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myOtaku.com: ShadowsCastByDusk

Friday, November 10, 2006

so yeah... like...
knox, this is all your fault XD
Speed Racer is occupying waaayyy more space in my mind than is morally correct
dude.. i think i've drawn speed racer stuff in every single subject that i have a notebook for
it's.. kinda.. ridiculous
must be the movie
the live-action movie they're coming out with

i leave you with this SPEED RACER GOODNESS:
opening theme

Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer
He's a demon on wheels
He's a demon and he's gonna be chasing after someone
He's gaining on you so you better look alive
He's busy revving up the powerful Mach Five
And when the odds are against him and there's daaangerous work to do
You bet your life Speed Racer's gonna see it through

Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer go

He's off and flying as he guns the car around the track
He's jamming down the pedal like he's never coming back
Adventure's waiting just aheeeeeeeeaaaaad

Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer Go!

Speed likes two-column geometric proofs...

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Speed does not want to go to France because they only bathe once a week there.. eww...

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and finally, the people who actually draw speed racer outdid me by using color. damn them to hell.

okayyy.. so i leave you with this insanity. enjoy!

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