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myOtaku.com: ShadowLight

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!!
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I hope all the mother's from MyOtaku and the world have a wonderfull mother's day!!*hands pink roses to every friend's mother* ^_^
Oh!Here is the poem i gave to my mother last sunday, since mother's day here was in May 1st.

Deep down inside you
I know i betraid you, mother

Everything, because i'm no longer
the sleeping girl
on your eyes

Everything, because you ignore
that has beds where the cold do not longer,
and nights with morning waters.

For that, sometimes, the words i say to you,
are hard, mother,
and our love is unhappy.

Everything because i lost the white roses,
that i hugged so hard against my heart,
on the picture frame

If you knew how i still love those white roses
maybe you don't filled your heart with hours of nightmares.

But your forgot mother lots of things:
you forgot that my feathers grown,
and all my being grown up
even my heart is bigger, mother!

Look, want to hear me?
Sometimes i'm still that little girl,
who sleep in your eyes,

I still hugg against my heart,
those same white roses,
from the picture frame

I still hear your voice:
"Once upon a time, there was a girl in the middle on the orange trees...

But, you know - the night is big,
and all my heart grown.
So i got out of the frame
and let the birds drink from my eyes.

I haven't forgoten nothing, mother
I still keep your voice inside me.
And i leave the roses to you...

Goodnight, mother. I'm going with the birds now...

Its kinda sad but oh so beautiful its from my favorite portuguese poet, Sophya Mello Breyner, so i dedicate this poem to all mother's and sons out there... ^-^

Today, i'm all alone at house, everyone went out to have some fun, but since i have my psicology test tomorrow, i had to stay at home, dang i really wanna to go with them ;_____;

Uhmmm, well since i can't be much time online today, and i already visit most of you who update today, this post gonna be short.
Today is SomeGuy's birthday, so i wanna give him a present, heh wish though i could give him a real gift though...so i drew a little something for him...

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOME GUY!I hope you have a very good one!*hugs* ^_^

Well i need to go now, take care everyone and have a wonderful sunday!!^_^

Shadowlight out...

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