Lazy Muse
You have reached Shadow's Myo space, I apreciate your visit and hope you feel confortable enough around and come make me a visit again soon.
If you sign don't forget to leave a cute little signature, also don't forget to read the simple rules of this site.
Enjoy and have fun.
This layout [codes&graphics] were done by me.
While your here...
01]Remember your manners.
02]Be creative when leaving a message.
03] I only provide html help with friends and padawans.
04] Do NOT steal graphics and/or codes.Simply ask.
05] Swearing is allowed but only in a non-offensive way.
05]This site is Yaoi/Yuri lover.
Have a problem with it? Rather deal with it or leave.
The Otaku Mentors Program [or Créche]
The Otaku Mentors or Créche was founded by [DarkPhoenix].
Créche is s a place for myOtaku members to meet and find a potential master or padawan. A place of adoption.
Simply put, an otaku veteran (known as Masters) is willing to guide/help/provide anything necessary to a new member (known as padawan) around Myotaku.
If you're interested just click here and you'll be re-directed to the Creche official site where you can either have access to more info about it or fill out a master or padawan form.
Light Padawan: Lemony
Dark Passion:Shanny
My Life
[Portugal-Azores time]
|Sunday|August 20 2006|

You all know that I live on a island right?
Well most of you know, anyway, I've lived here all my life and this island is not that big. This reminds me something, one time I tried once to pick up a piece of paper with the size of the island (maps scale) and see how many times we fit on Russia or Canada for exemple, needless to say it took me a damn while and after awhile I lost count with all those numbers.
Yeah its THAT small but yet its bigger than the other islands, now imagine how it is to be living in such a small place you people who live in big states or countries.
Everyone thinks its very enjoyable to live in a small place, since everyone knows you and say hello, but it also means if you mess up everyone will know as well, which might not be a good thing, hehe. Has bad and good things like every thing on life.
But anyway I'm getting off topic now, what I mean by telling you all this, is even though its smaller and I have lived here 21 years which is a very long time, I still haven't seen the entire island, now your wondering how's that possible.
Well pretty simple my boys, two years ago we didn't had a car, surprised, no?You should be, haha.
Yeah not having a car makes simple things like travelling quite tricky, especially those places like Nordeste [which is 2 to 3hours away by car] now imagine 6 people with many stuff and such getting on a bus ride with all that bus stops it would be quite a tiring trip so we never actually went there, until of course we got a car.
Going to Nordeste wasn't something we planned ahead, we just woke up one morning and said "Why not going to Nordeste today?".
We went there last year but everything was a lil'messed up, it was being remodeled so the sight wasn't that prettier as it should be, but heck one year later and on a very hot summer day that place made every jaws fall down HARD!It doesn't matter if your have lived here or not, it seems like I travelled to another country!
I couldn't believe my eyes!That was heaven on earth I tell you, and I can pretty much assure you now that my island its the PRETTIEST HEAVENLY LIKE ISLAND EVER MADE ON EARTH.
I'm sorry if it sounds rude or unreasenable but seriously it is!
I've never seen so many waterfalls in just one place as I've seen there, the rivers man the rivers with forest surrounding it, the lakes!With all this cute golden, green-ish, red-ish fishies in them!
As your guessing by now I took my digital camera with me took quite a few but after awhile and especially the place that were more heavenly like the batteries died and I had no other batteries to replace, I've tried on this small restaurant/bar if they had some but they didn't.That got me slightly mad because I really wanted to state my point here and somehow make some of you and your jaws to fall down as well.
SO now while I state things here you might believe me or might want proof. I'll give you proof as soon I get from beach I'll show you the few pictures I was able to take on a next update, for now you have to believe my words when I say its bloody cool to live on island its a shame I didn't found any dinosaurs but I bet I heard something far inside the forest, little gigantic footsteps, hehe. =P
So did I gushed enough my island that made you eager to come pay me a visit?
Yes, no?
Anyway I've tried and its time for the love post.=3
Aka Rinoasquall4ever or as I call her, Lua("Moon").
So what can I say about this lovely girl?In fact many, many things. But first let me explain you why I call her lua.
I call her that way not because she has a dark side nor has anything to do with gothic stuff, however she does have this unbelieveble shine that comes through her and attracts you to her.
You see, I've always been fascinated by the moon, it has this magic calling that attracts you to go seek her at night and you find yourself staring at her mighty brightness and beautifulness for countless hours. With the sounds of the night on the background while you stare and be embraced by its light, it gives you this warm confort and makes you feel that your presence its really needed.
Just like what I feel when Teri's around, no bad energy seems to come off from her.
