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in the shadow
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i get my money(sometimes)
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I drew 3 really cool cat people. 2 have no names yet and the other is fang,
Anime Fan Since
I first saw pokemon(long time ago!!)
Favorite Anime
Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, and most of Miazaki's animes, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemest, and many more, just not DBZ
develop my own style of manga, finish the manga I started with my best friends Monica and Rae-chan
drawing, writing, reading, singing, and horseback riding
drawing, writing, horseback riding, and singing
| ShadowsFieryFlame
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
I have a new theme!
I thought it was really cute
with the little chibis
all over the place!
My life.....
I found DDR, which is
my new favorite game
and it is a physical
game, so i might get back
into shape!!!!
Im bored... soo, i'll
just let you answer the
poll at the bottom.
PS~ If you haven't looked
at my fanart yet, go ahead
and look! and leave comments.
Would you rather....
a)go to an anime convention
b)spend the whole day with
the author of your favorite
c)none of these above
My answer~ b cus that would
be sooooo cool! |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, February 1, 2007
it has been snowing like crazy here, every week it is in the 50's then during the weekend it is in the 20's. but the snow is a nice change from constant 70 degree weather.
i really miss all my friends from SC. It sucks to live here in the worst city in the USA in my standpoint. I can't go to school like a normal person, i have to go with the smart people to the highschool for math and science. i miss 3 hour(choir) every thursday, and i don't get to see any of my real friends, its all "drama drama" here. and, a lot of people are BISEXUAL!! it is annoying, you can't be normal with them, or they think you like them. w/e i need to just shut my trap before i say too much
anyway, my drawings have been improving, so thats a plus. i'll post them soon.
and nami, is leahs b-day on the 12th? i forgot, cus its been sooo long since ive seen you all! I cannot wait for 8th grade(the second most worst year of my life) to be over!! and june to come around the corner!!
Michi ♥ |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Time::: 11:36
Mood::: ok
Music::: none
its cooold outside(like 15 degrees!!)
I couldn't go to church cuz the roads were iced over!!
besides that nothing interesting happened.
do this(read my answers if u want too)
:::Q & A:::
Q: What would you do with 1000 plastic spoons?
A: make sporks of them and let them join forces with the gingerbread man!!! muahaha!!(haha
Q: What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
A: mostly.... britttney spears
Q: Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class upon purchasing?
A: pshh no
Q: What's the most messed up food combination that you've had that was actually good?
A: applesauce, chocolate milk, bread and cheetos chilly cheese fries(mmm mmm good)
Q: Where are you going on your next vacation?
A: South carolina to visit my buddies
Q: Are most of your friends new or old?
A: old
Q: What's one of your most random pet peeves (something that annoys you)?
A: hypocracy and people who label other people
Q: What are you wearing right now?
A: sc shirt, HIM sweater, pj pants
Q: When is the last time you had Mom's home cooking?
A: yesterday
Q: What state are you from?
A: PA and SC
Q: Where do you see yourself in one month?
A: the same as now
Q: What is your favorite smell?
A: i dunno
Q: What do people label you as?
A: punk, goth emo, etc all of which i am not
im just an anime freak who likes to wear a lot of black, skateboards, and has a depressing life. end of story.
Q: Do you consider yourself bipolar?
A: no
Q: What is the outside temperature at the moment?
A: like 15 degrees!!
Q: Are you missing anyone right now?
A: all my south carolinian buddies
Q: What's your current problem?
A: not going to riverside and being stuck with the people in KS
Q: What's one type of person that really bothers you?
A: posers, people who dress like and call themselves a certain steryotype, but really aren't, cus they are POSERS
Q: What's one type of person that you enjoy being around?
A: posers and people who label others
Q: What random things make you happy?
A: mooo coowwws
Q: If you could go back and change something, what would it be?
A: keeping my family from moving 1000 miles away
Q: If you could be any animal or creature for one day, what would it be?
A: a horse
Q: Ever had a near death experience?
A: phh no
Q: Name one obvious quality you have?
A: i laugh a lot
Q: What's the name of a song that's stuck in your head right now?
A: oh------klahoma where the wind come sweeping down the plain---------
Q: Are you happy today?
A: i dunno
Q: Do you believe in Heaven?
A: yes |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Time::: 10:08
Mood::: ok
Music::: none
does my layout looked screwed up, cuz if it does, i can just make a new one. I don't know why it looks weird...
well, i went to the mall earlier and i took some pictures w/ two of my friends it was hillarious!!
well, pm me if u need anything!!
- pic 1
- pic 2 |
Comments (2) |
Monday, January 8, 2007
Time::: 7:32
Mood::: soso
Music::: radio
today was ok
i got to talk to randall today which made me happy, since i haven't talked to him in a while.
i gtg
i'll post tomorrow
Michi |
Comments (1) |
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Time::: 6:13
Mood::: soso
Music::: lots
does anyone have a yahoo or aim messenger? or yahoo messenger?
its always fun to talk to people and get to know them.
ive got new fan art!
go ahead and check it out if u have time
school started up again today and i am apparantly "gifted" so i have to go to a gifted class starting next week i think...
being gifted sux!!
im done
go enjoy ur lives now
Michi chan |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Time::: 9:06
Mood::: happy
Music::: Azumanga Daioh
I have made 2 music videos. The Inuyasha one kinda sucks, but it is better than some. And the FMA one is kinda good:
I hope you like them!
How many people have a myspace or xanga? I want to add you to my friends list there too.
I saw these in the past 2 weeks:
-Love Hina:weird, but very fun to watch(just watch it) and it is better in japanese(it has more of an effect), but it is still good.
-Inuyasha Movie 4: Great movie. My favorite part is the song of parting(so beautiful).
Well, hope you all have a good one!
Michi |
Comments (1) |
Monday, January 1, 2007
Time::: 5:01
Mood::: good
Music::: n/a
I have changed my layout! Do you all like it? I want to do more advanced HTML layouts, but I need to work a bit more on that.
So how was everyones New Year? Mine was good. I stayed up all night with my mom watching movies and then we watched the ball drop. After the ball dropped, Panic! at the Disco sang a song, and it really sucked. I think they were drunk or something, not that the music was bad, just the singing was and they all looked a little out of there if you know what I mean! lol
I'll quit blabbing now. Hope you all have fun!
Michi-chan |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is only 4 days away...
i can't belive it, its kinda scary ya know?
I have lived in kansas for 5 months
and 2 days after christmas, it will be
6 months...
I at least have one thing to be grateful for:
So, how is everyone's Christmas holiday?
How many people are on vacation already?
Hope u all have awesome x-mases!!!!
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Time: 8:56
Mood: ok
Music: Welcome to the Black Parade---MCR
Alls well in my life I guess... Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I have to eat a lot less until tomorrow... I can't eat normally again 'til Monday...
so, w/e
People I miss:
Sara-chan(aka Soara)
Leah(aka Reiko)
Rei-chan(aka B.B.)
and all my other friends!!
I can't wait til this summer, cuz we get to come down to South Carolina and visit our old friends! I can't wait!! I just hope everyone stays home for a few weeks after school!
I hope I can go to at least one more Wednesday night study group thing at Shannon Forrest! I miss having a Wednesday night thing to go to! I'm begginging to get really homesick...
Well, I hope you all enjoyed my rantings!
~:~Michi-chan~:~ |
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