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Portugal - Azores
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A hopeless dreamer, a joyfull tea drinker and Graphic Design Apprentice.
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Having ice-cream with Someguy
Somewhere where I can touch the sky
Being silly.
Being silly, a klutz, a mindreader.... I can think of the wittiest things but I'm unable to phrase anything at all
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Guess who's back in town...

Time of Post: 12:30 p.m Listening to:”Will of the heart" by Bleach OST Current mood:Exhausted but happy to be back =)

Hey everyone!
I guess I’m back, heh well not like back on regular basis but back for now (gosh I think that sound rather confusing lol). So how have you been?Good I hope. =)
Humm...I’m not sure where should I beguin this, so many things happened while I was away, most of it I forgot or its not worth to talk about, meh some of those things completely ruined my mood or just made me frustated.
Like a few days ago my drive decided it was time to depart, so it died with all the stuff inside, and whats make the situation even more frustating it was running smoothly a few minutes before, meh I’m rather relieved that the drive stopped running while my brother was on the computer or I would be hearing a lost of whines about it, well I still heard them anyway =_=’’
I know some of you saw me here and there this last few days, I could have update this sooner but really I wasn’t in the mood for that, I was still kind off pissed and disappointed about the drive, me and my brother thought we could like take all the stuff we had inside through another drive like last time, but we just couldn’t, I think the drive really burned or maybe erased everything? O_o
We didn’t lost like lots of stuff, because we’ve been burning most of it to CD’s every couple of months, the problem was we ran out of CD’s those last few months so yeah we lost all the stuff we were saving from those months*sigh* Oh well, its life I can search and do all the themes/new html codes/my story all over again, I just need patiente, which I don’t have much lately xD
Anyway like I promise here’s the little essay I did about myself, well its not that big or maybe the way it should have been, heh I’m not good talking about myself, because...I don’t know I think its...strange to do it XD. But it wouldn’t hurt me to do this cause in a few months its gonna be two years since I register here, (I just notice that after writting this, also did you guys notice I forgot about my one anny this year?, shhesh... I need to update my memory xP )
I think its about time to share some info about me.
Knowing or not knowing me all of you will be surprised with some of the info I’m going to share now, I know that after I hit the “add post” button, I’m going to regreat for sharing some of it, oh well...its life...hahaha
Anyway shall we beguin?
I call this....
[x]The Tale of Shadow!![x]
(Well its not really a tale and I’m not a shadow either but I like the tittle, so sue me if you don’t =P)
Real name:Catarina
Age: 20 years old (yeah even if I don’t act/seem like one lol)
Hair colour: Light brown
Eyes colour: Light brown
Heredge:Caucasian?O_o...or rather pale...xD
Position on society: Nerd, hahaha... just on clumbsy and silly society...hahaha...or maybe on Soul Society ^_~ hehehehe
Height: uhmmm I don’t know how to put it on inches or watever lol so I’ll say it in cm’s 160 cm’s (yeah I’m small xD)
Weight: Well there’s another thing I do not know heh so I’ll just say I’m not THAT heavier x]
Location:Portugal - Azores
Siblings:3 (Sado, Legion and Mitsu)
What can I say about my childhood?Well it wasn’t easy that’s for sure, I had health problems due to a doctor’s wrong observation.
I had a small allergy to something someone gave me to eat while I was still a toddler and the doctor prescript me a very strong anti-allergic which provocate a bigger allergy so due to that my Imune System got all confused and start to attack itself, I was on the hospital every 15 days, tough times, but my parents did all they could to make me feel a normal kid so I had many happy moments I’ll cherish forever, I’m forever gratefull to my parents ^_^
Teenage phase:
Hah the craziest time of my life!!
I finally start to get healthy when I entered the teen phase, my Imune System start working properly by itself.
I start playing soccer on 7º grade with my male classmates xP
I was also a very radical sport girl, instead of my girl friends, I climbed my school building over and over again also slide through it many, many times either, I joined the athletic team on my school, I learned to surf (even though I suck, haha).
I entered and discovered many caves here on my island with my radical sports group.
I can’t count how many times I walked and slept on the forests we have here with a group of students with my favourite sport teacher (he was hawt in his own way I mean XP), every time a new school year begun he always added my name in all those radical sports without asking me first, crazy
Oh gosh so many things I did I forgot most of it, hahaha, but it sure was the best time of my life =D
Oh yeah when I finish my teen age phase I start having Aikido classes.
Good Qualities: ^_^
Uhmmm let’s see...I don’t want to seem like I bragging myself, so i’ll just add here what people say about me lol
I’m a nice, friendly, and ...cute person? Well its what I’ve heard so far...hehe x]
Oh yeah I’m also very, very stubborn lol
Bad qualities:=_=
Well okay I guess here I can say what I think its my bad or maybe worst qualities XP
Well the first thing that pops on my mind is I’m really stubborn so its both in the good and bad qualities since it can be a good thing but mostly is bad...cause when I put a thing on my mind no one can’t change my mind ever...yeah that’s why its so bad, hahaha
I can’t sleep with someone by my side (don’t get me wrong on this), its just I love to stretch myself on bed while I’m sleeping, many times I found my brother sleeping on the floor because I kicked him off while we were kids XD
