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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Ah my plans change again! It seems I will now be moving to the states early rather then latter! Which works for me. I am now planning on going to the states sometime this month. Lets see what else?—oh yeah my friends and I are going to watch some Lost tonight so that should be cool Ha! Second season here I come! Well I got to go get some coffee its been like an hour since I had a cup.
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Friday, November 4, 2005
Well I would have had a pic out today but Meeshia came over today and I showed him the pic I was going to post and he beged me not to post it cause he was planing on posting the same pic HA! so being the nice guy I am I told him I wouldn't. Ah well I'll just have to do a new one so maybe I'll have one out in acouple of days I don't know we'll see what happens.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
I was up pretty late last night working on this pic so I hope you guys like it. It’s Largo and Piro from Megatokyo. its not out yet but it should be out soon so check it out and let me know what you guys think.
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Well some stuff came up and I won’t be leaving for the US of A as soon as I was hoping. I have to wait till February now but its not that big of a deal. Getting the greencard was the hard part which I have so its all good!
We had a little earth quake the other day ha ha it was kind of freaky at first I was at the table working on my laptop (a mac of course cause they are way better than dells!) and my chair started shaking and at first I was like the what the crap? So I stand up and my chair is like vibrating so much its moving so I grabbed my computer and am getting ready to run for my life (oh by the way I live on the tenth floor) So I’m thinking that I should take the stairs and not the elevator I look over at my fish tank and the water is jumping back in forth in there so I’m like ok I got to get out of here (ahh I’m to young to die!) I’m going out the door and I remember my American papers that I’ve worked so hard to get! Can’t go with out them so I go running back into get them—but I don’t remember where I put them! Ha! So I’m looking for them now and by the time I found them it was hardly shaking at all. So I never did actually get out side. So it wasn’t that bad of a quake (if you can call it a quake) I mean nothing even got knocked over so it wasn’t that bad. Anyways that’s about all that’s been going on recently
Till next time.
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
An Official American Immigrant

As you may have guessed from my title my paper work went through and I am now an American immigrant! As of now I plan on going to the states in a month. I’m getting excited, its really happening!
I had to go through hell to get it—but it was worth it! For example in the middle of the night the bus I was on broke down so I had to wait four hours for a new bus to come out and pick us up then the air condition wasn’t working on the new bus… and yeah it just wasn’t cool. But its over and I have my papers so its all good. Ahh the sweet smell of liberty.
Well its getting late and I got next to no sleep on the bus so I’m going to call it quits. Oh just so you guys now I hope to have some new fanart out on Saturday. Good night
has anyone seen cave? was it any good? I'm wondering cause I might go see it tomorrow and just wanted to know if it was worth spending money on.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Me Voy

I need to get ready to go I leave in a couple of hours but I thought I’d get on real quick before I do. So I won’t be back on till Thursday or something so I’ll talk to you guys then.
Don’t forget to sign my GB and check out my fan art, let me know what you think.
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Ahhh! Evil bus!

Well tomorrow I will be going to Caracas (the capital of Venezuela) to finish up my paper work for becoming an American! Wh00t! I have to go appear before the American embassy. So I will be leaving tomorrow at 6pm (by bus) which really sucks. Crap! Why do plane tickets have to cost so freaking much?! So yeah I’m not looking forward to it cause its like a 12 hour bus trip. (Very not coo) But who knows maybe I’ll get to sit by a pretty girl—Ha! Like that ever happens! Anyways I won’t be able to get on line while I’m gone so I hope you guys won’t miss me to much while I’m gone! Lol
Anyways I have an idea for a picture I want to do and hopefully if it turns out good I will make it my avatar pic.
So if any of you guys have ideas on how to help pass 12 hours—I’m all hears!
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Miho fan art

Allright guys my miho pic is out! (evil one) so check it out and let me know what you think. (cause I really want to know what your real thoughts are about it)
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
evil one

Ok my pic is done and ready to be posted! However, my friend told me it would be better if I posted it in the morning. (not exactly sure why but I decided to take his word on it) So tomorrow morning I will post it.
My picture is of Miho, the dark, cute and possibly the zombie queen She is a character from Megatokyo an on line comic/manga and if you have not read it I highly suggest you do!
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Work again

Ok guys I know I said I would have my art out today—but I don’t. Ha! Sorry my bad. I was at work all day again. I had a bit of time off during the noon but bacicly I worked all day. Yeah it was crazy Meeshai, Takito and I were in the back of a pickup truck full of some guy’s furniture. Going like 100 miles an hour down the street. (Well I may be over exaggerating a bit) but yeah it was pretty cool. Things you can do here in Venezuela and get away with are insane! I thought I was going to fall out.
So yeah now I have some major sunburn. But its all good. I have tomorrow off so I’ll be sure to get the pic I’m working on out.
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