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• 1991-09-08
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• 2005-03-15
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| ShadowFaint Zero
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Computer Completed
Helllooooooo otaku friends.
What's up everyone?
Do ya' know what the title means?
It means I got internet back.
I'm still waiting for the Cable Modem though >_<
Anyway, expect updates now. Then again, its summer, Not much to write about.
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Its 1:33AM and theres a blockparty raging down the street. I'm not that kind of guy though, I like to lay back in meh boxers and chillz o_O;
Well, I'll post what happens in my day later. I also had a party today! whewt. I'll post later o.o bye.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Where did my money go? Woe is meh
Hey Everybody
My money is rapidly dissappearing. I'm spending money to use the computers at the not so local cyber cafe. It used to be local, but I moved. ::Sigh::
Well, My cousin gave me some free Nintendo 64 games. I tried to sell them, but when I went to the EBgames, some kid was selling 64 games, I overheard them talking and the lady said 35cents each for the games. I MEAN WTF! The graphics aren't all that bad, and the games are still last generation. I could understand 35 cents for pong or something (Which I still look down upon, PONG WAS KICKASS!)
Just pisses me off.
Otherthan that, Iunno, I should have internet over the weekend. That'll be nice right? Tee hee?
Now lets take some time to respond to comments, Last post comments that is.
Sharingan Itachi:I SWEAR THAT HOUSE IS HAUNTED! Yet, its so comfortable.
HardLuckWoman: Lucky -_- You really are.
Yume Sama: Right now, the house is so boring, I want telemarketers.
Kikyo: SCREW YOU OKAY?! ::UberKancho::
Miss Anonymous: GUILTY! THE GUILTY SHALL BE PUNISHED! (Told ya Tales of Symphonia was kickass)
Done o.o for now...
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Its been way too long.
Just as the name implies my ye old'e friends. I haven't had the chance to update. Wanna know why? Well so begins this story.
Well, first of all. I moved.
Thats a good thing...right?
Okay...not going far with this.
Well, My new house is OLD. Can you say, no phone jacks? The guy/girl who lived in the house died 2 years ago, and the house has been locked off since. Oddly enough, everything is clean..
Anyway, I don't have much time left. My computer should be running soon...I'll get back to you guys later..
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Friday, June 17, 2005
HELLSING PWN'Z YOU GOOD // Weekend Summer.
Hey friends.
Sory I haven't had a chance to update anything lately. I've been busy with family and more anime joint.
You know what Anime/Manga is REALLY good? Well, look at the subject. Hellsing of course.

The deliciously good storyline mixed with a devilish set of unique and strong characters offer for one helluva good time.
Allucard is kickarse! He may even well be the next theme i'm doing. I'll have to find a cool new avatar with him and whatnot, so if your packing, you best be surrending.
Hmmm, I'm trying to take pictures of myself on my cousin's camera. I look horrible in these, because it's late at night and i'm wearing barely anything, but, i'll take better ones tommarow of me with my hair brushed and wearing my brand new shirt. I'm moving tommarow, yippie, smallest room in history for me! Lala!

and just because I love her oh so much, pictures of my beautiful darling.

Lalala, Thats enough for now, I'll post something more tommarow if I get the chance my friends ^_^
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Countdown Start...9 days till graduation
I'm backkkkkk
Yeah thats right, after two days, Your favorite ShadowFaint has returned, then again, you don't know many do you..?
Hehehe, Quite alot has happened in the past two days.
While Outpost Nine, NEVER ceases to amaze me with awesome editorials and hate mails, you have to wonder.
Outpost Nine is the organization that sends Americans to Japan to teach for a while, read up on their stuff here. (click zee link -_-)
Anyway, I'm adding a new banner to the site, more of a warning label, look at it above. ^_^
So what can I say is new..
Well, singling me out to prove my singing talent infront of the whole 8th grade and principle? Pretty bad. Too bad the school didn't hear, only the principle :P.
I'll stop right there, before your ears start burning.
Otherwise, school year is comming to and end. Bleh, I'll miss all my friends. For the first time out of so many I can't imagine, I actually matured. Can you believe that? I matured. For me to realize it takes a lot too.
So any Ideas for Summer Anime? Other than Saiyuki and Saiyuki: Reloaded? Anyone? C'mon guys, think xD.
Even though I read the manga, I still have to see all of 'Flame of Recca' in anime format. I MUST see the rest of "King of Bandits: Jing", and hopefully when I get my cable modem, Boxtorrents will do a shitload of work for me, and let me download Naruto in Seasons.
Moving has really begun now. My room is all packed and what not, except for all my sexy posters on the wall. (Except for Balmung, I'm notta yaoi boy..). When I move, I'm gonna set up my webcam and take pictures. ::Grin::
Alright folks, I know its the moment you've been waiting for. Me to shut up and for the Picture of the week right? Well, this one is good in my standards.
I'll post more tommarow.
Picture of the Week.

