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Friday, September 9, 2005
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, hey!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Whoo.. what a good day it 'twas..
School was just like any school day: boring.
I did wear my Naruto headband to school today, and stirred up some Naru fans that way! xD It was fun.
I got home and did my very first yuri RP! xDD So.. that's an event..
Right now I'm RPing with the same person and here's what he said about our RP that we're doing.
My friend Zack is a big fan of Kingdom Hearts and he was dying to RP some Namine x Riku so, here's the main idea;
"Okay it's after skool and tidus, Selphie, and Wakka, and Kairi all died. Sora is home cuz he skipped and Riku and Namine are walking home together."
I thought it was hilarious. I'd have to say that Selphie is the most tolerable. But everyone else should go and die..
I am calling EVERYONE I know to remind them.
So don't be surprised if I somehow got your number.. o_O
xDD Anyway..
Here's a pretty picture to make this post look less bare and stuff...

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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Hajimari No Hi
Have you honestly watched an anime show with your parents?
Well... my dad and I.. well.. *cough*
Watched D.N.Angel together today after school.
Out of all the episodes they had on Demand.. they had to pick the GAYEST..
And I mean GAYEST..
It was the one where Satoshi gave Daisuke CPR..
*sigh* ... I just have to say how much I am beginning to hate D.N.Angel.
But other than that.

My heart belongs to..
But not just ANY Naru x Sasu stuff..

Two days.
Twooooo daaaaaaaays...

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Wow. My "layout" is really shitty.
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Yeah, I apologize for the mix and matching of the layouts.. o__o;; I'll get that fixed whenever mah Kayokun is revived!
I've really got nothing too new to report other than I found a really pretty group picture! ^o^

If it had Lee in it.. I'd love it. But that's alright. It's got Shika and Naru in it. So I'm happy. ^_^
Sorry that my life isn't that exciting that I have something to report everyday.. o_O;;
Sometimes I wish it was like that.. but then I'd have ass long posts every day.. *sigh*
Well. It's 8. And I need to get into the bath and somehow fit in 15 minutes of DDR into the hour and a half I have until I go to bed.
Yeah, I've got a bed time. So what? I still pwn you..
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
If I could change your mind, I'd really love to break your heart..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I woke up
And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
Shallow skin, I can paint with pain
I mark the trails on my arms with your disdain
Everyday it's the same - I LOVE, YOU HATE
But I guess I don't care any more...
Fix my problems with the blade
While my eyes turn from blue to gray
God, the worst thing happened to me today
But I guess I don't care anymore...
You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I woke up
And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
My flaws are the only thing left that's pure
Can't really live, can't really endure
Everything I see reminds me of her
God I wish I didn't care anymore
The more I touch, the less I feel
I'm lying to myself that it's not real
Why is everybody making such a big fucking deal?
I'm never gonna care anymore
You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I woke up
And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I woke up
And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
What the hell am I doing?
Is there anyone left in my life?
What the fuck was I thinking?
Anybody want to tell me I'm fine?
Where the hell am I going?
Do I even need a reason to hide?
I am only betrayed
I am only conditioned to die
You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I woke up
And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I haven't slept since I found out,
my life was a LIE
This is the end of EVERYTHING
You are the end of EVERYTHING
I love that song.
Anyway. A lot of crap to post and only 15 minutes to cover it all..

Yeah. I love this picture..
Another thing, if you like Homestar Runner, watch the new toon. Strong Bad and the Cheat are at an anime/gamer con.
Anything else?
Yeah. I'd like to say sorry to Kathy if I have interfered with your relationship at all.
It was just kinda cool to see that Josh liked my music as well. ^_^
So yeah.. ^_^;;

Friday I'm going to school sporting my Ninja spirit. Y'know, wearing my headband and drawing lines on my face. The works.
Ashe is coming over here and we're eating nothing but ramen on Saturday!! xDD YEAH!
Oh, and another thing happening on Saturday, Escaflowne the movie is premiering on Adult Swim at 1 AM. I highly recommend watching it if you get the chance. Escaflowne has to be my second favorite anime movie (The Place Promised being my top favorite).

