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Thursday, June 1, 2006

today was interesting.
i woke up at 8:30 and a short while after began to have trouble breathing, which seems to happen randomly, and i don't have asthma.. i'm pretty sure. this lasted for about forty minutes and when i did recover from it, i felt like it would come back at any minute, and it nearly did after i came home. i'm just a disaster, aren't i?-_-'
at 12 i went to school and took my science final exam which was pretty easy all in all, it was mostly multiple choice. then knox and i made faces at each other till i was permitted to leave (about fifty minutes after i actually finished the exam) and we couldn't talk or the teacher'd give us a zero. so yeah...
we're incredibly good at our own brand of sign language-_-'
anyway to sum it up my day wasn't all that bad, just very uncomfortable owing to the morning incident and the fact that it was so humid in that classroom i thought any minute everyone would fall out of their seats dead.. or maybe just drown.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Anyone feel like a challenge?
Well i was random and i felt like posting.. something
and for some reason i remembered this poem.
if you want to, leave a comment telling me what you think it means... let's see if you'd survive my english class lol
well somebody surprise me, i really don't expect anyone to answer this-_-'

My Last Duchess
Robert Browning

That's my last duchess painted on the wall,
Looking as if she were alive. I call
That piece a wonder, now: Frà Pandolf's hands
Worked busily a day, and there she stands.
Will't please you sit and look at her? I said
"Frà Pandolf" by design, for never read
Strangers like you that pictured countenance,
The depth and passion of its earnest glance,
But to myself they turned (since none puts by
The curtain I have drawn for you, but I)
And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,
How such a glance came there; so, not the first
Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not
Her husband's presence only, called that spot
Of joy into the Duchess' cheek: perhaps
Frà Pandolf chanced to say "Her mantle laps
"Over my lady's wrist too much," or "Paint
"Must never hope to reproduce the faint
"Half-flush that dies along her throat": such stuff
Was courtesy, she thought, and cause enough
For calling up that spot of joy. She had
A heart how shall I say? too soon made glad,
Too easily impressed; she liked whate'er
She looked on, and her looks went everywhere.
Sir, 'twas all one! My favor at her breast,
The dropping of the daylight in the West,
The bough of cherries some officious fool
Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule
She rode with round the terrace all and each
Would draw from her alike the approving speech,
Or blush, at least. She thanked men good! but thanked
Somehow I know not how as if she ranked
My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name
With anybody's gift. Who'd stoop to blame
This sort of trifling? Even had you skill
In speech which I have not to make your will
Quite clear to such an one, and say, "Just this
"Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss,
"Or there exceed the mark" and if she let
Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set
Her wits to yours, forsooth, and make excuse,
E'en then would be some stooping; and I choose
Never to stoop. Oh sir, she smiled, no doubt,
Whene'er I passed her; but who passed without
Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands;
Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands
As if alive. Will't please you rise? We'll meet
The company below, then. I repeat,
The Count your master's known munificence
Is ample warrant that no just pretense
Of mine for dowry will be disallowed;
Though his fair daughter's self, as I avowed
At starting, is my object. Nay we'll go
Together down, sir. Notice Neptune, though,
Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity,
Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me!

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Monday, May 8, 2006


that. was. so. long.
just finished doing a thorough background on, and planning a trip to, the west african country Sierra Leone.
i don't want to go there.. glad we don't really have to for this stupid class.
i'd have to get a million and one vaccinations, fly to three different places before i could actually even get to africa, and it'd cost an absurd amount of money and time.
it took about three hours.
i feel wonderfully free now.
free to hate my teacher with my whole conciousness!

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Friday, April 21, 2006


...well not really...
it's just that i have made a set of panpipes for science and i STILL CANNOT PLAY THEM!! no matter how hard i try! my friend made some too, in lieu of there not being directions anywhere on how to make a harmonica, and SHE can play them and i just CAN'T-_-
i've tried like... every angle in existence
all i can get out of them is a whisper
but i know they work- i just don't seem to be able to handle them-_-
i'm so friggin' tired today.
i feel like i haven't slept in a week.
and my classmates were being particularly obnoxious so i almost lost my mind (this seems to happen noticeably often and i think something should be done about it... i'm just not sure what) again. this time it was the (exceedingly fun) pastime of theirs of seeing how loud they could shout obscenities (and i DON'T mean the swear-word kind- obscenities is the NICE way to put it) without getting detention.
is not....
good for my spiritual well-being.
spiritual well-being aside, i'm alright.
because it's friday.

