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in the shadow
Member Since
i get my money(sometimes)
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I drew 3 really cool cat people. 2 have no names yet and the other is fang,
Anime Fan Since
I first saw pokemon(long time ago!!)
Favorite Anime
Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, and most of Miazaki's animes, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemest, and many more, just not DBZ
develop my own style of manga, finish the manga I started with my best friends Monica and Rae-chan
drawing, writing, reading, singing, and horseback riding
drawing, writing, horseback riding, and singing
| ShadowsFieryFlame
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
grrrr... *twitch* *twitch*
Time of post: 4:01 Mood: Angry Music: Usher, I think
Ok, my insane sister says about 30 min ago, that she is going to call the dude I like. Then she calls him and tells him I like him. THE DAY BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS AGAIN! I catch her and I'm like what were you doing and she told me and started saying "you have a boyfriend" repeatidly. I mean, she just called and says that I like him. I have to face this tomorrow and I don't know how many people he will tell and so on. *grumble, mumble* I have to face him! AHHH!!! Well, I should stop before I start screaming at myself for ever telling my little sister.
Poll: Do you have AIM? If you do I'd like to know so that sometime I can IM you and we can talk. |
Comments (3) |
Friday, December 16, 2005
Time of Post: 1:07 Mood: happy Music: none
Yesterday the power went out!! We had no school!! I am happy!! No school today either!! Aren't you proud of me? LOL!!(ps. Me hyper!)
Yesterday, what is really cool, is that I got a $50 giftcard to the mall! Any Simon mall in the US!! That means, when I am in Kansas, I can use it to go shopping in their mall, I think...
I am so bored! this is the only thing to do and this is, needless to say, boring. Well, It is still fun to sit and just type! Blah blah blah. If I am not careful, my typing ends up like this: I canlt type certy ewll ikel this...
Isn't that horrible????? NEways, I am truely getting really bored!! Bye!!
Ja Ne! SF
Poll: Do you ever get so bored that the only fun thing in your house is to sit and talk to yourself??
Me: Yep, I feel that way all the time, and sometimes do talk to myself... |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Time of post: 4:51 Mood:happy Music:Ready Staedy Go
Hello everyone! My day has been sorta medium. But, Friday, my friend and I went to the mall and went to Suncoast. Over there she bought Inuyasha 3, the second Fruits Basket, and a thing of Japanese candy(chocolate covered "biscut" sticks". Then after that we went to Hot Topic. There we say this guy who was wearing a Hollister shirt, but he crossed out Holli and wrote rock underneath it in red spraypaint. I thought it looked cool. While in Hot Topic, my friend(Purplenekogirl) bout us each a different FMA hoodie. Hers is black with a zipper and the blood seal on it and mine is red, with the Alchemy Circle on the front and and alchemy sign on the back. I am happy and very thankfull.
Wile watching the Inuyasha Movie, I fell asleep before it was half over. I need to borrow it from her to see it. Hint, hint *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge* LOL!
Well, see you all later! SF
PS~ You should all see His and Her Circumstances if you all ready haven't. It is hillarious!!
What was the most recent anime you watched and when?
-Mine was His and Her Circumstances on saturday @ 12:00 PM. |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Time of post: 12:59 Mood: mad
I have found myself dazed in the world of oragami. I can make flowers, balls and a lot of other stuff. I love this! I got an oragami book at the library the same day as the FMA DVD. But this is not why I am mad.
My discusting evile brother stole my gameboy and saved over my game! I had all the badges and I was raising up my pokemon's stats trying to get high enough up to beat Red. I almost finished the game and poof it dissapears. I went looking for it today and I went to ask my brother but he was gone and I saw on his bed none other than the gameboy. I turned it on and saw that the name TAYLOR was on there instead of Michi. Why my bother used Taylor of all names beats me(his name is BJ), but ya know. My dad says he owes me, so I know exactly how much money I want. I want $40 so that I can get a Trigun hoodie from Hot Topic. Well, This situation is both good and bad, but nothing will keep me from being mad at my brother. Well, I hope you all have a safe weekend!
