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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Numa numa i-ay numa numa numa iay!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Not really an update or anything, but I just need to say these three things:
1. I love the Dragostea Din Tei/Chouji & Shika AMV. I can't get enough of it. I wouldn't be surprised if Dragostea Din Tei is a brain-washing song..
2. I hate Shika x Ino pairings. Hate them. Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. With a burning passion. Really..
3. Last thing, I love CP soooo much!!! *glomps him* He made a "Who's your Naruto guy" PQ!! Kyah! I can't wait to take it!!
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Monday, July 18, 2005
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Just joined three more fanlistings.
I'd love to join more, but I've run out of room. So I can't.
A Shikamataku, Rock Lee, and Kiba/Akamaru fanlistings. My favorite one is the Shika one. You've gotta go see that one! (And maybe join it! *wink wink nudge nudge* ^_^)
There are no Chouji fanlistings. And that makes me sad. If I had Photoshop, I'd make a Chouji fanlisting.
But I don't. Maybe I can ask Rem.. *shrug*
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The Greatest Thing Ever...
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Last night.. around 11 or so, I download the greatest AMV of all friggin' time.
You know the Numa Numa song? Yeah, the some other foregin language song that it seems like everyone is singing nowadays? Well, I found a Naruto AMV with Shikamaru and Chouji lip singing to it..
Pure genius.
You can download the masterpiece here.
On another note, I'd like to thank closet pervert for making my day and signing my Guestbook. ^^
Later! ^^
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Shino Aburame
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. ^___^ Like the new look? I do! Yeah, it's Shino. My next man in line. Because of him, he's got me turned on to bugs.. I want to go outside tomorrow and find a whole buncha bugs and just watch them do their thing..
*groan* I know. I'm a nerd. I won't do that. I'll stay in bed all day.. u__u
Whenever I get bored of Shino, I'll change it over to Shikamaru. Speaking of him, I was on the phone with my friend and this is how it went:
Me: "God.. Shikamaru is so hot with his fish net shirt an--"
Katie: "Wait.. you're calling a vegetable hot?"
Me: "..."
Katie: "Is a Shikamataku some kind of Japanese vegetable that I don't know of?"
Me: "No. I said ShikaMARU."
Katie: "Ohhhh.."
It was funny. I'm going to call him Shikamataku from now on. ^_^
I'm bummed that we don't have fireflies in Florida. Something about it being too hot or something.. *shrug* That's another reason why I want to more to Georgia.. *sighes as she drifts away into a daydream*
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Team 8: Kiba, Shino, and Hinata
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. All day today.. I've been downloading AMVs (not good for the hard drive, I know). And I've finally narrowed down my favorite Naruto team. Team 8. Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. I've got about... 5 or 6 AMVs about them. It's sad. I know.
The Kiba and Akamaru AMV is the second saddest one I've seen (the Rock Lee one being my saddest...) from what I can tell, Kiba and Akamaru fought the two-headed guy and won, but getting severely injured.
And I'm not the kind of girl who cries easily.. but I cried. On the Kiba and Akamaru AMV.
My favorite Shino one is 'King of Insects' which you can download here. (Note: You have to be logged into It seems that AMVs get me turned on to characters. (That's what happened with me and Lee) Shino is now next in line after Lee. He has gotten me turned on to bugs. Last night, there was a fly buzzing around my computer screen and out of no where, I shouted, "SHINO'S HERE!!" After stopping to realize what I said, I burst out laughing, seeing how obsessed I've gotten. I feel sorry for my parents.. ^^;;
Hinata. Wow. Hinata. I've never thought I'd have feelings for her. Honestly. But after the "Avenging Hinata" AMV. I have feelings for her! Hinata and her misty eyes! ^__^ She's the cutest. And Neji is a dick. I don't like him. At all.
And I know he isn't in Team 8, but Shikamaru.
