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myOtaku.com: shadowtiger69

Monday, March 6, 2006

   My Head Hurts...and I have a theme finally!!!! w00t!!!!!
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This will be a very short post.(I hope.) I have a horrible headache, and I don't feel too well. I hope that I am not getting sick. That would suck...v.v; I skipped school today. ^^ My mom wanted me to accompany her to her workplace, so I agreed and tagged along. Getting to sit on the comp for 8 hours straight is lovely. 0__0 Maybe that's why my head hurts...owwie...v.v' Anyway, I have been reading fanfics today and the Loveless ones are rather interesting...lots of BDSM...lol. But other than that, nothing else much has happened. So I shall leave you, but not without entertainment. ^__~
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Now this is stupid, but let me know if you think its funny...

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PFFT!!!! ~dies laughing~ That's like something we would do, huh, Celestial? Except afterwards, we would probably point at him and laugh...Poor Nara-chan...^.~

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I know its not really drawn all that well, but it is the thought that counts right? AHAHAHA

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Strip Poker, Inuyasha Style!

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Emo Harry....^.~ At least Phil isn't here to criticize Harry Potter...grr...

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Kakashi letting go of all his inhibitions...

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Kakashi getting stopped by security...

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Poor Ginji...lol. ^.^

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^___^ Need I say more? Don't carry Kunai in your mouth!

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Are we though? o.O

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Okay then...not going to ask...^.~

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And I bid you adieu with this lovely picture of Ban and ginji from Getbackers. I wonder why Ginji looks terrified?
See ya on the next update!
P.S: To Yensid: I get these pics from all over the place, not just one place, you just have to look carefully around different websites and things. ^___^


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