Poll: Freewrite again!!
What is your favorite anime character? You can have more than one, but don't go over like, 10 or something. Also write why you like them. |
Comments (5) |
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
Time of post: 7:57 Mood: Bored
Today is a day of love and giving thanks. For me it is just another day of getting away from school. We will eat and eat and eat at my house and at 7 o'clock we'll go over to my aunt's house. What a BORING day. We will probobly stay at my aunts house until midnight, maybe even a little bit later. Talk about boredom!
Ok. I'm done babbling on about that. I don't want to bore you. NE ways, guess what!! Yesterday I went with Darkwolves faith to the movies and we saw Harry Potter 4. I liked it, but it still was't too much like the book. But Mad eye Moody is exactly how I had imagined him. I didn't like what they did to Rita Skeeter. She was supposed to be fat, always in green with red hair. In the movie she is thin, blonde, and never wears the same color. And at the end, Hermione doesn't find Rita when she is in her unlicenced anamagous(<-?) form. That made me kinda upset. Lord Voldemort looked discusting when he was brought back to full heath. HE HAD NO NOSE!!! It looked really wierd. Over all though, the movie was rather enjoyable.
Right now I am also really fustrated. I have the 5th Fullmetal Alchemist DVD: episodes 17 through 20, I got it from the library. Yesterday I got half way through the second episode and it froze, so I am trying to work it on my laptop but it is not working. *mutter, grumble, mutter*
Well, GTG! SF
Poll: Free write
How many animes have you watched? Movies and TV episodes are all included. |
Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Time of post: 7:19
I went ot a football game and this guy stalked me!!! He stalked me, so I stalked him. He caught on so he stalked me again, so I stalked him, so, he stalked me. SCARY!!! I hope he never stalked me again!! Well, G2G, BYE!
What is your favorite anime? Free answer!! Pick what ever one you want and explain why!! |
Comments (3) |
Monday, October 24, 2005
Time of post: 9:54
Today/yesterday was really fun. I stayed over at my friend's house and we didn't go to bed until early in the morning. We played Soul Calibur and I found out that I am not that bad at it. My favorite character is Tabil! She is awesome! she has some wicked awesome moves too! I can't wait to master her. But for now I must work up my Zelda/Shieq powers on Super Smash Bros.!! See you guys later!! ~sf
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poll:
What do you think Kagome's job as an adult would be? 1) A police officer 2) A stay at home mom 3) A butt kicking warrior |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, October 8, 2005
I am so mad at myself!!!
Time of post: 8:18
I am so mad at myself. I have a crush on a guy no one in their right minds would go out with. I am going crazy. Oh wait... I am already, oh well. Gosh, I am so mad at myself!!! *mumble*
anyways... I am trying to stop something. This guy Jonah at my school made a bet (with my friend Amit) that he could get my friend Julia to go out with him. But, in order to save them all from complete agony, I am going to stop it. I am just waiting for Julia to call so I can tell her. Jonah is a complete idiot. He is a BAKA!! How could he make that kind of bet? *cough*baka*cough*
Anyways, GTG!!
Jane! SF
PS~ I am learning Japanese! I can pronounce like, everything! This is awesome. |
Comments (1) |
Sunday, September 25, 2005
hi. I have a friend that just joined. her sn is purplenekogirl. she is awesome. please go visit her. i want her to have some friends and not feel unwanted. anyways, i just wanted to say that so bye.
shadow~:~ |
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My first post!
This is my first post. I just wanted to say welcome to my site!
I have officially started a Human Inuyasha and Kagome fanclub! Here is the banner to put on your site if you join:

If you put the banner on your site, please pm me to let me know. I am making a site for it and I would like to put all the members' names on the site! Thanks!
Michi |
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