo many Anime Music Videos XD and he downloaded some god forbid songs and a video lol.....well I hope this is enough of a post...I am sorry if it is too short ^_^""...well farewell everyone..
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
well today was another boring usual....I am considering going out with Isela and Maria....I can't choose who to go for...I have a better chance with Isela but Maria is soo cute and nice....=\ what a Dilema....well anyways....I made a new friend...I am so happy cuz I never make friends....his name is abraham and he is a fucking funny guy....he acts stupid but I know he is a good guy....I am still being Dark but with my haircut...I look so Emo >.<...when I had long hair I looked Evil-er....well I recently heard some news about my cousin's child who has a tumor in his brain...they say he has a year Darkness is overwhelming me again...something inside me is wanting that kid dead......This is confusing.....I don't know him that well but.....ughh.....hehehe I love my makes me feel powerful and eventually it will lead me to do evil things...this is a nice start.....but on the other hand...I am more social now...girls talk to me now....maybe my life is changing for the better...on a smaller note I broke up with biggie...she always preferred her stupid friends over me I let her go with her retarded friends who I hate with a deep passion....I don't hate Dolly I just think she is stupid....She will find someone else anyway so I am not worrying about her....I do miss her....but fuck her...she was a botch with me so I am paying her back....well farewell everyone.....
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Friday, September 9, 2005
I am back...Darker than ever......
Well I have returned...I keep getting grounded....this time I got grounded because me and some other guys were to go fuck up some kid that talks a lot of shit about of us beat him up but it created a bigger problem....I might get myself killed because his friends want to kill us.well that is why I got grounded....I also remembered a lot of things....I remember how Dark I used to be....I miss my I have decided to return to the way I used to be....Dark and Sadistic.....I need to destroy my emotions......I shall post Daily now. I will also visit people's sites....on other news...I stopped liking was just a phase I was going through....I don't find it as amusing as I used to.....I am gonna be Darker now so I need to hear Dark music that makes me those of you that still visit my site...I am really sorry for the past months....I have been slacking off...but that must end...I shall do semi-long posts and I shall comment everyday....ok? I hope all you guys come back and comment...I may be as Dark as I used to be but I will still keep a place in my heart for all of you guys.......I shall leave now...Farewell......
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Monday, August 8, 2005
sorry I haven't updated in a long was bgecause I got grounded...for some reason I would rather not discuss >.> <.<......well I will be back on Thursday..I am on right now because we just installed our new DSL internet and I was trying it out. it is sooo song took like a minute to ish soooo happy ^_____________^ I can now starts downloading J-Rock PV's and they won't take forever...well right now I miss Dolly soooo hurts to be apart from her...*sigh*...oops sorry...I should shut up now =X...well I g2g now...see you guys on thursday!!! *waves*
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
New Theme!!
Current Song:What's my Age Again
Current Band:Blink 182
it feels weird doing a current song and band thingy...I like the brings back memories...onto other news...well my New Theme is kinda weird because it is a wallpaper from Sonic Heroes and a midi from Sonic Adventure.....I was thinking about my favorite characters from anime's and game's and I found out all my fave characters are either Crazy or really Dark.My all time fave Character is Alucard (Hellsing) second favorite is Broly (Dragonball Z)...and my third is Vicious (Cowboy Bebop) 4rth fave is Bass (Megaman Battle Network) last fave character is Seymour (Final Fantasy X)........I am thinking about doing an MP3 rotation site soon....tell me what you guys think about the idea....well I have to go now...see you guys later ^.~
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Friday, July 29, 2005
well Nothing much to report...School is boring....but today after school we are gonna have a reunion of all the "Chambelanes" that were in the 15...we are all going to meet at the church where we praticed....I shall upload 2 pics of me in my they are

I wasn't looking at the camera because the girls were cheering for me ^^;;

sorry the pic is too small......
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Monday, July 25, 2005
15 is over!!
well the 15 was on was fucking fun..I even slicked my hair back for the first time ever...I looked soo badass in my tux...I shall upload a picture when the film is developed....well we went in a limo and it was fun...I hated the music they put but the limo ride was still fun....the limo ride started at 11:00 and ended around 3:00 and then we did the mass for maggie who turned 15. then later we were just chilling until the dance which was at 7:00 and then we finished the traditional dances and then at 8:30 the party music first I didn't wanna dance but I started dancing to "cumbias" (trasditional salvadorean music) and to some techno which I got hyper over xD....After I danced I went to go chill with Jeff and Maria and some other girls....then we went home at around 11:00....that party was fucking fun...Everything was fun that day ^_^...well see you guys later.
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Friday, July 22, 2005
sorry for not updating lately...this week has been hectic because the 15 is on saturday. oh! I just remembered my promise...I will now tell you what a 15 is.
~When a Young Woman reaches the Age of 15 they are supposed to have a great big party to celebrate. sorta like a sweet 16 but a 15 is a hispanic tradition.
if I have a daughter then we will have a 15 for her even tho she will be half Asian because my g/f is Asian.
Well I will now tell you the good news...looky!!!
Total Visits 780
Popularity Ranking # 1060 (out of 31,513 active sites)
WOOT!!! that is so wonderful...I never thought I was ever gonna be this popular ^__________^
Err-hem..well Maria still doesn't show up for pratice...I dunno if I might even be in it...I don't dance with people I don't know so it is either her or no one. *sigh* she must hate me...stupid stupid Alan..why did you ever tell her you liked her >.<.........well I just officially depressed myself...see you guys later
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Got Grounded...Again
Sorry I haven't updated lately...I got grounded again for doing absolutely nothing...I think @.@....oh wait...I remember...I didn't want to feed the dogs and I stole my mom's cell phone ^_^"""....don't ask about it. well anyways..I am back and I am feeling better ^_^...I will now go check up on everyone's sites...see ya later.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I am taking 2 classes for intersession.....My first class is Geometry and it is fucking boring and second is World History and it is fun cuz we get to do our work whenever we want and we don't have to work at all..but I am doing my work cuz I need the credits to go into 10th grade....I slacked off on my last days of school so I got like 3 D's and shit...I went to court last week and the lady said If I disrepect my mom again I might be going to juvi or boot camp...I am usually a calm kid but when they mess with me I turn into the devil's incarnate....that is why I broke my mom's window and fucker up her bedroom door. I also cussed her out many times...but I have been calmer now..3 weeks have gone by since I have stopped cussing out my mom..I am definately changing. well imma go lie down for a while since I am kinda sleepy....Jeff still has my sonic adventure 2 soundtrack...that bastard!!! I am gonna kill him. Today I have dance pratise..since I am going to be in a 15 (Hispanic Tradition for women) I am going to dance with Maria since I am her "Chambelan". Tomorrow I will post what a 15 is for those who don't know. well byes everyone.
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