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Thursday, August 25, 2005
The lover call, baby. If you wanna do it, do it right..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. God made 'To Kill a Mockingbird' to see me suffer.
For the others who haven't read it, don't.
It has to be the most boring book I've ever read.
Yesterday, I spent the whole day reading it for school. Thinking that I'd have a quiz today. But it turns out that she wasn't even here today.. *slams head on desk* I hate her.
I was reading Naruto the other day and I found out my ten loved and ten most hated Naruto pairings. So here they are!!
- Kakashi x Naruto
- Naruto x Sasuke
- Kakashi x Sakura
- Zabuza x Haku
- Sakura x Sasuke x Naruto
- Naruto x Iruka
- Kakashi x Iruka
- Orochimaru x Sasuke
- Sakura x Ino
- Itachi x Sasuke
Most Hated..
- Gaara x Lee *vomits*
- Shikamaru x Ino
- Shikamaru x Temari
- Lee x Gai.. don't ask..
- Sasuke x Sakura
- Sakura x Lee
- Neji x Lee
- Chouji x Shikamaru
- Neji x Tenten
- Kiba x Hinata
But yep. That's the list. Thank you for reading it, if you did.
But yes. My phone just rang and I must go now. I drew you guys a pretty picture and I'll upload it later this weekend..
Oh and this is my new saying,
"I love you like Chouji loves snacks!"
It's not too original, but that's okay. You'll live.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
It's that time again, folks.
A Naruto character's birthday.
Today's is Temari..
Honestly, I hate her. Really. She's a little whore, BUT. I guess I can celebrate her birthday. Because I'm in such a good moood.
Happy Birthday Temari..

Anyway. For all of those peoples out there who are wondering what I look like, here's a beautiful picture of myself..

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Friday, August 19, 2005
Just wanted you all to know. ^_^
Uh. I'll be updating on the weekends. My school hours are murder.. *groans and awaits for the comments*
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Friday, August 12, 2005
New Stuff! New Stuff!!
First off, I'd like to say sorry for my post yesterday. It wasn't like me at all. And I thought about it, and when it happens, it'll happen! I shouldn't force myself to fall in love.
I have a word of advice for any of you.
Don't watch Miyuki-chan in Wonderland with your 9-year old brother...
-__- If you've seen it/read it, you'll know what I mean..
Lets just say that I'll be getting A LOT of questions this weekend.. -__-;;
It was good, no doubt, but they needed to extend it longer. It was.. 15 minutes and so was Miyuki-chan in Mirrorland.
^_^ It was typical CLAMP..

And for all you video gamers out there, I got a magazine today at Blockbuster (I also got Donnie Darko, Diradoh!), Official PS Magazine. And it had a big preview of KH2.
For those who don't like spoilers, you can skip the next paragraph..
PSMagazine showed most of the new worlds that you'll be visiting. Not too much of the story line though. (Which made me sad.. damn you, Nomura..) But it was very cool nonetheless..
You'll be revisiting Herc and Aladdin. New worlds include, Mulan, Disney Castle, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and the coolest one, Pirates of the Caribbean.. I just wanna know how they're gonna do that. It talked about using the same human-like strategy that Nomura used in FFX and X-2.
But it's unclear if Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom are going to play their parts in the game, but Keira Knightly is going to play her part of the annoying chick. (It's been so long since I've seen PotC, I've forgotten her name..)
But other than that, nothing new to report. (This is probably my longest TYPED up post in a long time..)
I hope you all have sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite!! ^_^ *group hug*
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Bacon Cheddar Crackers and Sobe
I've found my three new favorite things;
Bacon cheddar crackers, sobe, and Lain AMVs!! ^__^
I posted on someone's site about Lain and "Mad World."
Yeah, I found that AMV. It was good. Very good.. very nice.. very fitting..
Nothing too new to report except I hate my algebra class.. it's too advanced for me!! *sobs on anyone's vacant shoulder*

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BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. I woke up from a nightmare that I had. *light shrug* All the whores that I hate from Naruto tied me up in my closet.
Sad ain't it?
And to add to that, they went after every guy that I have the hots for.
Even Lee..
*sigh* Damn you, Sakura. I hate you even more..
I just watched FMA Episode 13.
Let's just say, for a filler episode, it's one helluva filler!
I can't recall the last time I had to cover my face in my pillow to stop myself from waking my whole fuggin' house up..
It's great.
Here's a purdy Roy picture.. *yawns* It was the first one that came up on Google, so live with it..