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

   The Saturday Morning that was not a Saturday Morning

it's very boring here. day-before-yesterday some friends of my parents' and their two daughters came to stay with us. they just left a few hours ago. and well, it was pretty fun because one of them liked anime and all.. but tiring
yesterday my parents got me out of school early so i could go for a sail with the daughters, so my dad and me and them went out and did some hard-core sailing (not really.)
i would like to tell you that navigating a sailboat is tons of fun, but in actuality it's a bit boring and i've done it a lot, so i didn't end up doing much steering. tried to draw a picture of a guy that my dad WOULDN'T say looked "androgynous" which by the way means someone who looks like they could be a guy or a girl, kinda failed, then dad told me to give him a beard so i did and then they said he looked kind of like jesus. which wasn't so great since he was supposed to be a pirate.
A-A-ANyway... after that, we got back, very tired, and then dad told me that barbara custis, the woman who owns the plant nursery maplewood gardens, wanted me to (dad is not very good at relaying information) "arrange some flowers or something"
so he took me there, dropped me off, took the girls home, and i was informed of my job, which was basically going into the barn where they keep all their garden decor and such that's for sale and rearranging everything so it looked nice. quite a task since normally, everything looks nice, however they got a bunch of new stuff in so everything was kinda scattered at random. so i got to play the interior decorator (and yes i got paid) which was kind of fun. though with all of the running to and from greenhouses with potted plants and dragging furniture around (got more than a few hostile/odd looks from her regular workers, like 'what the hell does that girl think she's doing? does she even work here?') it was rather tiring. at one point i tried to put a plant in a hanging basket and the whole thing (three attached hanging baskets) came down on my head. fortunately it didn't hurt all that much. so i had to get some guy who worked there to hang it back up for me. (didn't like him- he stares too much.)
so yeah.. after a while it looked pretty good in there. which is great considering i didn't know what the hell i was supposed to do when i got there, and she thought i'd gotten all the info beforehand.
and so compared to how hectic yesterday was, right now i'm bored, bored, bored.
and just for the record, 900 visits.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Something vaguely interesting to relate

welll, today in geography i was moved out of my usual comfort zone since we had to review for a test and the teacher needed an equal number of students on both sides of the room. i was sitting next to this guy named frankie, who is small and rather harmless-looking, but who swears alarmingly often. it's actually kind of funny though.
anyway, he wanted the teacher to call on james because he knew the answer, so he yelled "click on james!"... obviously not thinking what he was saying. that was pretty funny.
then it was his turn to answer a question off the test, and i glanced to my left, but didn't see him there. not really registering anything, i looked back to the front, then did a double-take when i heard a voice say "don't move- stay right there"
and i looked down and he was on the floor next to my chair. hiding. hiding from the teacher.
anyway then someone ratted him out after which he threatened to kick their ass.
well, that's my day.

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Sunday, March 19, 2006


i just found the favorite song of last year
when we had french class... there was this commercial in french that the teacher made us try to translate
and it's an ad but it's FUNNY
because the commercial was kinda scary, it was sung by these freaky people....well to get the joke of it all, you have to see the ad
but anyway
here's the song, i just found the lyrics and i'm sad because i can't remember half the tune


kiwi, avec la carte kiwi tu paies moitie prix
et ton papa aussi, et ta maman aussi
et ton tonton aussi et ta
marraine assui. billets, s'il vous plait
oui, oui.
voici la carte kiwi
nos billets moitie prix.
moitie prix?
c'est pas possible!
mais si, c'est possible.
avec la carte kiwi, l'enfant de moins de seize ans
et ceux qui l'accompagnent jusqu'a quatre personnes
paient tous moitie prix.
im enfant, une carte kiwi
et on voyage a moitie prix.

dang. i don't have any of the neat little accent things. ah well.
thank you for letting me waste your time..

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

i'm dead from the cuteness>_

hello, just writing this post so i can write up this part of a book that you probably don't care about and probably don't read, but i'm just bored XD
it was killing me with cuteness the other night and if i don't rave about it i'll just die.
it's from His Dark Materials book III (called The Amber Spyglass, by Philip Pullman)

"..She could see in his eyes that he knew at once what she meant, and that he was too joyful to speak. Her fingers were still at his lips, and he felt them tremble, and he put his own hand up to hold hers there, and then neither of them could look; they were confused; they were brimming with happiness. Like two moths clumsily bumping together, with no more wieght than that, their lips touched. Then before they knew how it happened, they were clinging together, blindly pressing their faces toward each other.
"Like Mary said," he whispered, "you know straight away when you like someone- when you were asleep, on the mountain, before she took you away, i told Pan-"
"I heard," she whispered, "I was awake and I wanted to tell you the same and now I know what I must have felt all the time: I love you, Will, I love you-"
The word "love" set all his nerves ablaze. All his body thrilled with it, and he answered her in the same words, kissing her hot face over and over again, drinking in with adoration the scent of her body and her warm, honey-fragrant hair and her sweet, moist mouth that tasted of the little red fruit.
Around them there was nothing but silence, as if all the world were holding its breath."


now wasn't that cute??

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Sunday, February 12, 2006


Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?:damned 9:01 PM.. where has my weekend gone...
Name?:I am that is.
Nicknames?:a damned lot XD
Date of birth?:Umm... i am.. infinite and... (in case you're bad at taking hints, this means 'not tellin' ya')
Height?:around 5-5 or 5-6
Eye color?:Green/gold
Where were you born?:obviously not the same place as most of the people i know, i swear they're a different race.
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?:probably...uhh.. know what i can't even remember-_-'
Pets?:three cats, a dog, and... a lot of plants. what? shut up, you'll hurt my jade plant's feelings...
Hair color?:dark brown with blonde ends (but naturally)
Town you live in?:....
Favorite foods?:omg... CHINESE FOOD
Ever been to Africa?:no, and i don't plan to, they've got like... awful diseases and such
Been toilet papering?:uh.. no
Love someone so much it made you cry?:lord, yes
Been in a car accident?:a MINOR, minor one
Croutons or bacon bits?:...neither
Favorite day of the week?:fridays and saturdays
Favorite resturant?:TEN PENH!!!! *sigh of ecstasy* (asian restaurant in DC)
Favorite flower?:snap dragons
Favorite sport to watch?:none thanks
Favorite drink?:tea, the drink of the gods <3
Favorite ice cream flavor?:i don't really care for ice cream unless it's cookie dough XD
Warner Bros. or Disney?:uuuughhh, sappy awful crap... dreamworks can't be that awful though, they made The Road to El Dorado
Favorite fast food restuarant?:...well...i guess hardees
Carpet color in your bedroom?:no carpets, lovely hardwood floors that you mostly can't see for all my junk on them
How many times did you fail your driver's test?:haven't even taken it yet
Whom did you get your last email from?:the love of my life^_^
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?:hon, i don't HAVE a credit card.
What do you do most often when you are bored?:heh.. heh heh heh. you'd be scared.
Most annoying thing to say to me?:"your mom", probably, but i don't say that.
Bedtime?:anywhere from ten to six in the morning, depending what night we're talking about here.
Favorite TV show?:well i don't really do the TV thing
Last person you went out to dinner with?::uhh... probably went to a fast-food place with my parents-_-'
Been out of country?:yes, i was taken to england, cruelly when i was too young to remember it, and i've wanted revenge on my parents ever since, also i've been to canada which i vaguely remember
Believe in magick?:certainly
Ford or Chevy?:ford
What are you listening to right now?:"find the way" from gundam seed, sung by mika nakashima
Have you ever failed a grade?:never
If you have, what grade did you fail?:none
Do you have a crush on someone?:i freaking love him, how can you use a word as mild as "crush"?-_-'
Do you have a bf/gf?:see above please XD
If so, what is their name?:gabe
How long have you been together?:over half a year^_^ so proud
What are you wearing right now?:my church clothes... if you ever breathe a word that i wore a skirt all day you are so dead
Would you have sex before marriage?:maybe, but not at a young age or anything...
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?:ewwwwww never in my life... besides all my male teachers are OLD XD
Are you a virgin?:YYYESSSS.
Do you smoke?:no
Do you drink?:no, i won't need to even when i'm older-_-' good at feeling drunk without outside influence
Are you ghetto?:..no..
Are you a player?:no
What are your favorite colors?:black, red, green, purple
What is your favorite animal?:i don't really have one but to be fair i think otters are the cutest thing ever (i know wierd eh XD)
Do you have any birthmarks?:...yyya... you don't really need to know where though
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?:not a chance
Who do you talk to most on the phone?:that's hard... i would've known a few months ago, but she and i don't talk much anymore
Have you ever been slapped?:nope
Do you get online a lot?:XD
Are you shy or outgoing?:really shy except with my classmates whom i openly threaten
Do you shower?:of course, dumbass.-_-'
Do you hate school?:tch...
Do you have a social life?:lol not really
How easily do you trust people?:i'm very paranoid, you really have to earn my trust...
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?:hell yeah-_-
Would you ever sky dive?:no, that's suicidal.
Do you like to dance?:no, burning people's eyes out is so not fun
Have you ever been out of state?:yeah, often
Do you like to travel?:well.. sorta
Have you ever been expelled from school?:..no
Have you ever been suspended from school?:no again
Do you want to get out of your hometown?:yeah
Are you spoiled?:no
Are you a brat?:no
Have you ever been dumped?:no
Have you ever gotten high?:off tea, yes (hey i'm perfectly innocent okay)
Do you like snapple?:that stuff is like.. the sugar-water from hell
Do you drink a lot of water?:yeah i suppose
What toothpaste do you use?:uhh... i don't even look at the brand
Do you have a cell phone?:no
Do you have a curfew?:i don't ever go out, so, not to my knowledge
Who do you look up to?:that's hard... i don't have any MAJOR role models..
Are you a role model?:IF you'd like to be a highly literate but slightly deranged person, yeah
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?:nope
What name brand do you wear the most?:...
What kind of jewelry do you wear?:neat little necklace charms like dragons and unicorns, when i wear any
What do you want pierced?:i'm fine with the piercings i've got, thanks
Do you like takin pictures?:it gets old after a while
Do you like gettin your picture taken?:no, i mangle people who take my pic on good days...
Do you have a tan?:during the summer
Do you get annoyed easily?:yeah^_^'
Have you ever started a rumor?:no
Do you have your own phone or phone line?:yeah, own phone
Do you have your own pool?:no i wish-_-'
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:...umm... *long silence* i like to say the word "boxers", does that count?
Do you have any siblings?:nope
Have you ever been played?:...not really..
Have you ever played anyone?:no
Do you get along with your parents?:mostly
How do you vent your anger?:taking my katana outside and fighting imaginary foes till i collapse
Have you ever ran away?:i wanted to when i was little but i chickened out
Have you ever been fired from a job?:no
Do you even have a job?:not really
