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• 1990-04-25
• In L's Pants!!!! ;3
Member Since
• 2005-08-29
• I'm a Student as well as working on perfecting my Journalism skills at our local Newspaper.
Real Name
• Kyrie.
• Learning to read?
Anime Fan Since
• 1994
Favorite Anime
• Too many to count. More into Manga now.
• So succeed in life, and never take things for granted.
• making collages and writing(typing)
• I can lick my nose. Ha!
| shadowtiger69
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Guestbook Entries:
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My Deadly Wound (08/07/09)
Hey i really like your profile, =] its cool
redmoonchick (02/21/09)
your site is so cool and flashy and i love it. you seem really nice so i'm going to add you as a friend and i hope to see you around.
SolemnSerpent (02/12/09)
Thank you for dropping by my site! :3
It's been a while since anyone has signed my guestbook, so your signature was greatly appreciated. :) It's nice to see that MyOtaku is still a little active.
Yes, I love Matt and Mello, :3 One of my favorite Death Note couples too. XD Joker is awesomely evil, *dreamy sigh* I spent the whole Dark Knight movie cheering him on. [Aw, poor Batman doesn't get any love...]
Yay, I get a new stalker! :D
You're in L's pants? [He-he, awesome] I tried jumping in Light's, but he wouldn't let me. T_T
fading.dreams (02/09/09)
You are the first person to sign my guestbook since November! So thank you!
And now I feel all flattered about what you said about my site ^^''''
But i loveeee your background so much! I think my site looks really boring, but I love Death note and this background is beautiful. I really need to finish the series, that's what summers for. :P
Journalism? Thats cool, I really want to go into journalism but I doubt if I'll be able to do it. :[
Anyways, im rambling on and on, so I'm going to add you!
Thanks again for the guestbook signature!
See ya around! :]
jomz (01/23/09)
Thanks for dropping by! Added you, as well.
Hey, look, it's L! :O
See you around!
Stixx (01/22/09)
Thanks for stopping by and signing my gb. Of course I'll return the favor!!
Yay!! Another L fan!! I just adore him, and so far he's my absolute favorite anime/manga character. >.< Lol! Nice background, btw. I use that on my desktop all the time.
Well, see ya around!
inkenyo 2.0 (01/21/09)
Ah! I've become a victim. T.T I'll add you as a friend too.
CrystalFlute (01/21/09)
thank you for signing my guestbook and adding me as a friend! I have done the same ^_^ It's always great to meet another person who's still here around myO. I havn't updated in a while, but that's because I don't like talking about myself too much, that plus I don't have much to say. So you'll probably find that I comment more than I actually post. I'm not around every day, but every few days I'll come around a visit/comment on sites. So even though you might not see me often on my site, you'll probably see me around here ^_^
again thank you for signing my guestbook! ttyl ~Lute
deadly neko (01/21/09)
Thank you for adding me and signing my gb. :) I am going to add you too. I love your bg and your pictures in your intro. Very nice! Have a great day!
Fire Fist Ace (01/21/09)
Thanks so much for visiting me~! *hugs* It's super great to meet you! X3 I absolutely LOVE your L theme! I'm a big L fan myself. I shall certainly add you as a friend as well, and look forward to talking to you, too. ^^ Hooroo for now~!
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