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in the shadow
Member Since
i get my money(sometimes)
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I drew 3 really cool cat people. 2 have no names yet and the other is fang,
Anime Fan Since
I first saw pokemon(long time ago!!)
Favorite Anime
Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, and most of Miazaki's animes, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemest, and many more, just not DBZ
develop my own style of manga, finish the manga I started with my best friends Monica and Rae-chan
drawing, writing, reading, singing, and horseback riding
drawing, writing, horseback riding, and singing
| ShadowsFieryFlame
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/24/06:
You stupid game I'm never playing you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Result Posted on 06/20/06:
cool~ that is soooo me!
The Ultimate Anime test! Updated NOW WITH PICS! (8 results) Hair color, eyes, element, anime, animal, ect.)
Hair color: brownEyes color: yellowColor: brown/blackRace: Human/tomboyElement: FireAnimal: Hamster/dogClothing style: You wear anything like a guy... but people know that you're a girl! *Anime sweat*Quote: NoneAnime: Samurai ChamplooAnime Guy: Roy MustangFighting skills?: A million!Goal: None really... you have few goals... but not a huge one...Lifestyle: You have a group of friends that care deeply for you. You talk to everyone and love video games! You read occasionaly but try not to go overboard...Dream job: Rock singer (Example: Linkin Park, Slipknot, Disturbed) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/28/06:
soooo me!
What is your strong point?(pics)
Result Posted on 05/22/06:
Result Posted on 03/20/06:
That is really like me!! weird O.0...
Where does your beauty hide? (Amazing Pictures and Detailed Results)
 Your beauty hides in your loneliness. You're isolated from everyone. You don't want anyone to be near you. Did someone do something so inhumane that you won't go back? What ever the matter was, it has pushed you into your own world and you won't let anyone in nor near you. I doubt you even like being touched. Your Quote:'Loneliness... it's just a disease.' Your Song: Bother - Stone Sour Wish I was too dead to cry My self-affliction fades Stones to throw at my creator Masochists to which I cater You don't need to bother; I don't need to be I'll keep slipping farther But once I hold on, I won't let go 'til it bleeds
Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/20/06:
wow... they like see my inner soul or something...
 "The only thing standing between me and total
happiness is reality." you're a dreamer
and you have the perfect world created inside
your mind. you're always wishing that things
were better and you try to escape realtiy as
much as possiable.
what quote best fits your personality????? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 03/20/06:
that is so me!!
Which Kick Ass Shirt Saying Are You??
Result Posted on 12/16/05:
I have a 0/3.5 love average.
Result Posted on 11/25/05:
that's so me!!
Result Posted on 11/25/05:
I am fun, I hope exiting, yeah, insane; no comment. *bff coughs*lol!!!*bff coughs*
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