so yeah.. i ordered this legolas costume completely on a random whim... cause like.. i wanted to make myself an elf costume for halloween but instead i'm going to be a lazy loser person and adapt a legolas costume. but the freaking MORONS didn't even give me ears!! (the reason i found the legolas costume by accident, i was looking for ears) how the FUCK is anyone supposed to be LEGOLAS WITHOUT EARS??
i shall have to order elf ears... again...
and i think i'm going to wear part of the costume to school tomorrow. before you start thinking i'm incredibly brave, i'll tell you why. it's spirit week (week before homecoming) and today is "dress like someone you're not day". today was "dress like a little kid day", which, i might add, i did not participate in aside from bringing a stuffed animal to school and i might also add squeezing stuffed animals during class is very theraputic. really. so anyway, i was going to dress like an ODU (old dominion university) professor since i have a nametag.. but i could be a legolas-y person.. but.. i ..don't know what do DOOOooOOO >_<
maybe i should be a.. a..... a princess no no no
lemme go tear through my old dress-up box, i bet ten trillion things that didn't fit me seven years ago will fit me now
..good lord, i am SOOoooOOOoo indecisive...
but but but... then... then it's sportswear day and i don't have anything to do for that.. unless i wear my fencing gear which would be entirely impractical. and then jungle day to which i think i will wear my jungle explorer helmet hat thing (it's REAL!) -_-'
..then friday is green and gold day (my school colors). i always make a point to wear nothing but black on green and gold day. (i hate my school
