Blue Hawk (03/17/05)
Greetings shadows in dreams
Thanks for signing my guestbook ^_^
Enjoy your stay here in myO!
Also welcome to the Otaku Guardians Club
Just PM to ask me for the OG site
~Blue Hawk
ladyalchemist22 (03/13/05)
hi, you have a really cool site here i love the back ground .well ttyl!
tigerfire8 (03/06/05)
ok... how do you get it so on your site, the text moves but not the backround!?! pleese PLEESE help. is it a java aplication? just try to help me... i love your site though ^_6
Terra Zero (03/04/05)
visit or u kill me....right
-Terra Zero
Monichi (03/03/05)
Hi cool site.I added you as a friend.HOPE you sign my gb^_^
Sesshies Gurl (03/02/05)
Hey, thanx for signing my gb ^^ ur site is awesome!
legatogirl619 (03/02/05)
hi i like your site and your pic and if you dont mind if am go to add u to friend and can u plzz sign my gb and come vist my site some time.
kingdomheartsgirl (02/28/05)
thanx for signing my gb! Kh ROCKS! hehe. anyway, luv ur site and i luv the background. ttyl!
fox ressurected (02/25/05)
nice to see another kh fan ^^ by the way, cool username. i've decided to add you as a friend.
rock on.
aura128 (02/23/05)
Hi Hi! I love your site! The BG is so great!! KH is kick Ass!! I love Riku!! *drool* Oh!! Oh!! and Cloud too!!Wait no no!! Sephiroth!!! YES!!!! HIM TOOO!!! o_o; Eh... wow I kinda spazed for a bit.. so sorry -__-;; Erm.. still great site! I hope you'll see past my.. o_o Spazing and don't mind that I added you as a friend. ^0^*oink* I'll be around okay!
~Ja Ne~