Birthday 1990-04-25 Gender
Female Location In L's Pants!!!! ;3 Member Since 2005-08-29 Occupation I'm a Student as well as working on perfecting my Journalism skills at our local Newspaper. Real Name Kyrie.
Achievements Learning to read? Anime Fan Since 1994 Favorite Anime Too many to count. More into Manga now. Goals So succeed in life, and never take things for granted. Hobbies making collages and writing(typing) Talents I can lick my nose. Ha! shadowtiger69
Monday, July 10, 2006
Mood: Happy/content
Listening to: "Inside of You" by Hoobastank XD
Yes...I went...I saw...and cried. Which to those of you who saw as well will say ah, he's not really gone...but HOW DO YOU KNOW?! >.< *cries* Ok, ok...I promised a review...and here it is:
I shall start from the beginning...when me and Celestial sat down in the theater. There was the girl sitting next to us, that throughout the whole movie complained about how boring it was. And I have to agree with her on some parts although I will never admit it to her, so hmph. ^^;;;
But anyway, on to the movie! The first movie scene with Elizabeth and Will had me groaning yet a bit shocked...>.< I wanted to see JOHNNY. I got my wish about five minutes later when he blew up a crow and climbed out of a coffin. >.> I don't really remembered what happened next, I think I kinda blanked out or was discussing something quietly with Celestial. ^^;;;; I did realize that I knew a language in the movie(and no it wasn't the language of the natives although me and Celestial are working on that) It happened to be the bit of French there when that guy was telling Will he won't go any farther near the island. Ah, and then came the part that we all in the theater screamed...will was walking by and he turns to look at the tree and out jumps a native in camoflauge. v.v;;; I particulary enjoyed the part with the native and Jack and the Pole. That part had me laughing and feeling sorry for him all at the same time. *chuckles* ...and I know this is all very boring to you people, so I shall stop the play by play and just point out my favorites.
So, The next thing I wish to point out in random order, are some quotes that I particularly enjoyed in the movie.
The first one has to be the title of my post, and that's Jack's Jar of Dirt. When the evil priestess voodoo lady gave it to him, I was laughing so hard...XD
Jack Sparrow:Dirt... this is a jar of dirt..*he looks at it skeptically*
Priestess Voodoo lady: Yes..
Jack Sparrow: ...Is the jar of dirt going to help?
Priestess Voodoo Lady: If you don't want it, give it back. *agitated*
Jack Sparrow: No. *hugs it to him and starts petting it, looking around suspiciously*
Priestess Voodoo Lady: Then, it helps...
Lol, and the other one with the jar of dirt:
The Scene: Jack is confronting Davey Jones near the end and he has the Jar of Dirt with what he thinks is Davey Jones heart still inside it, and he holds it aloft, walking down the steps...
Jack: Hey, look what I have! Hmm? Its a Jar of Dirt. And guess what's insi-*he trips and falls, after a few seconds you see his hand and the jar, nothing else* I still have it!
Ok...another one then...if that wasn't funny enough for you...this is a personal favorite of my mom's...
Jack is talking to Elizabeth and she tells him that the moment will come when he needs to be a good man and do the honorable thing...
Elizabeth: There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing.
Jack: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. XD are two of my favorite quotes...straight from the movie. the one where Jack thinks Elizabeth is a boy and that the clothes don't look good on her...>.< oh and the hide the rum...^.~
And here is another funny clip, just watch and laugh. ^^;;;;
oh and here is the cannibal scene from it, and the part where we all screamed...>.<
Ok...and here are the piccies...I, I did alot today,you guys better be grateful...>.<
Davey Jones...wooohooo...>.<
Dear Old Jack...
And the Evil Voodoo Priestess Lady...^^
So...and how about that ending? ^__^
P.S: And how do you all like my new Angel Sanctuary Layout? Feedback please?