I need to cosplay as Shikamaru. He's so average, that's its hot. He doesn't want to be the best, just average. That's hot. Right there. *nods*
Getting off the AMV note, I drew a lot of Naruto guys last night. I drew Shikamaru, Chouji, Neji, and Kiba. Hinata too, but I didn't want to put her in the list of guys.. ^^;; I'll color them and post them on the Fan Art section.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
O... M... G...
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Okay.. okay.. last night.. (more like yesterday morning.) Ashe, my mom, and myself went to go and pick up our pre-ordered Harry Potter book (nerds, I know.) and as we were waiting in line, next to the manga section, guess what I found.. ^______^ Guess!!
. . .
-__- NO. I didn't find a real-life Rock Lee reading Naruto, sadly. But I found.. THE UZUMAKI ARTBOOK!!!!!!!
Or maybe fate.. I don't know. I don't care. As long as I have the book. Oh dudes, this book.. has changed me forever.. honestly. It's THAT cool. But sadly.. there's only about.. 4 or 5 pictures with Rock Lee in them.. but Gaara? Oh. Easy.
More than Lee..
. . .
Oh, and more Tenten and Shino. They need uber love ya'll. Plus, weapons and bugs pwn.
Depending on the ninja using them.. *ponders*
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Rock Lee-full Day!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Dudes, dudettes, whatever. I have found the kick assest Rock Lee website ever. You must go and see it if you don't want me to hunt you down, burn down your village, and eat your babies. And I haven't eaten babies in a long time.. *wink*
Surpassing Genius
What I'm about to show you, is already on the website above, but I thought that it might clear somethings up for you, why I love Rock Lee so much.. *ahem*
- He kicks some serious ass with his moves.
- He's absolutely hilarious and brings comedy into Naruto.
- He's hardworking and never gives up. He needs to share some of these traits with us. ¬¬
- He believes in himself and others.
- He's always polite, even to those who aren't to him.
- He's caring, even saving a squirrel with an explosion note. Animal lover! :D
- His bowl hair cut pwnz j00. XD It takes skills to keep every strand of that hair gleaming and in perfect condition even after he's done fighting. What conditioner does he use mmm?
- I'm telling ya, thick eyebrows are the new trend. :D
- Spandex! Who doesn't love spandex. At least he isn't constantly wrapped in an oversized eskimo coat. *stares at Neji*
- He's passionate! He makes you want to strive to be stronger too! (ok maybe not ¬¬)
- He scares the hell out of Sakura (at first). HA. Try and dodge his heart-shaped kisses.. not that I'd want to.. ^^
- If you insult him, he doesn't care. If you insult his teacher, he'll bite your head off and kick your ass. RAWR.
- Look at the name! It's a kick ass name in itself. Rock Lee. It rolls off your tongue. How can you be named Rock Lee and not rock?!
Yesh.. that should clear things up for you. As you visit 'Surpassing Genius', try to remember the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."
And I leave you with a kick ass Rock Lee picture..
Later! ^^
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Really Want to Get Inside My Head?
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Okay. I finished number 10 (of Fruits Basket) and I always make a list of things that I found that really stuck out for myself. (There's quite a few for number ten! ^^) So, here we go!
Oh, and they're in order of reading the manga. Which is kinda fun if you're reading it, then you'll understand what I'm talking about. ^^
- *sigh* The filler sketch is much better than the one piece. *rolls eyes*
- xD xD!! Tohru can't swim!! What an idiot!!
- I love how Kyo can change his attitude in a blink of an eye! It's so cute.
- I find Kisa's manipulation over Hiro so cute. Sometimes I wish I had that ability.. *evil snicker*
- Shigure + Akito = Pure hotness
- I guess after reading Eerie Queerie, I got a real good kick out of Haru and Yuki sharing a bedroom.. *nosebleed*
- From now on, I'm calling Tohru "stupid woman." It fits her very well.
- xD xD P-poor Kisa-chan.. getting hit from a door.. *stiffling laughter*
- Kyo and Hiro in the same scene.. priceless.
