It's the quiet night that breaks me
like a dozen papercuts that only I can trace
You have reached Shadow's myotaku site.
Although this site is on hiatus due to certain personall issues.Feel free to browse around, as long you follow the rules.
Which are:
//Although I may not be here, I would appreciate if you remember your manners.
If you feel like leave me a message though your before warned that my reply might come late.
Do not steal graphics or codes.If your interested on the codes you may take them but ask me first.I have myo ninja/spies.
The site and its owner are Yaoi/Yuri friendly.
Enjoy your stay.
All my books are lying useless now
And then it happens again
So hurricane Helene is very close by, she decided not to change route after all and came pay us a visit, it won't be as bad as Gordon since we aren't on Red Alert and she weakened by staying on the same route, so it'll only be a tiny bit stronger tropical storm, nothing to worry to much about.
Actually it should be fun to watch the thunder storms, hehe.
But enough of hurricanes and such, lets talk about something more exciting -
Well for most of you, school is definitely not an exciting subject to talk or read about but for a few of us, well lets not name names - Joshie and I - is pretty exciting, hahaha.
[Go to Josh's site if you want to know more. He explained far better than I could ever do.]
Last Friday I picked up my schedule is a bit heavy but it didn't surprised me since my tutor warned me it would be that way.
Classes everyday start at 8am and finish around 4 and 5pm. One thing that got me pretty excited is, Monday and Thursday are enterily dedicated to be sit down using the computer, hehehe.
The only part I'm less excited is Math and Physics two hours straight classes, two things I've never become too attached to.
(Something tells me I'll need lots of ice cubs this upcoming years to cool down my brain. *giggles*)
But this really doesn't kill my excitment, although I'm slightly sad to know they delayed the date, October 2nd will be the date I start classes. So I still have one week to feel those damn butterflies on stomach.Darn. x]