Sorry, I just thought what Josh said was funny. ^_^
Anyway, I love you all like Chouji loves snacks.
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Too much of heaven..
Reporting straight from Katie's house.
Well, we have Katie dancing to "Too Much of Heaven" at the moment.. *shifty eyes*
I apologize..
At least you're not here right now..
Nothing too new to report other than..
Slipknot and The Used rock.
And that we've got 6 days,

*pokes Triple J* Wait and Bleed is the coolest.. ¬¬
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Your hands are shaking cold, these hands are mine to hold!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. w00t! I love that song! YEAH!!!
*clears throat* Anyway.. ¬¬
My "favorite" grandmother is coming over tomorrow to take me out late birthday shopping. I'm going to have the TIME OF MY LIFE!
Psh. Yeah. Okay.
She's the real relgious kind of grandmothers. The kind that get annoying really quickly.
I mean, she thought that Pokemon was satanic.
I'll make sure that I take her into Hottopic.. *snicker snicker*
(They have the best anime shirts.. =D)

RANDOMNESS! Meow. I like kitty girls. *blink* Not kitty guys. Kitty GIRLS.
Kitty boys = BAD.
Kitty girls = GOOD.
Got the idea? Good.
What did I do today? Nothing too exciting. I'm sure that you guys had more eventful days than me in a lifetime.
*scratches head* I've gotta go clean my bathroom for my grandma so I guess I'll report back tomorrow? *shrugs*

I love you all like Chouji loves snacks!!
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Well, the sickness is almost gone. So that's good. But I embarassed the crap out of myself today at school.. *groan*
'Twas at lunch. I was going to show my friends what my plan was for the next anime con. My friends Bryan and Katie and I were going to dress up as Yuki (Bryan), Ayame (Katie), and Shigure (me). We had it all planned too.
Bryan would run out first saying, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" While Katie would follow, "But brother! I love you!" While I'd be in the back skipping, "High school girls, high school girls, all for me, high school girls!"
Well, as we were showing everyone, and when it was my turn to come out, I slipped. On a puddle..
Landing face first into the ground.
Yep. I just layed there for a while, laughing my ass off.
My knee is all bruised. ^__^
But yep. Sorry for the crappy layout. It'll be changed soon. ^__^ *huggles Kayokun*
But I must go.
I love you all like Chouji loves snacks!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I'm hanging by a moment here with you..
I hate being sick. But then again, I love staying home. ^__^
I downloaded all of Kathy-chan's AMVs, and well..
I loved them. ^__^
But the cool thing was, I knew this the person who made them. ^__^
So it made me feel kinda.. special I guess. ^_^
Been looking at a lot of Sasu x Naru pictures today. (And scaring my 9 year old brother with them too!) But I just wanted to share this collection of four pictures of them together that I love. ^__^

Kawaii, right? ^__^ I love those.. my brother says that I'm gross. But I just told him that he'd be the same way if he was a girl.. I just need to find him some Sakura x Ino pictures.. *light chuckle*

(Hopefully I won't be sick tomorrow.. *groan*)
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Deep down, deep down! Dari dara dada du dara!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Yet another boring, sick day.
I've been blaring Eiffel 65 all day. I have to say my favorite song from them is Hyperlink..
*light snicker*
Oh. I've found a new fetish of mine.
Three or more guys that match.
If you like Franz Ferdinand, and you've seen their new video, you'll understand what I mean.. ^o^
Expect another post from me today..

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Monday, August 29, 2005
Get up, c'mon, get down with the sickness..
And I hate it. I've been sitting on my butt all day watching Cartoon Network.
They've got a new baby programming in the morning called "Tickle U.."
Stop and think about the title of that..
Is it just me, or does that sound too much like Micheal Jackson?
But anyway. I had my first drink last night.
It was a Jack Daniels.
Mr. Daniels stole my virginity!! xDD
Yeah. *whispers* That's why I skipped school today.. but shhhh.. don't tell..
Please don't hit me, Triple J, but I am going to "borrow" your countdown for Naruto..

If you live in the US, love anime, and have cable, you should have known this before now, but Naruto is coming to Cartoon Network on September 10.
Nothing else to report, so I'm going to wrap this post up telling you to visit my MySpace.
So visit it, foo.
There are more pictures of my kawaii li'l self on there! xD
Leave a comment if you've got a MySpace too. I'll add joo as one of my friends. ^_^
I love you all like Chouji loves snacks!! *huggles*
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