I'm going back to bed.. SOME of us have to go to shcool tomorrow.. *sighes and plops self back onto bed*
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Monday, August 8, 2005
I must hold on.. this happens all the time.. I still find my faith in you..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Yo. I took the survery thingy that's on Kayokun's site to here it is..
Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) | Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 117458 times on bzoink! | [x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x] | What's your name? :: | Amanda | Birthplace :: | Somewhere in "way to fuggin' hot Florida" | Age :: | 13 (14 in two weeks!) | Age you act :: | 8 | Current location :: | In my room | Eye color :: | Grey-blue | Hair color :: | Dyed it red Friday night, but it's really brown | Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: | Righty | Zodiac sign? :: | Leo (Chinese Zodiac: Sheep) | Height? :: | Uhm.. 5'3"ish? | [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x] | Your heritage/nationality :: | German! ^o^ (GO RAMMSTIEN!) | Your hair :: | Annoying bangs and my length goes to my shoulders | Your fears :: | No such thing as anime! | Your perfect room :: | Decorated ALL Fruits Basket | What you practically do in a day :: | Eat, sleep, and go on compy. | [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x] | Words you overuse :: | Any cuss word ^_^;; | Phrases you overuse :: | "High school girls, high school girls, all for me, high school girls!" and "SHIGUUUREEE..." | Your first thought when you wake up :: | Ayame.. Chris Sabat.. *drool* | Your greatest accomplishment :: | Making my own computer. | Something you want to do :: | (Don't ask) Buy a pair of panties from Japan. | [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x] | Pepsi or Coke :: | Coke | McDonald's or Burger Kings :: | Burger King | Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: | Neither | Chocolate or vanilla :: | Vanilla | Adidas or Nike :: | Neither | Black or white :: | White | Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: | Bills | Burgers or hot dogs :: | Burgers | Egypt or France :: | Japan | Rock or rap :: | Rock | [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x] | Smoke :: | No | Cuss :: | Fuck yeah! | Sing well :: | Depends on the song | Sing in the shower :: | Yep | Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: | I yell at myself.. ^^ | Believe in yourself :: | Not most of the time | Like taking these longass surveys? :: | Yep! ^_^ | Play an instrument :: | Piano (but it's been years.) | Want to go to college? :: | Yep | Want to get married? :: | Later on, maybe | Want to have children? :: | One child | Think you're a health freak? :: | Nope | Get along with your parents :: | Not my dad | Get along with your siblings? :: | Sometimes, if it involves anime, then we can talk for hours | Think you're popular :: | Not really | [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x] | Gone out of state :: | Nope | Drank alchohal :: | Nope | Smoke :: | Nope | Get high :: | Nope | Done any drugs :: | Nope | Eaten an entire box of oreos :: | I wish.. nope | Been on stage :: | Yep | Gone skinny dipping :: | Nope | Been dumped :: | Nope | Dyed your hair :: | Yep! ^_^ | Stolen anything :: | Thought about it.. but no | [x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x] | Craziest :: | Ashe | Loudest :: | Ashe.. | Most shy :: | Zack | Blondest :: | Zack.. | Smartest :: | Sam, I guess | Kindest :: | PSH. None of my friends! They're all selfish bastards! | Best personality :: | Zack | Most talented :: | Bryan | Best singer :: | Ashe | Most ghetto :: | Samantha | Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: | Katie.. *blocks for a smack* | Pain in the ass :: | SAMANTHA | The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):: | Zack at his blonde moments, but all the time; Samantha | Funniest :: | Bryan | Best person for advice :: | Zack | Dependable :: | Zack | Trustworthy :: | Zaack.. | Druggie :: | *sigh* Zack. | Most likely to end up in jail :: | Samantha | Person you've known the longest :: | Shannon! (first time she's on here! xD) | [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] | Last dream :: | Heheheheh.. me and Shigure.. | Last nightmare :: | Can't recall, but I woke up in cold sweat | Car ride :: | To the orthodontist this morning | Last