Birthday • 1990-04-25 Gender •
Female Location • In L's Pants!!!! ;3 Member Since • 2005-08-29 Occupation • I'm a Student as well as working on perfecting my Journalism skills at our local Newspaper. Real Name • Kyrie.
Achievements • Learning to read? Anime Fan Since • 1994 Favorite Anime • Too many to count. More into Manga now. Goals • So succeed in life, and never take things for granted. Hobbies • making collages and writing(typing) Talents • I can lick my nose. Ha! shadowtiger69
Thursday, May 25, 2006
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! +Dies+
I have to give credit to Auki, this was on her site, but I had to post it, cause it just rocks!!!! Its really short, tis about Cloud and his bishieness!!!! WHOOHOO! (although, I personally like Squall myself...^^)
Okay, on with today's post. ^__^ I was sick...thanks to Ceekari, but no matters. ^^ Not contagious. Don't feel sick.
I am hooked on a new band thanks to Ceekari's mom. Yes, her mom is a rocker. A COOL rocking mom. woohoo! Yes, it is called Blue October. I want to say Alternative, but there is a little not heavy stuff, but lots of loud bassness in there sometimes. ^^ Hate Me is such a good song...I am hooked. >.< Lol, moving on...
+sigh+ I don't know what to say...what should I say? are you all doing today? I hope you all are good, if not, let me know and I will make you smile, kay? Or try to. I don't feel smiley myself, but I don't want to type about it, so I won't. (just in case people I know would read it and I don't want them to worry about me) Anyway I am think about a site change...suggestions anyone?
Oh, and here are some piccies today:
Speaking of almost have beaten Kingdom Hearts...I think...
This was my favorite world in KH!!! I LOVE JACK!!!!
My sexy man...who I had to beat the crap out of in the Pegasus Cup...+Sigh+
LMAO!!!! That would be me in Sora's place. ^^
This one is so funny...but not true...I was laughing...cause look at the little Heartless next to Sora's foot. LOL...
I find this amusing...but who the HELL IS ANSEM?!
soo true...for ed....
AHAAHAHAHA...aha..ah...why am I laughing again?
I LOVE YOU +jumps Leon+ +misses+ Btw, you know Cloud is compensating with his big sword...and why does Leon wear all those belts around his crotch? v.v;;; Those are things we will never know...
Okay, okay, I am done for the day...except this. I leave you with a short video that my friend celestial69 made on the last day of school. You will notice that there are four important people in this video: Kris(the guy in the blue and white baseball jersey), Kaylee(the girl in the righthand corner of the video, with the gray jacket and really dark dark brown hair), Nathan(the guy to the left of Kris), and me(or my hands) I am the one that pokes Kris and eventually that leads to a joke...that I will tell you in the next POST!!!! mUHAHAHAHA!!!! Lol, if you really want to know why Kris does what he does at the end, either listen real closely or pm me and I shall tell you. but this isn't a story for children...
the video is entitled "The Boob Fetish of a gay guy" Because everytime he goes to poke out of the screen, he pokes my boobs...v.v;;;;; well, I have a thing for poking people, so thats what started it...