Its like she can pass through all the bad energy without being one single time touched.
I've always seen Teri cheerfull, happy even when things aren't alright she keeps smilling and keeps focused on a better tomorrow, thats quite remarkable for me since I'm a good years older then her and sometimes I struggle to believe on better days, heh.
She is also incredibly insaciable on helping her friends.With only a few encouradging words from her, you regain your smille back.Its truly amazing.
"Your my hero in many ways", she told me once.
I was caught by surprise, I wasn't able to find proper words to tell her since I've never been called a hero before. Its truly flatering and I was on a brink of tears when she kept talking how wonderfull I was.
But now that I thought about it lua, its not me who is the true hero, ITS YOU.
When I keep falling and refusing to believe on better tomorrows, you keep believing. You bring us light and embraces us with your warm love, saving us from our own hole of desbeliving.And our chats even though are just a few, its always fun to chat with you.
You and only you are the hero. Mine and everybody ones.
Thanks for your friendship and your warm love, darling. Me and everyone are truly blessed to have you around us.

Comments (8) | Permalink
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lazy Muse
You have reached Shadow's Myo space, I apreciate your visit and hope you feel confortable enough around and come make me a visit again soon.
If you sign don't forget to leave a cute little signature, also don't forget to read the simple rules of this site.
Enjoy and have fun.
This layout [codes&graphics] were done by me.
While your here...
01]Remember your manners.
02]Be creative when leaving a message.
03] I only provide html help with friends and padawans.
04] Do NOT steal graphics and/or codes.Simply ask.
05] Swearing is allowed but only in a non-offensive way.
05]This site is Yaoi/Yuri lover.
Have a problem with it? Rather deal with it or leave.
The Otaku Mentors Program [or Créche]
The Otaku Mentors or Créche was founded by [DarkPhoenix].
Créche is s a place for myOtaku members to meet and find a potential master or padawan. A place of adoption.
Simply put, an otaku veteran (known as Masters) is willing to guide/help/provide anything necessary to a new member (known as padawan) around Myotaku.
If you're interested just click here and you'll be re-directed to the Creche official site where you can either have access to more info about it or fill out a master or padawan form.
Light Padawan: Lemony
Dark Passion:Shanny
My Life
[Portugal-Azores time]
|Thursday|August 17 2006|
[Insert random update about silly shadow's life here]
Blah who wants to read a random update about my life when they should be reading beautifull full of love post to someone special like some of you?
I'm so behind on the loving posts, its not that I don't want to make them, is just everytime I start to writte them they sound horrible. I wish I was wordy bastard, dammit.
To all of you who already send me love [tons of valuable warming love] I can't find words to describe how much I am thankfull. I promise to do my very best to make you justice, is just taking awhile. ;___;
About my life [to anyone who wants to know] its been okay, I'm tan, lots of crazy pictures...y'know the usual. =P
Comments (9) | PermalinkTuesday, August 8, 2006
My Life
[Portugal-Azores hour]
|Tuesday|August 8 2006|
Before I start with the lovin's post, let me give you a little update on whats happening here for the past few weeks.
Let's start with old news, I'm on vacations for about two weeks or so, its been so and so.
It hasn't been entirely bad but somewhat it could have been more fun, not like I'm complaining. Alright maybe I am, just a little though. =P
You know whats funny, I still have that awkward sensation that I need to hurry up and go to work, each day heh, also I get a little bored/annoyed during the time I used to be working hard, I'm not sure why I find this amuzing though but it just is heh.
Still its good to be home.
Most of you already know this, the course I was so willing to take and honnest to be told, worked hard to get in, I've finally got the final decision. I've been accepted. However I had to change the first option to a more suitable one for me, well th interview guy told me "Multimedia" would be the perfect choice for me since I'm fairly familiar with it. Incredibly enough, my older brother advised the same thing while I was filling the school form, so I end up transfering to that one.
Hearing the lady saying I was accepted left me very, very excited yet very, vey anxious and slightly angsty. Applications date? - August 16.When school actually starts?I have no clue, yet.
Although I'm suppose to be on vacations and therefore suppose to be online more, I have been slacking both.
Well sure I take a quick nap once in awhile or take a walk instead, when its possible anyway and I also have been online now and then, just for little awhile though, but its summer and when summer hits Shadow's island, it only means one important thing - Its remodelation time.
Plenty of things to break down, re-built, move furniture around, break some walls, paint those walls after, until Mom, Dad and older brother are satisfied. Don't get me wrong its fun do it, no one better than me to join a breaking-things-party but it get a little annoying after awhile...
Can't forget about the major cleaning that its needed to be done after. Oh joy.
