Birthday 1985-04-28 Gender
Female Location Portugal - Azores Member Since 2004-02-11 Occupation A hopeless dreamer, a joyfull tea drinker and Graphic Design Apprentice. Real Name Shadow
Achievements Having ice-cream with Someguy Goals Somewhere where I can touch the sky Hobbies Being silly. Talents Being silly, a klutz, a mindreader.... I can think of the wittiest things but I'm unable to phrase anything at all ShadowLight
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Hurry up! Books are waiting! Hello everyone!
I know I've been terrible updating this thing and I also know I told you I would do it more often but the thing is, I just couldn't/cannot.
School is consuming all my atention and well, to be honnest, I just don't feel like posting lately as well.
Heh, I know it's kind of mean of my part to say this but it's true. Although life right now is somehow eventfull, I don't think is interesting enough to talk about it here.
The only thing that I do know will be fun to share with you all will happen in two weeks from now, I cannot talk about it yet [though most of you know what I'm talking about].
But yeah, I just came here because I'm on my break from studying and just wanted to let those who I have not been in contact with that I'm alive and kickin', sort off.
Okay, that's all for now.Hope everyone's doing fine.
See you in couple of weeks!