It's the quiet night that breaks me
like a dozen papercuts that only I can trace
You have reached Shadow's myotaku site.
Although this site is on hiatus due to certain personall issues.Feel free to browse around, as long you follow the rules.
Which are:
//Although I may not be here, I would appreciate if you remember your manners.
If you feel like leave me a message though your before warned that my reply might come late.
Do not steal graphics or codes.If your interested on the codes you may take them but ask me first.I have myo ninja/spies.
The site and its owner are Yaoi/Yuri friendly.
Enjoy your stay.
All my books are lying useless now
September 7, 2006
It has been awhile since I've wrotte something here, hasn't been?
Well there wasn't much to talk about, so why bother ne?
I know that I haven't been much active around here or doing what I was suppose to be doing [
something usefull] on the sites and friends I promised, I would help.
For those of you, I am terribly sorry. Especially you Bells, I know I promised I would help you with your layout and I'm half done, its not an excuse but things around here lately have been quite...lets say...different. I'm trying to adjust to this new-kinda-life.
I know I promised this before but believe me I will finish it as soon as possible.
I also apologise in advance but my abscence will be extend, untill things get somehow normal again.The thought of shutting down the site passed through my mind, after all I'm not updating, but I think I better leave it open to whoever wants to kill me or tell me that they miss me. =P
So to make my abscense more enjoyable, there's a new layout. Get used to it, its going to take awhile till I change it.
With no longer delay, I'll say my "see you soon".
Take care while I'm gone,