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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Yummy, yummy, yummy..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. I love Rem. Really. I do.
She made me this background and my new avatar from the picture below and another picture.
She spoiles me so..
If you want to see the whole picture you can see it here. It's also my wallpaper, Rem! *huggles*
Let's just hope my mom doesn't ask me about my wallpaper.. o_o;;
And here's a little something for all the guys out there.. ^_^

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Wer zu lebzeit gut auf erden..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. T^T No more comments for Amanda-chan? No more visitors for Amanda-chan? What has Amanda-chan done to diserve this? Ah well, I'm sure if I put some of my newer pictures up I'd get more hits, but still..
I feel so left out..
But anyway..
There's nothing new to really report.. just chillin'.. school starts Friday.
Friday. Yes. My county is gay.
AFO is Saturday. And Ashe can't go.
Which made me very sad..
But other than that, nothing new.
J-kun, while I'm thinking about it, there's an Asuka AMV out there that's really cool. It's got Rammstien's Engel for the music.. if you haven't seen it yet, you need to check it out.. Asuka can kick some major ass..
And for all you peoples out there who are still reading this, I'd like to show my appreciation with this yummy picture..

I hyperventilated when I saw it..
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
High Socks Are Cool!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. I hate this layout.
So much. I'm sorry if you're reading this with a HORRIBLE Silent Hill layout. I apologize.
I'm almost done with my Ed costume for AFO. I'm about 75% done. I cut up the shirt and got the shorts. And we're going to Wallyworld tomorrow to get my goggles. Then all I need is the wig..
And for all the idiots out there who don't know who Ed (NOT EDWARD ELRIC, DAMMIT!) is, here's a picture of HER..

That one. From Cowboy Bebop. Yes.
My mom tells me that I'm skinny enough to be her.. -__-..
I'll take plenty of pictures of me at AFO.. just for you guys..
But I have to say this..
The shirt.. makes me feel SO naked.. it's not even a shirt.
More like a rag.
Hopefully you guys will get a kick out of seeing my belly.. xP
I'm not that much of a looker, honestly..
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
You No Take My Candle!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. I'm getting bored of Shino. I need a new layout. I'm thinkin of WoW.. just to go along with my obsession! ^_^;;
As you can see, I deleted my info at the top so I can make room for more fanlistings. If anyone *new* to my page has any questions about my vitals, just ask and I shall answer! (Depending on the question that is..)
I've joined about three new FLs and they'll be up later today, so come back by later to see what "other" things I'm a fan of.. *wink wink*
My friend Shannon is coming over today! I haven't seen her in about a year or two.. I think my family has a problem with long-distance relationships.. >_<
And for CP, I do miss you! I miss you with all my heart! I've just been sidetracked with other things to stay in touch. But I hope this little paragraph will make up for it! *huggles*
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Missing You..
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. The title has nothing to do with anything I'm about to post. It's just a line from the song I'm listening to right now. (Magic Key)
Well. I have to say it. I've passed the point of addiction. World of Warcraft has taken grasp of my whole life.
Anyone who's played EverQuest or Raganok or whatnot, you need to play WoW. You'll get hooked.
My elf is currently on level seven. Three more levels up and I'll be able to have pets fight with me! *cheer*
I'm re-reading .hack just because it reminds me so much of WoW. ^^
I know, I know. I need a life..
But it's still very fun to play, and it's still summer for me, so why waste hours on the internet when I can be gaining levels on WoW? ^__^
Oh, and anyone who wants a picture, let me know, I've got a drawing itch that I just need to scratch..
And that sounded wrong on SO many levels.. ><
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Ed is sexy. Her music.. is.. SO FUNNY! xD
I couldn't breathe the first time I heard it!! I really need that song on my iPod.. I'd really be the shiznit then..
Speaking of iPods, I got mine to work, YAY! ^_^
And my cousins left not too long ago.. my poor wittle face got burnt at the beach.. *light sigh*
I might peel.. but! I did get some sun on my legs, so I don't look too much like some person who doesn't have a life and that sits on her butt all day on her computer..
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Dope, Coke, and Warcraft
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. My three new addictions; Dope, Coke, and Warcraft.
Dope; the band, the coolest band I've ever friggin' heard.
Coke; the drink, I've been drinking this stuff for about a week now..
Warcraft; the greatest game ever. I love my Night Elf, so much. And then (CP is going to love this) I got an Undead named Orichimaru. Haha! Great, right? I know. I'm a genius..
Well, we're going to the beach, so I've gotta go for now, I'll post again later after I get my Dope, Coke, and Warcraft fixes.
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Happy happy birthday!! ^__^
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Even though I hate him, will all my heart, I GUESS I could celebrate Mr. Angst's birthday.
I'm talking about none other than Mr. Sasuke.
*waves a little flag* Yay. Whoopie. Congrats. Brat.
Anyway! I got Furuba volume 11 today!! Kyo's still a pussy! ^__^
Akito and Shigure are as hot together as ever! ^__^
Momiji gets beat up! ^__^
You get to see Rin naked! ^__^
(I swear, for a Japanese girl, she has some BIG breasts.. >_<)
But yeah. Lots of stuff. My cousins from North Carolina are here until Monday night, so that's been fun. We might go to the beach tomorrow.
But anyway. I love DDR.
I am now.. a DDR junkie. To the point where it's scary.
I got World of Warcraft! ^__^ It's coo!
I'm a Night Elf called Istas! If you ever see me, come and talk to me!
I want a panda cub soooo frikin' badly.. they're SO cute.. u__u
I got an iPod.
I can't use it on Tomato, which sucks.
But enough hopping from one topic to another, Adult Swim is about to come on, so I'm going to get me some munchies and chill for a few hours..
Later! ^_^
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The Place Promised...
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Last night, I went out and rented Constantine and The Place Promised in our Early Days. Constantine was ok-ay. (I liked Gabriel) But.. The Place Promised.. was all I dreamt it would be.. and more.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. And the storyline was so original. (I wouldn't suggest it to guys though.) I thought it would have more action and whatnot, but the only GOOD action parts were at the end (or the beginning of the war).
For girls who love drama and heartache; rent it, buy it, do whatever you need to do to see it. Whoever did Saiyuri's voice, did an excellent job. I have to say, by far, my favorite part, was when Saiyuri was still in her "dream" and she saw the airplane coming towards her and she started to pray to God.
I.. couldn't hold my emotions in.
Truely beautiful.
Well, I had to get up early today to register at my new high school (because I'm special and I have gud rightn skilz) and I'm t-i-r-e-d. So, I'm going to bed.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Kukukukukukukuku... (Ashe's evil laugh..)
TheOtaku FINALLY put up my Naruto pictures.. AND I COMMAND YOU TO GO SEE THEM, FOO!
The Kiba/Akamaru one, hands down is my favorite piece of artwork I've ever drawn.
Kiba looks really, really, REALLY hot in it.. You can't look at that picture and say that he doesn't look hot. It's impossible.
So go see Kiba, if you don't want me to burn down your village and eat your babies.
And as for my Chouji and Neji pictures, Chouji doesn't look AS fat and Neji..
Well, I have nothing to say about him. I don't even like that little prick..
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