ShadowFaint Zero
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Updating is not so frequent anymore.
I promise i'll update tommarow, but, my cousin has been hospitalized so i've been hanging out at the hospital.
I'll talk to you guys soon : )
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Repairs suck man.
All I can say is,
Sorry for inactivity,
But my computer is in for repairs.
More details later.
Sorry, don't delete me I suppose.
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Yes, I am still alive, but now i am not, due to homework. I'll post more tommarow, promise. ;)
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
One thing to say.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
What, Don't blame me for not posting in a while. Blame faulty microsoft made mouses (mice). JUST LIKE A COUPLE OTHER OF THEIR FAULTY PRODUCTS. CoughcoughhackhackweezeweezewindowsXPweeze.
Anyway. How do you like the Bebop theme, its old but like, refurbished and shiet.
You know, its kinda hard for me not to update, MyOtaku is my homepage and whatnot, but its like homework is overwheleming.
Other than that, when i'm not doing homework i'm playing some online game -_-.
Well, i'm sorry <_<
But MapleStory and CounterStrike are addictive, don't blame me. bitches : \
I gotta go finish my homework though, see you guys later :)
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Long way eh?
Wholey shit. For the first time in a while.
Anyway, now that i'm (supposidely) back from a long absence. Who would like to see the reasons why? Show of hands please? Okay, thanks for the hands. :D
My computer mouse was broken, and I didn't feel like having to go and operate my machine through keyboard, so I stayed off for a while.
High school is okay, I guess. Nothing to shabby, but I have homework, so i cut this short.
Okay I love you byebye. :)
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Homework has us flanked
.....Homework is FING EVIL.
School hasn't even started yet and homework is already slapping me up like its bitch :(
I think i'm falling asleep too, my pillow is soft. X_x; Its like, hypnotic or something because this is the damn softest pillow i've ever touched.
So yeah, sorry if I don't get to everyones sites. I'm quiet busy with my science assignment.
I think thats it for this post, come again soon though :P
picture of the week: (now back)

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Champloo style
Tah-Dah. New theme.
Samurai Champloo was a great anime anyway. I finished the series about two days ago. :)
Well, I can't even say much has happened in the past days. Me and my friends went into the movies and saw Red Eye though. That movie was funny, especially since how the audience kept yelling things. The one lady behind us yelled "DON'T LET THAT MOTHERF**KER GET YOU!!" And even when there was an explosion and everyone dodged it, this guy in the row ahead of us said "Daaaaamn, he woulda got toasted." I love my neighborhood. But of course, even I broke down and went someone got stabbed I yelled out "SHANKED!"
Good times, goooood times. :\
Otherwise, I have to get back to my homework. Thanks for all the hits :)
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Friday, August 26, 2005
I'm back.
Well, Sorry about that long long disappearance. Lets just say I was lazy some days and the other days something went wrong.
Such as:
As of recently, my browser seemingly broke down and I lost all my favorites,so i've been trying hard to get them back.
Still, I have yet to finish my summer homework, and i'm starting to get kinda nervous now. How will a new school be now? :\ I'll have to get used to it I suppose..
Nothing really happened during the days. I downloaded a lot more anime though, HunterXHunter 1-26, and Bleach 1-25 only needs 4 more percent! :D
This Cable modem really does wonders. >_>
So yeah guys, i'll try and get to everyones site, but homework sucks.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Thanks for 700 hits
This one won't be so eventful, but thank you for 700+ hits.
Well, in other news, I saw the first episode of Onegai twins, someone told me it had lots of fanservice, yet I AM NOT PLEASED. >_>
Anyone know where I can get downloads of "Ai Yori Aoshi" without using torrents..? ._.;;;
Heh heh heh..
Also, I finished Chrno Crusade yesterday, so thats my reason for not updating. I'm a big ol' softie, so I cryed at the end. :\
...Hah, just kidding, I felt like I wanted too though. Take that Will Smith. (Example of Randomness.)
So yeah, my day is looking to be pretty boring, hoping I can go out and buy a large pack of candy. :\
Then i'm just gonna sit around and watch movies and be online all day, send me an Instant Message if you want. :)
See ya, and thanks for the hits guys, it gives me a reason to come back. :P
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