Am I forgetting something? Oh yes, I still have all those layouts to finish or as mentioned above get online more often, I hate to leave people hanging over or waiting for me and thats what I've doing more lately. Curse me for that, I deserved it.
And yes the name YAWA fits me perfectly now.
My honnest apologies for the friends I've been consistently doing that.
Hmmm any other news, lets see..
Oh yes my uncle from Montreal, Canada is here. I've only spoke with him once. Very amuzing and interesting person, my dad and him passed an entire night telling us stories about their past as children. I love good stories that involves farts or stealing corn.
Well... thats pretty much what I've been doing, heh. So people that were wondering where and what the hell I've been doing lately, now know. Is just a few of you anyway, others are very well informed. =P
So I should start with the lovings already and to keep the lovin's towards the other gender today I picked, hinaru. The pillow boy.
So what can I writte about this person. I've only know him for a few months but its like I know him for far more time then that.
I was introduced to him in a big convo over msn. I did heard and if my memory don't fail me now, I even took a peek to his site before but god knows why I didn't signed it when I went there. Probably lazyness hit me on that day, who knows.
Though I'm very glad someone add him to that convo that day or I would never had a chance to know him.
One thing that amuzed me back then and still does, is how shy and silent he can be, what I mean with this is hinaru can be in a convo with many people writting away, talking about many subjects or even about him that he would never talk back unless we tease him. =P
He is more of one on one chatter honnestly that's how I knew more about him and even that way he won't let you "know" him much, but after you gain his trust he can be such a fun, affectionate, friendly guy.
This is a guy who sung while played guitar for me on my birthday, mailed me a colar with a beautifull shell as pendent.
He had endured my bitchyness mood many times and made me smille and get "nice" again after each time that happened.
A guy who let a bunch of girls call him pillow or "whore" and make him dance everytime we get together.
Everyone over msn knows how much I love to tease him and how much I tease him and he doesn't mind, just tags along with it.
Hinaru might be shy or a silent taihitian boy, he might not give you many advises or stuff like that still somehow he manages to bring your spirit up, everytime we need it.And best of all he can endure my horrible, HORRIBLE french. For me thats like the most amazing skill ever!
He is in fact and proved by all of us myotaku girls that he is one of the Coolest Male Myotaku elite.
So hina from my part thanks for your big, HUGE patience and for being such a bright company to us all.
Comments (11) | PermalinkSaturday, August 5, 2006
My Life
|Wednesday|August 5 2006|
Today is a special day to a special boy. He is one of my favourite people over Myo. and of Kriptonite City.*giggles*
I remember the day I signed his guestbook and how much I’ve anticipated his entrie in return. I also remember that I had to give a little push to make it happen later on *giggles*.
Honnestly I couldn’t be more happy to have done that because that way I had the all time opportunity to know this amazing human being.
James, remember the first time we’ve chatted over msn?Haha gosh I was so nervous and trying so hard to impress you...didn’t work very well ne? =P
But being a gentleman as you are, you stood by, gave me a few tips and told me to relax and be myself.See how could I not like someone like you?
I can pretty much say you were the very first male who I ever felt and feel confortable to talk about everything and anything with and could be myself. You have not only taught me that but also have made me get better in so many others aspects, like my writting?
Oh yes, your writting skills. Its been two years and half now that I’ve known you and gosh you still amaze me with your writting skills [you know its true don’t you denie it], just a simple comment of yours, I always learn and get inspiration from it, really. You are THAT good.
You’re also so sincere like sometimes when we were chatting and I’ve poured my thoughts onto you, getting sometimes very desperate or bitchy, you’ve always told me when to stop, be more patiente, because “it can’t rain forever”. Your words.
It took me awhile to believe it, okay took me a long time but I’ve finally learn it, because you kept telling me that each time my faith for a better tomorrow faded.
You were always there when I cried for help, always. Lending me your ears, your thoughts, advises, your shoulder to cry on. You’re so compassionate, afectionate and do whatever you can to help without looking if its safe for you.
Your twicked sense of humor, you can make me laugh for hours straight.Oh can’t forget your pervet side too, hehe, I love that side of yours. *laughs*
I can pretty much say, you my friend, are without a doubt far better then Super Man himself and without needing any special powers like flying or blue collants, you can still be such a unbelievable hero.
I have highly respect for you not only as a friend but as human being. I admire you since the very first time I saw you. And even though you have such a humble nickname you are without a doubt #THE SOMEGUY for me whom I cannot live without.
Shie shie botões for all the times you had to endure with me, for all the fun, laughs, cries, desperate situations we’ve passed through.
