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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Wow it’s been along time since I’ve been on the otaku.
So let me think here—not much happing I am currently living in Missouri with my aunt and uncle while I save up to go to school this fall. I’ll be going to school in Michigan so I’m really looking forward to that ha! I can’t wait! I don’t like it here in Missouri…kind of a dull place ah well I’ll live.
i know this is a short post but i need to go look at some other peoples sites (havne't been to see my friends in acouple months)
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Hello my fellow Otaku dwellers!
It has been some time since I've been on myotaku. have you guys missed me? Yeah right you guys didn't even know i was gone did you? *Sob* thats ok, I'll get over it. Its just the pain in my heart is hard to ignore. ahhhh!
anyways I'm working on some cristmas art should be done in acouple of days well I got to go..
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
In the states!
Well I've been in the states for a couple of days now and its swell. ahh the sweet tast of libety! I am now in florida in the small town of Sanford. I won't be here long I leave in a week or two I'm just staying with some friends while i try and figuar out what I'm going to do. The only thing that is not cool is they don't have internet so right now I'm in an internet cafe. and it cost a ton! so i got to go.
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Well not to much going on here, I'm just waiting for the 26th. Not much else to do till I leave. So I've been playing Runescape....yes I know that game is frowned upon but I like it. It gives me somting to do when there is nothing to do.. like now for exsample....umm oh yeah i'll be going to the beach next week that'll be cool. oh thats right its cold in the USA isn't it? I guess you guys won't be going swimming for a long time yet! that sucks!
....wait that means i need to go buy some warmer stuff before I head to the states. wow am i glad we had this talk that would have not been cool. lol i guess I'll be going into town today! lol
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
When I was coming out of the airport five guys started yelling at me saying “taxi! taxi!” talking to me in terrible broken English. Lol it was kind of funny. People always mistake me for a tourist because I’m white. Ahh well I don’t really care it can be kind of humorous. Anyways sorry that I’ve been gone for so long I’m now at a friend’s house and will be here till I leave for the states.
Sorry for this short post—but I want to go check out your sites!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Well I’m off to Caracas(the capital of Venezuela)there are some things I need to do there before I can leave for the states. I have my plane ticket bought and I leave Venezuela on the 26th of this month! Haha can’t wait. Anyways things are crazy; I gotta get ready to leave for Caracas in a couple of hours.
So I’ll make a new post when I can.
(sorry guys but i don't have time to check out your sites... i'll get on that tonight after i get to Caracas)
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Revolution has started...are you ready?

I have witnessed with my own eyes an evil. An evil that grows stronger every day—I had a friend whom I trusted. She lured me to her site and I being the trusting fool I am followed like a sheep being led to the slaughter. It wasn’t’ till after I was in her domain that the evil that poured from her soul blinded me. I wept! (yeah yeah I cried like a little girl) Then she used her 3vil ninja mind controlling techniques to try and force me to willing give my soul to her master…Evil Monkey…. I was lucky to have escaped with my life this betrayal has grieved me greatly…Why Crystalflute? Why would you give your soul to the evil one?....
Sorry my fellow Otaku dwellers for that emotional out burst. All that to say we must fight back against this dark empire’s shadow…the shadow of Evil Monkey! We must wait and believe because one day the one chosen will step forward and claim his (or hers lol gotta be politically correct!) destiny.
The revolution has started! Are you ready?
(Oh by the way it’s the dark lord evil monkey’s birthday it might be nice to go wish him a happy birthday—because until the chosen one decides to step up we’re all screwed!)
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I am very displeased with my president. I think he’s going to bring this country communism. Plus he’s always bringing down Bush and saying that all Venezuela’s troubles are because of the USA and I’m tired of him blaming Bush for everything. Lol I can’t wait to become an American! But I can’t apply for citizenship for five long years. Oh well it will make it that much better when I do get it. I got my greencard now so at least I can live in the USA.
Though it will be kind of cool once I become an American I’ll have three nationalities. Canadian, Venezuelan and American ha! I can’t wait.
I got my new fanart out so feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.
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Monday, November 7, 2005
I posted a third pic today... but its not out yet i don't know why it should be out! ahhh! anyways if its not out by tomorrow I'll repost it.
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Sorry guys I'm really busy I can't talk for long but I do have some new fanart out so check it out and let me know what joo guys think.
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