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ShadowFaint Zero
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Member of the Bebop Team
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I am, undefeated
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Sailor moon
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Super Milk Chan,Cowboy Bebop ,Samurai Champloo,FLCL,Naruto, Bleach, Hellsing
| ShadowFaint Zero

Friday, April 28, 2006
HTML Plox?
By the way, i'm just gonna try and again, ask for help on the whole, HTML thing. If your willing to help, Please do, I'll try and do it by myself though, for now. <_<
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
I don't know what to say. It was my girlfriend's last day in New york, and sadly, My mother wouldn't even let me leave the house. Bleehhh, the weather in Bronx New York was horrible today, Can you say Rainy? Usually, I LOVE rainy weather. Today, no. So anyway, My girlfriend is way to far down in manhatten to even think of comming to see me, but she gets halfway, and then gets lost. So I told her just to go back. I feel absolutely crappy about now, of course. My girlfriend being the emotional type, I wanted to be there, sadly theres nothing I can do. Quiet the ranter amn't I? Eh, Its like 3:40 in the morning, I'll post something else later.
No YTMND for you. :\
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Okay, well for the time being, I'm gonna lay it out like this. I went to see my girlfriend, and she dragged me all around manhatten, So i'm really not in the mood to do this anymore. But from now on, i'll oh-so-graciously leave you with my own favorite YTMND of the post. Of course, its not the old-school, picture of the week, but its sufficient. <_<
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
You know, I've been busy with lots of work, trying to pass high school and stuff, So I haven't had the chance to post much. That, saddens me, Mostly since, MyO is my homepage, Whenever I pass by, I can clearly see the numbers of hits. I thought it was time to screw myself over for a bit, and post some. When you have only gotten a single hit in a week, something is wrong. :\
Well then, if you needed to reach me on a more stricter base, or you just need more adds, my Myspace link is: .
Go ahead, you know you want too. As for that whole, FLCL theme thing. It didn't work out as well as i thought, so i'll be thinking of a new one thus far. Maybe even a MapleStory theme, I'm attachted to the game, what can I say? I play on Broa, the name is, TehBebop, for those of you maplers out there.
I've had my fair shares of hits and misses on OtakuBoard, so i'll try and add it to my whole, Firefox tab list, so i'll click it more. I've been trying to finish up lots of Anime and crap lately, I re-watched all of hellsing, got up to Naruto 161 before i died of filler-diease, And i'm up to date with Bleach. Ichigo 100% was pretty sweet. ;) Fanservice ftw. As you can see, My AOL/AIM is still ShadowFaint Zero, IM me anytime, my Xfire is up there, for the constant gamer. ;)
I'll try and keep up the whole posting thing more, As for now i'm gonna go work on a new theme, maybe.
Come on back old friends, I wanna make a big new whole thing on MyO. :-)
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Woah there...
Yeah, This time I don't have any other fancy excuse, other than that I was studying. :)
I've decided to get my grades up, and no, I haven't forgotten about you guys, MyO is my homepage. ;)
It doesn't really take that long, but i've been getting this HTML ready to post right onto my page, trying my hand at typing it out instead of copying and pasting things this time, thats my major you know.
So yeah, I'll be back soon. Not a month like this time :\
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Featured Quiz Result:
I have a broken soul..Yay
Your soul is broken.You are living through a lot of pain everyday that you have to deal with, which is making you sorrowful. No one ever stays by your side when you truly need them and no one ever will. Everything is hopeless and tragic and you keep yearning for the day you will be free from pain. Love is unlikely to happen to you because you isolate yourself and are suspicious of peoples motives. You stand in the shadows of the world, watching what you can never have. The bruises you carry never seems to heal, your mind is dark and no one seems to understand or wants to help. As always, you will be alone in the world, fighting your dark thoughts by yourself.
How is your soul?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla |
w00t Strawberry ichigo!
Heh, just the way I enjoy it, small, sleek, silent, and deadly of course.
 You are an assassin. That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.
Main weapon: Sniper Quote: "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn Facial expression: Narrowed eyes
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla |