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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

new site theme
whaddaya think? O.o
my old one was kind of too peaceful and cute, it was making me throw up a little.
i like that in real life but not in decor. XP
so yeah, my song is by linkin park. can you believe it?
god, i can't believe they went "pop". it's too horrible to describe. some of their new songs are pretty good, but they JUST don't sound like LINKIN PARK anymore. i'm so sad.
i guess i'll get used to it eventually. i just think they had something really original going for them, doing metal with chester's voice, it was unusual. now it's just another mild band with a cute boy voice. one whom, i might mention, can scream like a banshee but no longer makes much use of that skill.
anyway, this new song is alright, i like it a lot starting at around 2:06-onward.
i also like Leave Out All the Rest, What I've Done, and No More Sorrow. No More Sorrow actually DOES sound like the old linkin park.
still more not-so-happy news, at least not for me...
gabe and i don't get to talk much lately, what with him working and me having to keep going on these stupid trips and crap.
i'm like... so pathetic when i can't talk to him-_-
i think i've made all my family (the ones who know) and friends irritated with that at one point or other. but i can't really help it, i need him.
we used to be able to talk a whole lot more, but we were both students then, we had basically the same schedule, and my family members weren't all getting sick at the same time-_-
it's still not that bad...
before him i probably wouldn't have believed it if someone told me i'd be in this kind of relationship and never regret it or feel sad about it^_^'
i miss him a lot... but i love him so much more
so... i know i sound emo, but i'm actually not sad, just angsty XD
so then... i'm gonna stop that before i make me cry and you nauseated-_-'
usually i just monologue to myself or god, but lucky you, i happened to be online when the feeling struck.
well then, i'm off to my Angstholics Anonymous meeting ¬_¬
(why am i still talking, nobody reads till the end of posts this long anyway do they?>.<)

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