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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Life is soo dificult to compreend! ^-^
Well life is really dificult to compreend, yesterday i had the most horrible day in my life but today it was much better!!
Things today went well with no disasters, no falling in the floor, no eating milk lik jello, no lost of memory (^-^'), but one thing happen very sleepy in class (and no i didn´t drank coffe this time!)!
Gosh how strange really are life, in one day we do all that stupid things -_-' and in the other we just have a great Sunny day all day!^-^d
And i´m being boring telling u guys does things!! O_O
Sorry about that guys its better i go to sleep cause tomorrow is another day!
PS: And ooh, thanks for u´re suport guys!! You know who u are!!^_~
A Good night, or good day or good evening, geese a good something to all of u! b^-^d
 Animation from Gpetz.com shuuuuaaaks!! ^-^'
 Animation from Gpetz.com
 Animation from Gpetz.com
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Really?Am??O_O Ok if you say so ^-^
 Goddess of Water. You can be quite emotional at times, but are intelligent. You are at home in the water.
What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the mystery woman
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, February 16, 2004
A day to forget!
Sometimes i think it better not get up of bed! This day were simply a day to forget!I really don´t have a little of lucky this days, and have a Bad, really Bad day! You don´t believe it? just sit and see what hapened:
Like usual i´m late for school, i get up and take a quick bath, while i was getting out of the shower, i forgot that the bloody floor of my bathtrom is very slippy, and like u are imagining i was all stress and hurry to prepared my things to school, i split and fell in the bloody cold floor!Auchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!I hurt my anckle, even with a lots of pain i smiled of my patetic movements that i made before i fell -_-''
After that stupid moment i went to the kitchen to eat like an animal my cereals, cause i was toooo late...
I just trow up all in the first bite the milk was like jello!!! the date of was from 10/02/04!!!Iahhhck! And i buy that milk a few days before!how can people sell things that are lost? Offcourse that are people like me who doesn´t look for the date of things!!-_-''
In a way to take all the taste of my mouth i drank lost of coffee desperly...( u will see what the coffe does to me!!)
I lost my bus, and lost my first class, in
the next class i remenber i left my project who i past days after days working out at home and i need in that class!
Because of the Coffe that i drank in the morning, i was very sleepy and almost sleept
in classes (yes coffe has that effect on me!!), the teachers were all the time screaming with me 'cause of that!
The hour of lunch came (at last!), because of the hurry to catch the bus i forgot to ask my mother money!!!-_-'', oh well some friends saved me and spear me some! #always with a smile in my face# ^-^
Finally school ends and it was time to go home, but once again i forgot my keys (gosh i really have to go to a doctor! i´m forgeting many things!!), well to not enter in desper i tell to my self for having some confort: " Well it can´t be any worse then that!!", but i was wrong, it can be allright, it starts.... raining!!!!!
And i was outside!!! I just start screeming and...arrghhh! T_T
 Animation from Gpetz.com Animation from Gpetz.com
The day was horrible i was wet, cold and sooo hungry... Animation from Gpetz.com
And all that really happened!!!!
And it supost to happen in Friday 13, not in a Monday 16!!!!
Gosh i really don´t had any luck today, just bad horrible luck!! I really shouldn´t left my bed and home this morning, oh well life is life.... »_«
 Animation from Gpetz.com" border="0" />
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
I everybody!^.^
I really hope everybody have a espectacular Valentines Day yesterday!!!^.^
Well like i said before yesterday rain all day, in the tv was nothing interesting, i tried to submit my drawings but my pc was wierd, and like u see can´t submit none -_-''
Well like u are seeing my V-day was simply BOOOOORINNNG!
And i cross my fingers that this monday don´t rain again, 'cause i´m sooo sick of beeing in my room, well i really hope u have a better one, bye bye for now
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Saturday, February 14, 2004
Your Subject Here
Happy Valentine Day!!! ^.^
Its a beautifull day, boysfriends are very romantic,smooching around, all so nostalgic...
The stupid Cupid is persucting the poor people with his arrows of luve, well u know...
All that boring things ^.^'', jocking...
Well for me The V-Day is a normal day, i stay home and read my animes or made my one, besides its raining like hell outside ^o^, can´t leave the house, anyways i am telling all of this just to wish u a Big V-Day enjoy with the person or people u love more or even if u are thinking to make a declaration for someone- GOOD LUCK and may God be with u!!! ~.^
Well cya around!! ^*^
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

theOtaku.com: What Robot Girl Are You?
one who is willing to fight for who u are!
go kick some ass
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Honorable soul, you are Himura Kenshin. Haunted by the ghosts of the Bakumatsu, you spent ten years as a rurouni to escape the bloodshed. You carry a sakabatou so as not to kill ever again. Honor, kindness, and valor are your creed, and you protect the suffering no matter what, sometimes at the expense of your own comfort. Live on as the strong, admirable pacifist you are.
Another quiz on which Rurouni Kenshin character you are. brought to you by Quizilla
Honorable soul, you are Himura Kenshin. Haunted by the ghosts of the Bakumatsu, you spent ten years as a rurouni to escape the bloodshed. You carry a sakabatou so as not to kill ever again. Honor, kindness, and valor are your creed, and you protect the suffering no matter what, sometimes at the expense of your own comfort. Live on as the strong, admirable pacifist you are.
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 White Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Hi there!!
Hi! i´m new here, i hope to learn a little more now that i´m here in myotaku.com, eheheheh....
And i want to apologise for didn´t put my drawnings in my homepage it because and don´t have yeat a scanner, but soon i´ll by one or just take pictures of my drawnings with my digitalcamara, very soon i promise!!well i hope u sign my guestbook!cya for now!~_^
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