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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Summer Rant 2.0
My fan is on....full blast
That rarely happens. I don't get hot easily. Roar, the only thing good about summer is ice cream, bikinis, and NO SCHOOL = Sleep + Anime.
I can tell you my summer schedule right now, I graduate the 23th of this month, and get my diploma on the 24th. So, that means...
25th: Wake up (2:00PM usually), eat a ton of waffles, go online and check whose on. More sleep. Come back from away on AIM and talk to people, eat, eat, video games, sleep.
26th: Wake up, Watch anime while eating my daily dosage of the waffles. Come online and check. Go out and probably see a movie with my friends or something like that. Come back, talk, video games, sleep,
27: Rinse, Wash, Repeat.
Thats pretty much it.
Ehehe, Wheres my life now? XD
I'm almost finished with my Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Emulator download game. The second was in some ways an improvement on the first, and in other ways it failed in comparision.
I can't wait till graduation, that means Graduation money! ^_^
That leads to me buying video games
I'm planning on Splinter Cell 3:Chaos Theory, and of course, one of my favorites.
Shadow the Hedgehog.
Thats gonna be a friggen awesome game, I tell ya.
Anyway, I guess this brings my daily post to an end huh? Its 4:00 PM, ON THE DOT! I'm gonna go to sleep now, Leave the comments hawt, and everyone check out MoogleGirl1337's page. Get to it by my friends list, in the corner.
Just remember...
I, Eat, N00BS!
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Watery Justice II
Today we had another water fight. Please explain why girls would WILLINGLY take off their bra? Well, don't ask me, I have no clue. Anyway, My question for today is: 'How many Total Gigs does your computer have?'
Just a universal question.
Blegh, Since I have pretty much nothing more to post, i'd like to take the time to thank you for the 300+ Hits and hopefully we'll reach 400 soon eh?
So, Heres to ending the post with an IM conversation with me and DerangedKikyo, because we knew each other before MyO.
ShadowFaint Zero: PSP's will take over the world.
ShadowFaint Zero: I mean, they can do anything!
Deranged Kikyo: 0_o
Deranged Kikyo: they suck
Deranged Kikyo: small screen
ShadowFaint Zero: Duh
Deranged Kikyo: might as well get a computer
ShadowFaint Zero: Well,
ShadowFaint Zero: they can control computers..
ShadowFaint Zero: I mean
ShadowFaint Zero: PSP's have something for everyone!
ShadowFaint Zero: Give me one type of person and i'll name what the PSP can do for them
Deranged Kikyo: coke addict.
ShadowFaint Zero: Download Maps to locate the crackdealer nearby you! ~ Ad
Deranged Kikyo: shigeru miyamoto
ShadowFaint Zero: (the Nintendo guy?)
Deranged Kikyo: yeh
Deranged Kikyo: ROFl
ShadowFaint Zero: Alright
ShadowFaint Zero: Since you can download Gameboy Emulators onto your PSP as well as computer
ShadowFaint Zero: Your putting him out of buisness
Deranged Kikyo: doesn't make much sense... but how about..
Deranged Kikyo: ...
Deranged Kikyo: god?
Deranged Kikyo: [in an impartial sense]
ShadowFaint Zero: xD)
ShadowFaint Zero: Jesus loves his PSP
Deranged Kikyo: >_>
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Watery Justice
Hello ladies and gents. Well today was production. We had a water fight in the nerby park next to our school. Weird, I found pictures of people from my school online. Even an online quote from some kid. You should look up your school and find out what you can get on them. I now include a picture of my school! My school is the 3 story building at the bottom of the picture.

And another thing, you know why PSP's suck!?
Well, just be reminded, the thing under the UMD is a trash can.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Testing out stuff
Okay, now that the test crap is done, i've got a table.
Kudos to you my friend, she knows who i'm talking to, and I give all the credit to her. Well, pretty much, i've got TWO Maple Story pictures you should see, and one..intreasting..sasuke one.
So yeah, in general, i'm going to end my post like this. o.o
Post something intreasting tommarow. DOOOO ITT!!
Note: What they're drowning in is Arrows.


Note: Bank robbing while wearing a sasuke jacket? wtf

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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
A quiz I stole...
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
You can steal this too I guess, I stole it from someone already.
So..yeah, sorry if this looks weird, i'm just trying out a bunch of random new codes. Like this one
Tommarow's post? I dunno
But, I had fun today. Half day, so all the motherfluffing:
Post something intreasting later, eh?
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