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myOtaku.com: shadowwolfhiglue

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

at school well at the end of school when i was waitin for my mom to pick me up from school
there were these guys and they started to pick on me and my friend azaru then for no stinken
reason they called us lesbians nothin wrong with lesbians im just not one and then they called me and azaru sluts and whores one of them azaru slamed into a wall and i made
one of them fall on there ass it was funny but they kapt callin us whores and sluts it was really pissin me off and when i was
makin one of them fall my mom had come those guys better be glad it wasent my brother he would have knocked them once and they would be dead i wish they were and one of them hit azaru in the head 2 times in the head with a football

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