- Shigure and Mayu looked really cute together! ^^
- "I liked how his smiles would fall like a single drop of rain.." - Mayu
- Shigure.. is so.. cute!! ^^ I'll go out with you!! *desperate*
- "I won't go out with someone just because I'm lonely, ever again, because I know that the loneliness will only increase.." - Mayu. Gosh. She is my new favorite character. She is the only person I've ever really related to..
- "There are times when I cry suddenly, like turning on the lights, without caring what's around me, and times when I can't do anything but cry. Afterwards, I like to happily eat rice." - Natsuki
- xD xD!! Mayu's mom is so funny!
- That's settled. Uotani, Mayu, and Kyoko-san are my favorite characters. For reasons unknown, I always like the less-popular characters.. u__u
- Kisa: "Aren't you going to swim, Shigure-nii?"
Shigure: "I'm admiring bathing suits."
Hiro: *drags Kisa away*
- "There has to be a watermelon smashing tournament!! To celebrate Hiro's mama having a baby!"
- Haru... is so... cooooooool.. *drool*
- Tohru: "In celebration of Hiro-san's baby--"
Hiro: "I TOLD you it's NOT my baby!!"
- Kisa: "I'll do my best to celebrate too.."
- Aww... Kisa-chan, Momiji-kun, and Hiro-chan are so cute sleeping together.. ^^
- Kyoko-san is so kick ass!!!
- *hiss* Hand.. on.. LEG.. *glares*
- Awww!! *points to picture* Hiro and Kisa are holding hands!! Do you see that?! Do you?!
- Akito is a psycho.. a very cool one at that.
- KYAHH!! Yuki!! You are the shiznit!! And why does Tohru look so scared when Yuki says that? Is she afraid of commitment?! xD xD
Well, I had fun doing that. I don't know if you did. But I did. And it gave me something to do. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Me and Ashe didn't get any sleep last night. It was still fun.. even if I found out what happened between the fight with Gaara and Lee... *sobs* LEE!! NOOOO!!!
*sniffle* L-later.. *sobs*
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You've Gotta Love Guy On Guy Romance...
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Ashe let me borrow Eerie Queerie. It's a cute series. Mitsuo is defiantly my favorite. He's so dense, that you can't help but love him. (Kinda like Tohru. But for me, it's a love/hate relationship..) I need to date a guy like him.. *ponders*
I got the new Furuba too. Numbah 10! w00t Natsuki! Double digits! I was flipping through the pages.. and almost shit myself when I saw the last page. *shrugs* At least Yuki has the balls to say it. Kyo's all talk, no action. And god damn, on page 162. That little whore has her hand on Kyo's leg. I swear, she thinks she's so cute! *grumble* I can see through her little act.. Oh, believe me.. I can.. oh. And I'm pregnant.
. . . . .
Caught you off guard? xD No, I'm not really. Hiro-chan is just my baby. And.. in the manga, I called him and told him that I'm pregnant! ^^;; I swear! Rock Lee and I haven't even gotten that serious!
(I know Ashe is cracking up.. ^^ So I'm going to end it here.)
Later! ^^
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Dun dun dun.. it's your birthday! Dun dun dun, it's my birthday too!
BABY, I WANT IT HARDER. Meh. Fun, fun, fun. Ashe (RMmercenary) so got me pumped for Gravitation, and now I want to watch it. *pouts* But I have to wait for AFO.. We talked for a long while today. About what voices for anime people they have butchered. Sanji (of course) was number one on the list. That. Was so sad. Hearing his voice.. *groans* I just hope they don't do that for Lee's voice.. I'll cry. Really. Right then and there. Honestly. You don't know me that well. But yeah. If I go to AFO I'll be cosplaying for the first time (and it'll be my first con too! xD). I'm such a con-virgin. *groan* But Ashe and Rem will make it fun. I'm sure of it. Now.. onto the Naruto update..
September 10th, at 9 PM, Cartoon Network will be premiering Naruto. And I'm counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds. Bitches. You have no idea HOW FUCKING PUMPED I am for this. I've been waiting for too long. Way too long.
Another side note. Today is Kiba and Akamaru's birthdays! YAY! Happy birthday puppies!
- Later ... bitches...
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