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myOtaku.com: ShadowDarkness54

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

I only got a few minutes..here is overview....first day was fun...I just remembered that I am a true outcast.....I dont fit in anywhere...Ihate people but it stills makes me feel bad about not fitting in. well here are my classes

1 Period: Honor English 9B
PRetty easy and very fun

2 Period: Spanish 1B
Boring Class!!!!

3 Period: Wold History 9B
really cool class!

4 Period: AVID Elective Class
Hardest class!!!

5 Period: Advanced PE 9B
I start dressing for PE on Friday or Monday

6 Period: Algebra 9B
Easiest class ever >.< I had to repeat it...for no reason...I passed it last year!!

ok me gone now!!

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