I send you all my love and friendship and also some gifts but that doesn’t matter now. *giggles*
Happy 23rd birthday botões.
[ Edit:] I had to add this:
I ADOOOOOORE your voice!
There I've said it. =P
Comments (4) | PermalinkWednesday, August 2, 2006
My Life
|Wednesday|August 2nd 2006|
I remember the first time I’ve heard and seen her around oh boy she was [still is] considered “The Dark Phoenix”. I must admit the very first time I’ve clicked her name I was nervous, when she replied back, her words made me I fell in love for her.
I mean this might seem corny but God we’re talking about an old member of MyO. Replying to a simple noob who was just taking her first walks over this place and without knowing anything about me she opened her arms in such a warm way from the very first time like I was an old friend coming back home.
Unfortenaly our friendship only truly bloom after I read Someguy’s post saying who she truly was to the world, what she was passing through.
That was the moment when I first and truly realized how fool I was being for not letting myself get to know her better.
I’m not sure if she noticed this, actually this is the first time I’m talking about it but the night or two nights before SG wrotte that post, she told me she had a cirurgury, she tried to involve me, get some needed support and all I did was nothing, just stood there, silent.
After reading his touching words I felt horrible, how could I had consistently turned my back to someone that unique and amazing that had only treated me so well from the very first moment?!
So I made a promise to myself I would embrace and let me be embrace by her.
Bit by bit, day by day, word by word we started to get close and close and every moment I shared with her I fell even more for her.
Three years later I can say that she have shared my live and I have shared hers in such a profound way that is impossible to tell.
If I am who I am today mostly and truly is due to Her.
Even today from all we’ve passed through together its incredible of how hard it is to me to describe her, simple words like; intelligent, lovely or sweet are not enough to describe such a deep, complicated, compassionate, full of love soul she has.
I guess to truly and most of you who are close to her will agree, to find out how magnificant Shanny is, its by sharing moments with her.She IS unique, unreplaceble.
Shanny my love, I feel deeply blessed and honnoured you have let this silly Azorian girl enter your life, share your pain, happyness, respect and trust. You are my light, my goddess, my blood sister. If by any unrelliable change our paths turn apart I will never forget you. Your part of my life now and I can’t, won’t let you be just a memorie.
I’ll be forever your friend, your companion, your kitty, your shadowan. I love you beyond the universe and all its vast space.Stay the way you are forever love.
Comments (11) | PermalinkTuesday, August 1, 2006
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My Life
|Wednesday|August 2nd 2006|
I remember the first time I’ve heard and seen her around oh boy she was [still is] considered “The Dark Phoenix”. I must admit the very first time I’ve clicked her name I was nervous, when she replied back, her words made me I fell in love for her.
I mean this might seem corny but God we’re talking about an old member of MyO. Replying to a simple noob who was just taking her first walks over this place and without knowing anything about me she opened her arms in such a warm way from the very first time like I was an old friend coming back home.
Unfortenaly our friendship only truly bloom when I read Someguy’s post saying who Shanny truly was to the world, what she was truly passing through and was when I first and truly realized how unique and amazing this lady was, also how foolish I was being for not letting myself get to know her better, I’m not sure if she noticed that and this is the first time I’m talking about it, the night or two nights before SG wrotte that we’ve spoken and she told me she had a cirurgury, she tried to involve me, get some needed support and I wasn’t able to do that.Actually I didn’t do anything.
After reading his post I felt horrible, how could I had consistently turned my back to someone that unique that had only treated me so well?!
So I made a promise to myself I would embrace and let me be embrace by her.
Bit by bit, word by word, day by day we started to get close and close and every moment I shared with her I would love her even more.
Three years later I can say that she have shared my live and I have shared hers in such a profound way that is impossible to tell.
If I am who I am today mostly and truly is due to Her.
Even today from all we’ve passed through together its incredible of how hard it is to me to describe her, simple words like; intelligent, lovely or sweet are not enough to describe such a deep, complicated, compassionate, full of love soul she has.
I guess to truly and most of you who are close to her will agree, to find out how magnificant Shanny is, its by sharing moments with her.She IS unique, unreplaceble.
Shanny my love, I feel deeply blessed and honnoured you have let this silly Azorian girl enter your life, share your pain, happyness, respect and trust. You are my light, my goddess, my blood sister. If by any unrelliable change our paths turn apart I will never forget you. Your part of my life now and I can’t, won’t let you be just a memorie.
I’ll be forever your friend, your companion, your kitty, your shadowan. I love you beyond the universe and all its vast space.Stay the way you are forever love.
Comments (12) | Permalink