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myOtaku.com: ShadowLight

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Mood:Happy, woke up this way don't ask why ^_^;
Listening: Anime music


Well since everyone were interested to see pics of my cute puppys and since I have really nothing interesting to say to you here's some pictures of Pardo, I still have to take some new pictures of Bobby, he's more older then Pardo so I only have pictures that I took with the normal cameras not the digital ones, so I'm going to scan some and take some new ones of him, but I can't do it right now ^^'
Ok, enough of my rambling here's the pictures:

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Pardo when he was two months old, well err...he couldn't find he's little bed so he found those jeans
and put it on the floor, heh but I thought it was cute there ^-^

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Just for you guys to see how small he was back then =P oh yeah and in this pic he had 3 months already, he was a sweet puppy =3

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And Pardo now ^_^, I could put more pictures of him, but it would take a long time heh, so yeah my cute little crazy puppy ^.^
Hope you guys have a wonderfull weekend, take care ^^

Shadow out...

PS: I forgot how shy Bobby is, he hates taking pictures, he allways hides or looks away, I think he learned with me I hate taking pics too XD

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