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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Monday, July 3, 2006

   today= < 3
well my mom and dad were away for father's day so we had it today, we went to the shooting range which isn't so great for me, i don't like guns much
every time i hear a shot i think of someone dying
but we didn't stay there long, we went to lunch and we saw the military surplus people having their usual thing out in front of the grocery store so we went over there and checked out the army stuff... which is... indescribably awesome
they have military gear that people in the army have actually used which is pretty freaking cool.
i got a camo jacket (with "Lopez" on it.. i don't know if a man or a woman owned it but i do think it was a guy's jacket) and hat. aaand i got knox something that she's obsessed with but doesn't have.. and i can't say what it is because there is the slightest chance that she might read this..
lol well i probably won't wait till her birthday i guess i'll probably give it to her next week.
that's my day

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