Do you daydream a lot?:ohhh yeah
Do you have a lot of ex's?:none
Do you run your mouth?:on occasion, a definite yes
What do you want a tattoo of?:eww, you ever seen old people with tattoos? people who get them must not think ahead much..
What do you have a tattoo of?:i don't freaking have one, you deaf person
What does your ex bf/gf look like?:i don't have one
What does your most recent crush look like?:now come on, haven't i addressed this already?
Whats her/his name?:you're getting on my nerves
Have you ever been bitched out?:
Are you rude?:i can be, if annoying people like you won't leave me alone-_-'
What was the last compliment you recieved?:he just called me gorgeous a few minutes ago^_^
Do you like getting dirty?:no
Are you flexiable?:yeah, kinda
What is your heritage?:irish/celtic, welsh, slovac, english, french, cherokee indian
What is your lucky number?:seven i think
What does your hair look like right now?:red, it's dyed
Could you ever be a vegetarian?:no
Describe your looks?:sometimes i slighty resemble an elf (not the santa's-elf type-_-) and sometimes i look so awful i resemble medusa. those are my two extremes, people.
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?:purple or green or something crazy
Would you ever date someone younger than you?:no
Would you ever date someone older than you?:well c'mon i sorta AM
When was the last time you were drunk?:last night off TEA
How many rings until you answer the phone?:well since i have to run all over my house, then do a matrix-dive onto the bed and grab the phone on the other side, usually 4
Have you ever been skinny dipping?:...no, i just used to get in the pool with just a t-shirt on WHEN I WAS LITTLE... how embarassing, i have videos-_-
If yes, when was the last time?:around age six
When was the last time you went on a date?:never
Do you look more like your mother or father?:mom
Do you cry a lot?:it depends
Do you ever cry to get your way?:no
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?:whatever randomness pops into my head
Are you the romantic type?:yeah
Have you ever been chased by cops?:can't say i have...
What do you like most about your body?:the shape i'm in even though i don't get a great amount of exercise i guess
What do you like least about your body?:well i really could go on for a while about that...
When did you have your first crush?:i got "married" in kindergarten, does that count? oh i guess the sort of does mean i have an "ex".. XP
When was the last time you threw up?:well you see, i probably do that more than the average person because i often get sick for no reason in the morning
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?:brunettes
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?:very rarely
What about cleavage?:sometimes/rarely
Is your best friend a virgin?:yeah
Have you ever fucked someone up?:meaning?
Have you ever been fucked up?:MEANING??
What theme does your room have?:right now it's got a kind of "just-moved-in" theme... i've lived there for ten years-_-'
What size show do you wear?:
What is your screen name on AIM?:don't have it
How are you feeling right now?:in need of chai tea
When was the last time you were at a party?:at least half a year
Have you ever given a lapdance?:what do you think i am??
Have you ever recieved one?:okay really... what DO you think i am???
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?:yeah, a totally idiotic one that my friend and i are gay
What is one of your bad qualilties?:i tend to lecture
What is one of your good qualilties?:i can be really nice, when i'm not being severely ticked off by morons
Would you marry for money?:NEVER
What do you drive?:
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?:i'm pretty distanced from both of them for the most part-_-'
So?:shut up.
Well?:i said SHUT UP!
When was the last time you cried in school?:well, i cried on the bus because i missed gabe so much...
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?:-_-' NOOO thank you
What kind of music do you like?:j-pop/j-rock, green day, and linkin park
Would you ever bungee jump?:no
What is your worst fear?:you could say i'm fearless, because my worst fear would be losing my love but i know it won't happen
Would you ever join the army?:no, i won't fight for an idiot like bush
Do you like cows?:err... they're fine creatures *backs away*
If you were to die today, what would you do?:who can predicts the actions of the doomed?
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?:
Do you like to party?:for every party all the "cool" people have, i have way more fun with my friends being a total idiot by ourselves
Hearts or broken hearts?:hearts
Moons or stars?:dunno
Coke or pepsi?:they both taste like battery acid.-_-'
Favorite scent?:....lavendar?
Favorite band?:
Would you ever dye your hair red?:XD i just did that last night
How many languages can you speak?:one full language and bits and pieces of four others
What time are you finishing this?:9:52, you time-waster XD
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Friday, February 10, 2006


you know how AWFUL it is to watch movies in my class?? okay it's bad enough watching cheesy movies like Clash of the Titans in latin, but try ROMEO AND JULIET in english!! aaaauuuuuuuuugh!!!!!
the teacher actually sent one boy out before THAT scene because he was being so immature, and everyone else was too afraid to so much as cough for fear that the teacher would pick them out and say something degrading-_-'
okay, so let me say, we DID NOT need to see romeo totally naked (at least it was only from behind) but come on, once is bad enough, he doesn't have to stand there in front of the window for ten minutes with no clothes on (why do they always do that in movies anyway?)
and that was bad enough but if the boys weren't so busy trying to be quiet they probably would've fallen out of their chairs when juliet threw off those covers
i hate my freaking classmates
the silence was so oppressive as soon as knox and i got out of that class into the next we just had to laugh and laugh and laugh so we were obliged to tell the math teacher what was going on
i mean c'mon...
what's with that...
why do they feel the need to make you look at romeo's butt twelve times...
once is quite enough, thank you
this just adds to the cache of disturbing things in my head that haunt me off and on.

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