Oh yeah I don’t snore, at least my sister never complained about that, hahahaha
I can’t stand still - yeah even when I’m on the computer I’m always moving around, I’m never still so it can get annoying, I admit XP
I eat slowly, I mean its not like I’m a snail or a turtle eating but I love to taste the food so I take time eating. ^^;; Oh yeah I don’t like to eat alone, cause well its no fun and I love to eat and chat, the food seems better with good company, don’t you agree? =)
If you find me alone at house, I’m always singing or talking outloud, I know its wierd but I’m not used to that deep silent (I live with 6 people everyday no wonder ne?) so I make noise to keep my mind at ease and because its fun x]
Uhmm what else?...well this is no new but I’m a shy person especially towards male persons, but when I’m with my friends I talk....a lot XD
I’m not sure if its a bad qualitie but I don’t sing while I take a shower or bath...surprised? xP
I get grumpy once in a month lol so yeah maybe its when the “hormones” are working to much hahaha
I can be really tough to beat on a debate, I know how to support my ideas and beliefs even when they are wrong and I know it I keep supporting them (I told you I’m stubborned ) unless your a a tough to beat on a debate or the subject is something real serious I can change my mind...
I find funny most everything, heh and sometimes if I find something really, really funny I can laugh for a looooong time...heh yeah =P
And the list goes on and on...I should stop now...xP
Most embarassing moment:
Oh gosh I had so many embarassing moments on my life since I’m so clumbsy and such x], but there were on moment that still today when I remember I blush..hard...
Ack do I have to say it here?I guess I have...oh well here goes, so I was on 10º grade like usual I was climbing one side of my school building they have those rocks stuck to the wall to help you climb it, some are really stuck and some are loose, just like on real life, so there I was climbing it with all the gear that’s necessary but I wasn’t wearing my sports pants, I was wearing my jeans ones, big mistake, I was almost reaching the top, I put my foot on a rock to make me reach the top, but it was a loose one, I swear that rock was safe they must had change it, darn so I fell but landed safe, I notice everyone was giggling even my teacher, I giggle along and started to say how I thought that rock was not a loose one, etc but they continue giggling, I didn’t get it, until later on I noticed my panths had a huge hole right in the middle of my butt...very, very embarassing moment...
Well guess its time for answering my dear friends questions =D
[x]( Shanny) what qualities do you look for/like in a friend?[x]
Hum I’m not quite sure what qualities I look for a friend, if I meet someone and we get along well it helps a lot, what I like in my friends its their individuality, their personality, their way to be so wonderfull towards me and their way to surprise even if we’re friends from a long time, someone I can trust and rely when I need to rant or just a shoulder to cry on someone like you =)
[x]( Teri)What is the most difficult conflict you ever faced, and how you overcame with it[x]
I faced a difficult conflict when I was only 6 years old, on one of my visits to the hospital I’ve heard the doctor say to my mother If I survived till age 9 it would be a miracle, it was the worst thing I’ve ever heard but what hurt me more was not the thought of dying was seeing my mother crying real hard when she heard that, so I told myself I would get better for my sake but especially for her sake, and I’m here now don’t I? =)
Thanx for asking me that Teri *hugs*
[x]( hinaru) What would be the perfect date (location etc...)?[x]
Hahaha...a perfect date huh? Let’s see... at the beach at night with a full moon, a sky full of stars with only a towel on the floor, candles, food and of course a gentleman....aww that would be the ever perfect date for the romantic girl I am x]
[x]( Shizuka) What was the best, most happiest moment of your life that you can remember, and why?[x]
Well Shizuka I consider myself a very lucky girl, because I had many happy moments that still today I can remember them, one that has a special feeling to it, was when my older Brother which is handy cap hugged me tight with tears in his eyes apologising for pushing me, I fell and it hurt but that hug made the pain go away, it was the most cutest gesture that I ever got today ^_^
[x]( Someguy) when was it when you really came to understand and figure out who you are? Like, when did you figure out what made you . . .well, you? [x]
Okay that’s a tough question, a really tough one, I’m not sure when I figure out who I am, I think I’m still discovering myself, I still get surprised with the way I act or think, though one thing I know for sure I grew up and start thinking as an adult while I was still a child since my brother Legion and I are the oldest and responsable for our two siblings, you of all people know exactly what I mean lol
[x]( DarkKiba) what is your favorite Horror Movie of all time?[x]
Oooh its the “Exorcist” of course, still today that movie creeps me out, I swear I get cold and pale everytime I watch it...its creepy and my favourite XP
Okay I think that’s enough for an essay, I'm sure there's many, many things I could tell you but it wouldn't be so much fun like it is to discover by yourself ne? ^_~
Ooh its bigger than I thought hah who would of guess I could do an essay about myself this big?Not me XP
To finalize this in style I’ll show you now the best or maybe not moment...

Well now some of you know how I look, hope you enjoyed reading this ^_^
Till next time,
Take care *hugs*
[x]Edit:[x] Oh I almost forgot, Teri, Tifi and Nessa I know I said I would come back the last time we talked but I didn’t, I went to prepare dinner but other things kept showing off so it kept me busy. Sorry. Hope we can chat soon again =] [x]/Edit[x]
[x]Shadow out[x]

Comments (9) |
Monday, November 7, 2005
Gonna miss you all so much!!