time you cried :: | When I watched "The Place Promised in Our Early Days" | Last movie seen :: | "Godsend" | Last movie rented :: | Can't recall.. | Last book read :: | Legal Drug.. eheheheheh | Last word said :: | ... "Ow?" | Last curse word said :: | Fuck | Last time you laugh :: | In Science | Last phone call :: | On the bus | Last CD played :: | Nine Inch Nails "With Teeth" | Last song you listened to :: | Tori Amos "Gold Dust" | Last annoyance :: | My dad, asking me to help him with yard work | Last IM :: | Myself, making sure that AOL wasn't going to kick me off | Last weird encounter :: | Having eye to eye contact with this fairly attractive guy in Italian class... | Last person you hugged :: | Zack | Last person you yelled at :: | Zack | Last time you wore a skirt :: | The day when I dumped Josh! ^_^ | Last time you've been evil :: | Uhmmm... can't recall.. | Sarcastic? :: | Oh.. I can't remember.. *sarcastic* | Last time you fought with your parents :: | I don't fight with them.. | Last time you wished upon a star :: | Can't recall | Played Truth or Dare :: | Can't recall | Spent quality time alone :: | Dude, I always spend quality time alone. | [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x] | Are you talking to someone on AIM :: | Nope | Do you feel lonely :: | Nope | Ever TP'd someone's house :: | Nope | How about egging someone's house :: | Nope | Do you not like dislike not like me? :: | Yes? No? | Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :: | No.. no, they're not. Now, if you ask me about Trent Reznor, then I'll agree with you | Yo Momma :: | What about her? *growl* | Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: | Yes.. during 6th period today.. | What do you think of George Bush? :: | Meh. I just wanna know what his IQ is. | Any secret fetishes? :: | Yaoi. Yuri. Ayame. Shigure. Rock Lee. | Do you like to wear chains? O_o :: | They're hard to walk in | How many languages do you speak? :: | About 3 | Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :: | Nope, I type every day.. | Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :: | Yes.. *smirk smirk smirk* | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
That's long, right? ^_^
But anyway, nothing really new to say other than..
(And Temari's in 15 days.. *cough* WHORE *cough*)
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Dudes. I just got back from AFO.
I loved it. It was the greatest.
Guess who I saw..
Chris Sabat.
The voice of Vegeta, Piccolo, and Mr. Popo from DBZ, and of course, Ayame from Fruits Basket.
Guess what he did for me.
He's on my cell phone's voice mail.. as Ayame.
. . .
I love Anime Cons.
I love my voice mail.
I love everything at the moment.
I am on cloud nine. Nothing can bring me down!
Smash my computer and I'll still be smilin! It's great guys.. I could have cried tears of joy..
But anyway, I hugged a really hot Kyo.. I'll scan the picture of me and him later..
When I come back down from earth.. *giggle*
And to add to all of this, Kayokun's quiz is now up!! ^_^ GO TAKE IT NOW, BITCHES! *grrr*
^_^ But no, I didn't cosplay as Ed. My hair was too long to style, so I just went without it. It was still all good.
I'm now addicted to those things..
And to add to the whole theme: an Ayame picture..

If anyone wants to hear it, PM me and I'll send you my cell number. It's so great. Kayokun can back it all up, he heard it! ^___^ *huggles Kayokun*
*floats off*
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
T^T Not worthy! Not worthy!!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Rem.. words can't describe how much I love you.. You've made so many, many graphics for me.. I swear, NO MORE! NO MORE FOR ME! From this moment on, you will never make me any more!!
Yesh.. and to show my love for you, here's a Shuichi picture..

To everyone else..
I got married!! xD xD (once again, Rem did the picture.. all I did was scan it.. *sigh*)
Yep.. we're living very happily right now!! ^_^
Well, I must go to my school's open house. And hopefully after that, look for my Ed wig. ^_^
AFO is in less than 72 hours!! *rock on sign*
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Furuba Fill 'em In
I really can't complain. I mean, Ayame as the guy that loves me? Can't complain there.. *snicker snicker* But Kisa? Why does Kisa-chan hurt me the most? I am her mother after all..
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